
Slaughter The Gods

In a world where power matters the most,evil creatures,demons and even human beings cultivate to possible limits and rise their heads high in pride. The best among the best fight for dominance on the world stage,only the most powerful shall remain standing with honor. The ultimate fighting to slaughter the rising false gods depends on one human being who shall use her life to protect the most precious thing in her entire life

Derrick_Jay · Fantasy
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30 Chs

chapter 28: Empyrean execution

The demon wolf emperor precipitously replied,"in my life,I have always had to desire to be human ever since my early ages,the beast world was a very dangerous place for the weak to survive,I had no intention to kill fellow clansmen inorder to improve my spiritual power but cruelty of the beast world was unbearable,

Inorder to survive I had to turn against my own,it was a nightmare for them and me,I cultivated for five hundred years but my spiritual energy was very low,I sole cultivated for another five hundred years,in this period I made progress,I gained a second head and my spiritual energy reached the sixth rank.

Gaining two heads gained me popularity, honor but I remained a threat to the alpha wolf of that time,this forced him to kick me out of the demon wolf clan,the alpha wolf accused Me of several crimes which I did not commit,these accusations made an enemy to the clan ,

Since that time,I was hunted down by the elders of the demon wolf clan but because of extraordinary power,I managed to kill them all, devouring them and slowly increasing my spiritual energy,after a thousand years, alpha wolf finally died,this gave me the opportunity to become the new alpha wolf,the demon wolf emperor.

Ever since then,I vowed to never allow anyone bully me,that why I wish to become more powerful even if it means killing other humans,ha ha ha ha hahaha,even you can't stop me."

The dragon head still in the sky smirked and burst out with laughter,saying,"such a sorrowful story,if you think ,I will leave you after your pitiful story that seems fake,fuck off,ha ha ha ha,show me what you have got in store for me"

Let's leave this place right now or else we are to be buried here",wen li alerted Wang yan,two level ten powerhouses fighting would surely destroy a mountain and everything in its range.wang yan boring the gravely injured ling xue in his arms,her languid form cradled against his chest with her fragile body nestling in the crook of his elbow ,he began to run with all his might.

The demon wolf emperor now in human form grew two transparent spiritual wings and launched himself to the sky,as he was advancing nearly in close range with the dragon head,a dark blue portal opened behind the dragon head aka yixuan yue,a majestic wingless serpentine dragon came forth from the portal,

The creature of crystalline majesty, embodying the essence of ice element slowly came into view,as it burst forth,it's sinuous body undulated with a hypnotic grace ,it immediately flashed with top speed locking on the incoming demon wolf emperor.

The demon wolf emperor felt an incoming manifestation of glacial fury,the power seemed unspottable,in that moment a glyph of protection appeared Infront of the demon wolf emperor,the moment the serpentine dragon landed on the glyph of protection,it smashed it with ease.

The demon wolf emperor began to wonder,"impossible,my shield made out of spiritual energy exceeding the tenth rank easily cracked like an egg."

The demon wolf emperor expression changed as soon as it realized that the evolution it underwent had actually decreased it spiritual power to such a low rank.

The serpentine dragon sent the demon wolf emperor stumbling back until he hit the ground,as he was regaining it's sight,he exclaimed,"oh no!",the serpentine dragon was still advancing, ascending to deliver a blow of palpable power,the demon wolf emperor tried to create another glyph of protection but it was too late to defend himself.