
Slave Boy With Magic Powers ( The princess loves me)

Author While enjoying his life as a prince, never predicted that one day he could become a slave. He was faced with a hard life while living with his master. One day two assassins were sent to kill his Master and Author went to save her life dispite knowing that he couldn't. But Author had a chain wich he wore containing a crystal wich his father left behind. The crystal glowed and Author was filled with power and he could see that the attacks of the assassins had slowed down then he defeated them with ease. -- Pods fell from the sky one day containing dangerous new type of monsters and Author while traveling was almost hit by one of these pods and when it opened, it was humanoid figures from another dimension. Author was Kidnapped to a different world and there he unlocked the Great Wizard System. This Novel is worth your time. It is Unique and has a taste of everything in it. From adventure to magic, to romance,weak to strong, System. Deep down in a forest, it was a cold night and the moon was completely round, blessing the villagers down below with it's bright light. The villagers sat around a huge inferno of fire and there was Laughter and chatter from both the old and young as they devoured away the results of their hunt. A little girl looked up and saw something wich she thought it wise to bring it to the attention of her mother. " Look mum it's a shooting star." The little girl's mother looked up with much expectations and so did the rest of the villagers. Everyone became very excited to see such a rare star and they started making wishes. Time passed and the girl's mum noticed that something was wrong with the star. It seemed to be growing bigger. " I must say this is the strangest shooting star I have ever seen" One of the villagers spoke. Another villager felt something landing on his neck and he slapped it knowing that it was a mosquito. When he opened his palms, a strange glowing fly could be seen. Other villagers were shocked by this fact and suddenly the man started sending out foam from his mouth and he dropped dead. " That is no ordinary star, everyone run and get in your homes and shut the doors and windows now."

Divi_Chris_2233 · Fantasy
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39 Chs


' Non of my attacks seems to be working on them so I must think out of the box.'

(( Congratulations your stats have been updated you can now check your stats on the dashboard.))

With this notification, Author felt a little pain in his body, but it stopped just as it came, then he felt that the energy in his body had increased.

' With this energy I might stand a chance' The glow in Author's eyes increased.

It no longer had a dim mixture of yellow and orange glow but it grew brighter, having a light red glow this time and the line patterns appeared once again, this time even clearer.

' So this lines are getting clearer as as I level up. This skill, Weapon Efficiency is better than I thought.'

Author was the one to charge in this time around for an attack.

The Flame Wolves noticed that Author was faster and stronger. For the first time, fear started settling in their minds. There were five of them left, so it gave them a little confidence.

Author had to give in all he had.

So he teleported behind one of them and sent out an attack but they were fast too so he needed to be faster. His weapon left behind a wound but it didn't matter as the would closed back almost immediately.

' Damn! their regeneration is good.' Author thought to himself. But he kept going since he was not tired with his new found energy.

He succeeded to slash some arms and he discovered that the arms took longer to grow back.

' Come on, come on.... Where are you when I need you?' Mara was trying to activate what ever ability it was that came to her before, in order to help Author. She closed her eyes and tried to concentrate in order to find the energy within her.

Then she remembered that the ability came to her when she saw Author getting hurt.

She decided to picture the events of Author getting hurt, then she pictured her mother getting hurt, then she pictured how she loosed her father. And bit by bit her anger kept rising. Then her eyes turned white and no pupil could be seen in it.

" Author concentrate on the crystal on their chest, it is their core." Said Mara.

Author heared Mara's voice, then he turned and looked at her and noticed that she was in that state again.

Author never questioned her, but he turned and looked at the crystal on the chests of the beasts. He tried to use his telekinesis to take out the crystals. it was succeeding but the wolves covered their chest and spat out flames.

Mara sent out an energy that sent them flying towards Author and he did well to slash their chests and controlled the crystal out of their chest. With Mara's help, Author was able to defeat all of the werewolves.

The bodies of the werewolves laid there and their eyes no longer glowed as their crystal was absent.

Author collected all the six crystals and kept in his bag. 'Too bad that the leader of the squad died when he had not yet transformed, then there could have been a seventh.'

So many notifications were flashing in Author's system but he ignored them to go check on Mara who was lying on the ground unconscious.

Author carried Mara to the carriage and along with him, he took the leader's sword to go and examine the symbol on it.

The coach man of the carriage was scared to talk to Author after witnessing what he could do. The horses galloped away, heading to the Mantion of the Duchess.

Somewhere in the woods, two men could be seen hiding.

" Hmm so that is the rat who stole the crystal from the king's chambers. I must say he has grown very powerful." Said an old Man with white hair as he used his hand in stroking his beard .

" But he has not grown powerful enough to stop what waits in store for him." A muscular man with a patch on one of his eyes, carrying a big hammer in his hand, having a red circle on it, with an eye at the centre, said.

So he is the body guard of Xin Mara, The late Duke's daughter. Interesting."


Author arrived home and explained to the Duchess what happened and how Mara was having strange abilities. All she did was smile and said "finally it has begun. Thank you Author for helping her awaken her ability. I will take it from here."

Author did not understand why she said that but he was more concerned with the notifications from the system. He decided to check it out as he was taking a bite from his chicken wings.


(( Congratulations you have reached level Six

Exp: 0/4500

Quest completed, you have successfully defeated the Flame Wolves and saved Mara.


+5000 Magic points.

+500 Mana points.

Dimensional space unlocked.

( Here you can store non living items of any size. Does not cost anything.)

Blood Bending Unlocked.

You can control the movement of creatures depending on their power level.))

Author was pleased with this message and he noticed he had leveled up a total of four times from that battle, Making him eligible to use the blood bending ability. He couldn't wait to try it out one day.

But first he tried out the Dimensional space by keeping his double bladed sword in it. then he kept the crystals from the Flame Wolves in it.

Also Author noticed his strength, speed and the rest did not increase by much, maybe because it became tougher to level up as he leveled up.

Moreover, because of the level up, Author's hair started changing from white to dark brown and his muscles grew in size. The energy Author could feel was tremendous.

His current stats were:

Name: Author Pen Shadow.

Race: Necromancer

Strength: 350

Speed: 300

Energy: 200/200

Magic Points: 5200

Mana points: 5200

Exp: 0/4500

New abilities Unlocked.


- Spell Casting LV2

This ability is most important to you because it will help you to channel your mana to activate other abilities.

- Crafting LV2

This will help you to craft items you need such as amors and weapons. This cost magic points.

- Weapon efficiency LV2

Helps you to master the use of weapons just by touching.

- Telekinesis LV2

This ability gives you the access to control the movement of any non living item in a particular range.

(Passive Skill: Blood Bending. You will be able to control the movement of living things based on their power level.)

- Teleportation LV2

You will be able to disappear from your current spot to a distance of thirty meters.

Dimensional space

You would be able to save none living things infinitely, for future use.))

Author discovered that his race had changed from Master Wizard to Necromancer and his eyes were better. He could even see better in the dark and his ears were better than ever.



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