
Slaughter the Gods

A man died in his world and then appears before a God of another. That God then goes on to say that he caused the man's death in his world and brought him here for his own enjoyment. The man, shaken with disbelief and anger, is then tossed into this new world with nothing but the clothes on his back, a basic system that can only answer questions. He vows to kill those who have wronged him, planning to take vengeance upon the God who did this to him. But is that the only tragedy that will befall, the only God that he will vow to vengeance against? What truly awaits this man in this new world fraught with dangers and the unknown? Will he let go of his anger and live his life, or will he be consumed by rage and continuously seek his vengeance? Will he successfully kill a God? Read this man's story. Also of note, Harem will not be large. And there will be gory and or dark moments in this book, so read at your own discretion. ----------------------------------------- Thank you for giving my book a try. Also, don't forget to check out my other books. They are as follows: The Misunderstood Heroic Villain: https://www.webnovel.com/book/the-misunderstood-heroic-villain_11956325005658505 Humanity Rising: War: https://www.webnovel.com/book/humanity-rising-war_26575634406791205 ----------------------------------------- Patreon: https://www.patreon.com/Requiem_Phantom Discord: https://discord.gg/N7SMEDMNrM ----------------------------------------- Also, the book picture is not mine, and the rights go to the original owner and creator. If you want me to take down the picture and you are the owner or creator, just message me, and I will do so. I only added in the book title and my name as the creator of the book. Thank you.

Requiem_Phantom · Fantasy
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51 Chs

Two heads, better than one

Three hundred years, a timespan that one only hears about yet never experiences. Except for me, well, at least compared to people from Earth, I should be the only one.

My mind and mindset have changed in the course of these two hundred more years I've experienced. Though whether for better or worse is yet to be seen. I still don't know exactly who or what I want to be, only what I need to be to get the vengeance I so hungrily desire.

Some may say I am nothing more than a slave to the thought of revenge, and that may be the truth, but it is something that I am willing to embrace if it drives my spear through the heart of those wretched gods. Seven hundred years left that is all. The previous me would have scoffed at that in horror, but now, it doesn't even bother me.

Many of my emotions have dissipated throughout the years, more of a survival necessity than anything. My mind constantly on the verge of breaking, so to hold it together, I had to lock most of it away.

I keep what I can and need while tucking away those that I do not. And it has only benefited me so far, making me quicker on my feet, easier to make certain decisions, and truthfully having left me without certain burdens.

Maybe all this will need to change once more when I am free from this beastly cage of suffering, but alas, here I am, and here I move forward.

And today is another day of battle. One where my wits and strength were tested as my body was fueled by my iron-clad will that pushed me to disregard death and achieve victory at all costs.

As I stare down the monstrous titanic snake that has a head at both ends. One breathing fire and the other freezing everything it touches. The two slither in synchronization as they try to devour me, destroying the very forest in their path. Trees being crushed, and boulders being tossed as I run to escape and find the chance to attack.

This snake-like monster is known as a Caracak in this world and is a legendary S-rank monster. This is the longest I have survived against an S-rank monster so far, as even with my newfound strength, I struggle to find ways to take them down before they devour me.

A strong hissing sound comes from overhead as the fire-breathing head bears down on me in a flash. Feeling death creeping on my neck, I jump and roll out of the way in a rush, taking no damage as a testament to the durability of my current body. The snake's mouth chomps hard into the ground, tearing a large chunk out before it turns into molten lava that leaks from its jaws.

The other head whips around as its body slings like a rope; the freezing blast released from its mouth shoots towards me. It freezes everything in its path, turning the forest into an ice sculpture, leaving no life behind.

Not wanting to relive those days of freezing in the horrid north, I take my spear, and with most of my strength, I swing it in a wide arc horizontally, creating a strong wind-like blast that sweeps toward the frost breath. Instead of destroying the frost breath, my forceful blast diverts it towards the other head, the fire one.

The freezing attack slaps the fire head as it screeches in pain and rears backwards, forcing the ice head to be pulled along with it. When the fire snake looks back at me, I can see the fury in its eyes as it now has one side of its face frozen while the other burns in anger.

It charges forth, pummeling all in its path and dragging along the other head as it barrels towards me at full speed. Its hissing screech fills the air around me, drowning out all other noise. I quickly run along the forest path, weaving in and out of trees hoping for them to slow its path.

Alas, this beast is a true menace to any who faces it as it is not slowed or stopped by anything, the trees of the forest becoming nothing more than simple twigs to be cracked underneath its nigh impenetrable body. The snake starts to close in on me.

Once it is close enough to nip at my behind, it rears back and then pounces forward with intense ferocity, beheld by few beasts in existence.

Its forward strike gets dangerously close as I use my now very enhanced and strong spear to block and divert its head to the side. Stepping to the left and gripping my spear with only one hand, I jump up and thrust my spear downward onto the beast's hard scales. My spear pierces forward with incredible strength as I yell loudly as if to bring more strength into my strike.

And its mark strikes true, penetrating the tough scales that even nukes might not have damaged, piercing deep into its flesh, causing both heads to screech out in pain. But this is not nearly enough to kill the beast, as only a small bit of blood splatters out. This time the ice head circles around, coming to face me from the front while I still stand on its body.

I pull out my spear, blood still dripping, swinging it lightly to fling the blood off before readying it once more to face the enemy in front of me.

The ice snake decides to try a different strategy this time, as it condenses the ice into hard icicle-like lances that come out of its mouth instead of the breath attack. Then it lets them loose. Though many pierce into its own body, it disregards the pain and continues to let loose the stream of ice magic projectiles.

Dozens of them appear before me in almost an instant, showing remarkable speed and the danger they pose. Yet, through all the battles I have faced up to this point, I no longer know fear, so I stand firm, spear in hand.

And I face the all-out attack, my spear dancing and weaving like a mirage as it deflects and destroys all the incoming icicles that threaten my life. My hands rotate and move with purpose and speed, which shows the muscle memory entrenched in my body through all my struggles and training.

As I deal with the ice attack, the fire head comes up positioned beside the ice head, and now the snake is shaped like the letter U, leaving me on standing on the curved part of its body. And let me say that this snake is huge, nearly six miles long, its body as thick as the empire state building. I am but an ant to this large creature, yet an ant that has a dangerous bite.

Once the last icicle is out of the way, I quickly move, piercing my spear down into its body once more, then I rush forward, dragging my spear that's inside of it with me. As I move rapidly, my spear tears open its body, creating a trail of blood and gore as a vicious injury starts to appear on the snake's body.

This time the two heads work in concert as they start to wiggle their body with intense strength and speed, causing the entire body to shake wildly and careen all over the place, causing massive destruction. With surprise and quick thinking, I push my spear deeper into the body and hold on with all I've got so I am not tossed from its body.

Uprooted trees and other debris continue to pelt my body as the snakes continue to wiggle and turn as they thrash about, trying to squish me or knock me off. But I don't give up, as I have an idea.

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