
Chapter 9: Adam's First Task / Edward "The Poisoner" Yillswire

(December 27th, 1991). (Waiting at the slaughterhouse).

I remember this day. It was just two days after I helped release Bruce from the hell he was in. Rachel and I started making love rather than plain fucking. (I know, it's the same activity, but there's different ways of saying it. When you're fucking, it's just mindless sex for pleasure. When you make love, it's a whole different experience.)

The night after I helped the big man, I came to her with tears in my eyes. I remember recanting all that transpired up at his old home. After we had sex, Adam met us outside of the apartment building. He told us that he had our first contract and actually met a new prospect as well. So we both met up with Simon and Maggie, then hauled ass through the cold up to the slaughterhouse.

Rachel actually replied to what I said a while ago at this exact same building. In fact, it was relatively close to the same spot when I said that I loved her.

She wrapped her arms around me, nuzzling her face into the crook of my back. Simon and Maggie had already entered the building and even though the ice cold air whipped at the back of our necks, we continued to stand there. Then she said the words I wanted to hear. "I love you too."

Adam had appeared in the doorway, watching as she and I were loving each other's company. "Y'all comin' in er... what? I mean... Sorry fer ruinin' yer momen', but it's colder than a witch's tit out here." The old man was still wearing the same clothes, but had an old, thick overcoat wrapped around his shoulders.

It was then that we realized how numb we were and scurried past him like little children. The door slammed shut; we jumped higher than fuck, and I nearly had a fuckin' heart attack at that moment. Despite this however, off in the distance I remember hearing a person talking with the thickest foreign accent I've ever heard.

It sounded masculine and Scottish with a bit of Russian. Adam spoke, breaking the conversation up between my two friends and that stocky new guy. He was shorter than Simon, so I knew he had to be at least under five foot eleven. His shoulders were very wide and his hair was long, scraggly and pure brown.

As I got closer, I saw the way his jaw was chiseled, and jutted out just a bit. He had a small mouth, small ears and a wide forehead. He kind of reminded me of a mixture of the Blake Shelton and Eminem. When he spoke to me... Let me clue you in on something.

When he spoke, his voice was clear, concise and stern, yet respectful. "How do you do? My name is Edward Yillswire! I hail from Scotland." I immediately shook his hand and from the moment our palms met, I felt some sort of connection with this man... at the time.

"Nice to meet you Eddie. Is... it alright to call you that?" "Of course. Of course. Eddie it is!" He laughed at me, exposing a perfect set of teeth; almost perfect anyways. His two front teeth were a bit crooked. "My name is Simon Virgo and this is Maggie Bailey." "Pleasure to meet you, and you too miss." He bowed towards her and then towards Rachel.

The way he looked at her, with those lust filled green eyes of his, brought my blood to a boil. I liked this guy a little less at that point. "And your name is?" He asked her seductively. She immediately withdrew her hand, and hugged me tightly. "Her name is Rachel Zale; she's my girlfriend."

(I'm telling you right now that the way Edward backed off made me smile. It's still making me grin even now. Oh! By the way, I'm not in the library today. I'm actually writing at the cafeteria. It's lunch time, so I have about fifteen or so minutes.)

Adam cleared his throat, drawing all of our attention to him. He had those nasty old hands of his resting in his coat pockets as he watched all of us. "Edward Yillswire here has got my attention over the last few days. I caught the young man using chloroform on a hooker last night to be specific. Naturally, I had to see where this was going, so I tailed him in my vehicle."

The old man paced back and forth as he shot us a quick glance from time to time. "He went to this expensive lookin' hotel not too far from Lady Liberty herself. I knew he must have been loaded with money, so what was he doing knocking out a hooker? Surely he could pay for one if he truly needed some companionship. So I followed him upstairs and I saw a syringe sticking out of his back pocket. Which is a rookie mistake young man." He said, nodding towards Edward.

Who looked calm at the time, but I saw the slight pink of embarrassment burning in his cheeks. "Anyway, I remember him checking in with the unconscious hooker and then leaving with two large traveling cases. I couldn't help but notice a few tiny specks of blood placed weirdly along the zipper of the right case. Again, a rookie mistake."

Adam had stopped pacing and kept his eyes locked onto the new inductee, who hadn't flinched away yet. (I give the guy mad kudos for being able to withstand that dominating stare.) "Do you wanna go 'head and tell these folks what ya' did to er'?" he added.

