
Hello again

Hello i am back after a long hiatus, about 9 months.

i will be explaining what happened and what will happen in the future.

First thing is wtf happened that made me go bye bye for 9 months.

I had to deal with school and contemplating whether or not i will be continuing my course,

i have nothing against study, in fact i enjoy studying but only this that i find interest in.

Another thing i had to deal with was my suddenly blurriness of my left eye which resulted in me going to a bunch of doctors and finding out i got cataract and had to do a surgery while successfully still made me unable to see anything in short distance.

And the last thing i dread the most is national service, in singapore (where i live in) it is mandatory for 18 year old singapore/PR to give away 2 years of their lives and service the army. I had to do a medical check up as well as a random test. I am still currently free and have not yet enlisted so yay but only till next year.

As for what will happen in the future for this novel.

This novel, specifically this series will be dropped and i will be making a new novel call slave hunter, it will still have a harem but the way it will be done will hopefully be different from what i portrayed in this novel.

I will still use the concept of the omniverse and mc being me will still continue cause that makes it easier for me to visualize and think of the dialog.

I have also been thinking about the way i thought and wrote the novel and found that it was very troublesome.

1. I am a newbie not even a rookie when it comes to writing novels so i don't know much of do's and don'ts

2. i realized that having a system that lets you get skills can and will become a pain in the ass very fast and very quickly, having to write down everything the mc gets and having to keep track of all the skill the mc has is a pain and remember in point 1, i am a newbie.

3. Have to do the different annotation to show people talking and their thoughts also becomes a pain which so many different symbols it became to confusing.

In the end hopefully anyone who sees this or what of will come and support me in the next novel.

I might come back in the future when i have gotten some more experience in writing novels.

i will not be writing 2 or more novel at the same time as i don't believe i got the experience to do so without fucking the quality of the novel.Also another thing to add is that i will most likely not write any R18 scene, while i do read/watch hentai/porn, i simply don't have the experience of writing down what i consider my imagination as strong AF.