
Slave To The Alpha

Omega Asher's life hasn't been a bed of roses, a fate that he didn't decide to be born with but his Father makes it more difficult for him and after his mother died at the hands of his father he ran away from home, As fate will have it have its way, Asher will be saved by the Head Alpha, Governor Theodore, which didn't have interest for Asher at first, but Asher desperately volunteered to hand over his life for him, pretending to be who he is not, A Beta that he will never be. Governor Theodore saved him for an unknown reason meanwhile Asher felt a bond connection with Theodore and immediately he knew they were fated mates but his life turned out to be what he least expected.

LameRuler · Fantasy
Not enough ratings
14 Chs

Pet Name 'Ash.


"Alpha? What do you mean?" I asked slowly glaring at every corner of his face hoping it is not what I'm thinking he is referring to.

"Are you saying that you can hide the fact that you are an Omega from me? Even a day-old pup in Phoenix Pack can detect who you are, we are not divine healers for a mere myth, it will be quack of me not to know who you are don't you think so?"

"How did you know?"

"From the moment l saw you, Asher, you are attractive beyond words, l will be strange if l don't have the interest to keep looking at your face like this, so don't worry it's our little secret, no one is going to know about it."

"I'm sorry, l didn't mean to hide it from you."

"Common, l never asked you, remember? I just happen to know and it's fun to watch you pretend to be the opposite of who you are, what did you tell Theodore?"

"Beta, l told him that was my rank."

"Then we will keep it that way, but not for long if you agree to come with me and live in my Pack, where you don't have to be afraid of getting caught, l know all the Pack in the North Region, including the one l lead is against Omega breed, but l can make you comfortable for the rest of your life," He muffled precisely which had my breath hitching fervently, my eyes drafted to the side as he walked closer to where l was seated leaning back against the gatch bed.

"what do you say? If you agree it will be easier for the both of us, l want to help you, l had a feeling it was you when l heard the rumour flying around that Theodore brought back a feisty Beta with his clothes soaked with blood, some said you struggled and got beaten up by Governor that he brought you here forcefully, some said the Governor favoured a lower rank wolf from a unknown family background and he is currently lying sick under his roof, l wanted to see this person for me too."

"Did l disappoint you?"

"Now you are flirting with me again? What should l do with you? " He muttered, drawing his face closer to mine, which caused me to look away immediately. I'm actually asking the obvious question, was he really expecting to see me? Am I the only unfortunate person he has met in his life? Mother was right, Alpha are effortlessly strange, their bizarre way of thinking and demeanour aura is at a bake and call, but l won't let myself succumb to ways that will allow me to end up like my mother.

"I will talk to Theodore to give you to me, is that okay with you?"

"Yes, Alpha, " l answered with no hesitation, still looking away in a direction comfortable for me.

"I haven't seen you with the token l gave you? Did you throw it away already?"

"No Alpha, but l indeed lost it." I retorted with an unclear tone.

"I know, I'm not hurt."

"l went looking for it, but Alpha Theodore stopped me, and my inducer went missing when l woke up too." I confided in him without thinking twice, he makes me feel comfortable all though it might be very sudden.

"Are you inducing your scent? Where did you misplace such a rare remedy?"

"I had it in my pocket when l fainted, l can't remember anything else, but it might be in my clothes but the Alpha said such rags cannot be kept around in his Pack."

"Tsk, Theodore said that you don't have to get used to that, l will take you out of here soon and don't worry l will find your property for you and you are going to owe me double of your grateful heart, " He said teasingly and our both eyes turned to the knock on the door.

"Excuse me, Alpha, The Governor requests dinner with you." The guard announced.

"I will be there soon, " Alpha Alexander answered without taking his eyes off me, l could feel the guard's eye on me before he walked away

"Do you need anything else? Avoid moving around for some time, your body is more fragile than an average wolf, you don't want to cause overexertion on your muscle or l will be glad to cut your body to ease your pain."

"I understand, Alpha." 

"I will be back soon, l will come to stay with you so you won't be lonely." He said patting my head."You came here for something important why would you spend time with me, there are eyes on me already." I complained about the attention that makes it shiver in my spine, they say Omega live their best lives with an Alpha that has a love interest in them, and the saying still goes that the Alphas are the Omega's worst enemy, one to totally dominate them to crest piece, one to possess their entire being.

I remember my mother wishing that l find someone that would love me for who I am and A wolf of a higher rank that won't take advantage of me, she said that l could settle for even a Gamma that is ready to bond with me and how l should avoid all Alphas in my part like a plaque, of course, my father is a perfect example of why one like my being should steer clear from Alphas, my mother wasn't an Omegas but her fate was determined by an Alpha.


"Ssh, l rubbed on intense pain that came on my ear."

"I'm still here, what are you thinking about? " He appealed honestly.

"I'm sorry, l get lost in my thought easily."

"Do you prefer l have my dinner here, together with you?"

"Please don't play about something like that, " l responded respectfully not daring to accept the expensive joke.

"Wait here for me, if you feel pain anywhere let me know immediately, l will be back soon, l can give some shot that will help you rest well, " He said opening my eyelid with his fingers.

"I'm fine, Alpha, you should go."

"Of course, l know you are fine and more importantly your heat isn't coming very soon right? You can't hide your scent when you're in heat does this mean you will keep asking for my help like this?"

"No, Alpha…l can handle that, " l stuttered rigorously as l couldn't help my entire face from flushing red.

"Don't be so tense, Ash, I'm only teasing you, " He mumbled sarcastically walking away, he waved back at me without turning his body.

I shook my head incredulously at his ridiculous thought, how can he think about something like that, once again the space got lonely and overwhelming, l missed his presence already and did he just call me Ash?