
Slave Boy With Magic Powers ( The princess loves me)

Author While enjoying his life as a prince, never predicted that one day he could become a slave. He was faced with a hard life while living with his master. One day two assassins were sent to kill his Master and Author went to save her life dispite knowing that he couldn't. But Author had a chain wich he wore containing a crystal wich his father left behind. The crystal glowed and Author was filled with power and he could see that the attacks of the assassins had slowed down then he defeated them with ease. -- Pods fell from the sky one day containing dangerous new type of monsters and Author while traveling was almost hit by one of these pods and when it opened, it was humanoid figures from another dimension. Author was Kidnapped to a different world and there he unlocked the Great Wizard System. This Novel is worth your time. It is Unique and has a taste of everything in it. From adventure to magic, to romance,weak to strong, System. Deep down in a forest, it was a cold night and the moon was completely round, blessing the villagers down below with it's bright light. The villagers sat around a huge inferno of fire and there was Laughter and chatter from both the old and young as they devoured away the results of their hunt. A little girl looked up and saw something wich she thought it wise to bring it to the attention of her mother. " Look mum it's a shooting star." The little girl's mother looked up with much expectations and so did the rest of the villagers. Everyone became very excited to see such a rare star and they started making wishes. Time passed and the girl's mum noticed that something was wrong with the star. It seemed to be growing bigger. " I must say this is the strangest shooting star I have ever seen" One of the villagers spoke. Another villager felt something landing on his neck and he slapped it knowing that it was a mosquito. When he opened his palms, a strange glowing fly could be seen. Other villagers were shocked by this fact and suddenly the man started sending out foam from his mouth and he dropped dead. " That is no ordinary star, everyone run and get in your homes and shut the doors and windows now."

Divi_Chris_2233 · Fantasy
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39 Chs


The carriage Carrying Xin Mara and her slave just arrived infront of a Grand Castle and the gate was opened to let them in.

Author was amazed at the beauty of the Castle. The Castle was so large that it was difficult to know where it started and where it ended.

Author and Xin entered the Castle and headed into a big hall. A woman was seen sitting at the end of a long table.

" Greetings to the Duchess of Zulu Kingdom. I have brought the slave boy as you demanded." Mara said as she bowed down.

" My dear daughter you have done well, now feel at ease." Said the duchess.

Mara immidiately stood up when she was told to feel at ease.

" Now remove his chains and take him to one of the rooms at the third floor ." Said the Duchess.

With this said, Mara became confused because she thought that all the slaves were supposed to sleep at the servant's quarters outside of the main castle.

But Mara could not disobey her mother so she did as she was told.

Before the duo headed up the stairs, the duchess stopped them with a speech.

" Author, is it?" Asked the Duchess.

" Yes your Majesty" Replied Author.

" When you finish freshing up make sure you come down here for dinner." The Duchess said with a smile.

" Thank you for your generosity your majesty but I am just a mere slave at your service, please pardon me to decline." Author said with his head bowed.

" You are at my service you say? Then why must you disobey my order? Take it as my command." said the Duchess.

Author bowed and followed behind Xin as her sexy figure was walking infront.

" How does my mother knows your name? Have you two met before? Just tell me who are you that my mother holds at such a high regard?" Asked Xin as she looked at Author with suspecting eyes.

" I am just your humble servant and as for the name and how she knew it? It remains a mystery to me too." Replied Author.

" That is not the answer I need.

Really, tell me who are you?" Mara really looked frustrated for answers.

" Okay I will tell you. I am a poor boy from a small town in the kingdom of OZZ called Aqua Blue. Since your Kingdom won the war that lasted for twelve years, that landed me here. " Said Author.

" You are still lying to me." Said Mara.

" And how. can you tell?" Author asked.

" Despite the fact that I have been with you for just a short time, I have noticed that you always blink alot when you lie." Said Xin Mara.

' Oh boy she is right. Sam always told me this and she has figured it out that fast? She is sure very smart.'

" What are you thinking? Now tell me the truth." Said Xin.

" Okay I will tell you but not today. For now I have something bothering me so I will tell you with a calm mind." Author replied.

" I will be waiting."

The duo turned and headed up the stairs and went towards the direction of Author's new room.

Xin showed Author where the keys were kept and left.

Author stepped in the room and saw a very large bed at one side of the room and other stuffs but the room looked beautiful.

Author proceeded to sit on the bed and he began smiling.

' I don't know what is going on, I was brought here as a slave and firstly I was bought by a pretty girl for Ten Thousand Gold Coins and now I am given a room wich is equal to royals.

But wether this is a dream or not, I don't want to wake up because it feels good.' Author was very happy before a look of sadness appeared on his face.

" Sam I hope that where ever you are, you are fine. I miss you." Said Author with tears in his eyes.

Author decided to freshen up and when he opened the wardrobe, he saw dresses in it wich were very good looking and wich were his exact seize when he measured them.

' Now this is really suspicious. Who is this woman and had she prepared everything before hand ? worse of all they knew my exact seize.' Author thought for some time but decided to put on the clothes anyway.

Thirty minutes later after Author had left the dinning hall with dirty clothes, he was seen coming back to the dinning hall with a different look.

Xin and her mum were already at the table and when Xin turned her eyes, she could not believe her eyes as she saw the man approaching.

She could not believe that this was the slave that she came in with just a while ago.

Author's Gorgeous looks were brought out with the change of clothes, he's hair flowed perfectly down on his broad shoulders.

The way he moved showed nothing else but majesty and royalty.

He finally arrived at the table and he bowed down, then he was shown a sit at the other end of the table while Mara sat beside her mum.

At this point Mara's face was red but she tried to hide it.

Other servants were also present at the scene and they served food to everyone before they were asked to leave.

Everyone started digging in their food including Author who surprisingly he was also eating majestically.

Little did they know that Author was dying from the inside. He felt like he should just deep his fingers in his food and just devour the meal.

After sometime, the Duchess finally break the silence.

" Author if you don't mind come let us take a walk." The Duchess said as she stood up and started heading outside.

Author immidiately stood up and Looked at Mara who had thesame look as on Author's face, Confusion.

Author quickly followed the Duchess outside and they were heading towards a beautiful garden.