Edward wasn't nervous at all, in fact he was really calm. "I'm a man who likes to kill as cleanly as possible." He stepped forward and faced all of us respectively. When he addressed us, it was without fear or remorse. "I poison my victims, killing them as quickly and efficiently as possible. My family history stems from a long line of murderers and rapists. My father was actually put to death when I was only ten years old. My Mother raised me from then on, until I turned seventeen. She taught me all that I know about poisons, both slow and fast acting ones."

He sniffed a bit, fighting back the depression threatening to billow out from him. "Sh-She helped me find and terminate my first kill over when we were visiting Belfast Ireland. I offed a sixteen year old girl... I was eighteen at the time; I-I raped her. The girl was going to go tell her family and I knew I'd spend the rest of my days in prison. So my mother and I found some nearby poisonous herbs and concocted the serum for my first syringe. From then on, the rest is history."

"Thank you m'boy! Please, step back into the group if ya don' mind," Adam stated. (Now, from hearing all of our fucked up pasts, this new guy seemed to be the most sophisticated out of all of us. He wasn't ever bullied or damaged in any way. In fact, I know he was bred for murder. That's why he spoke about that as well as rape so nonchalantly.)

I knew from the moment Edward finished his story, and stepped back in next to me, that he would be the outcast of the group. Nobody truly liked him; I didn't really care for him either honestly. Right, so Adam spoke up about a contract he had.

(I had no idea that his "contract" would be nothing more than a stalk, slaughter and or retrieve mission, primarily.)

He said he would pay us two thousand dollars apiece to go find hair, cut from a red headed girl who was no older than twenty five years and no younger than eighteen. He told us that he spotted a nearby college sorority house not too far from the factory. He also stated that whomever killed and brought a victim in would get a bonus of twenty five hundred dollars.

What weirded me out the most about this contract was the way his eyes glowed from his words. Adam had this sickening stare he was using as if he were imagining all the things he could do with that body. (I liked to kill and I needed the money, so I didn't question the old man.)

We all dispersed shortly after this, when Edward hauled me aside. He was kicking the dirt around and kept muttering what sounded like an apology. All I could catch was, "Hey err... Sorry 'bout tha'. I... didn't mean..." something, something. He kind of mumbled so bad that I completely lost track of his speech.

I knew he was saying sorry and I knew it was about the way he was lusting over Rachel. I said to him, "Hey, it's okay dude. Rachel's a beautiful girl and it's gotta be tough being a new guy in a different country. I also assured him that he'd find a girl some day in the future.

So we all set off to do this task full of cutting hair and potentially blood. Edward was already ahead of all of us, since he could charm his way into Fort Knox if he wanted to. He met this slender, busty red head outside who was sipping coffee at a bus stop. I saw her when I pulled up at the corner bar nearby. The girl was giggling and smiling, not knowing that she was about to be killed.

Edward had the poison at the ready and stabbed it into her back. (I had no idea how fuckin' fast his poison acted until I saw that girl die.) It literally took ten seconds for her to start whipping her arms around as she tried frantically to find out what was wrong with her. Her legs gave out as she collapsed into the snow.

Edward, being a sly dog like he was, dropped to his knees looking as if he were trying to help her. I fuckin' knew better and he knew better, but no one else did. I ran down the sidewalk and when I got there, the girl was frothing at the mouth before the poison completely killed her. "Right, my beauty... You're c-coming with me. Ugh!"

He cradled her in his arms and pretended to be calling 911. "Yeah, I need an ambulance at the sorority house nearby NYCU. I can't quite remember the symbols, but it's right on the corner, facing the Statue of Liberty. Right, that one! O-Okay, thanks."

After he slid the girl into his passenger seat, he stole a quick glance at me and winked before speeding off. I knew I only had a few minutes before the EMT crew showed up, so I found the first red head that crossed me. Coincidentally her hair was wrapped up in a ponytail. I happened to have a ski mask in my coat pocket and slid it on before cutting the hair off. "What the fuck?!"

"Hey! Who the fuck are you?! I-I can't believe this..." I remember to this day, that girl breaking down into tears as she felt the weird spot where her ponytail used to be. (At least I didn't kill the bitch... She could thank me for that.)

I rushed out to the slaughterhouse so fast that I completely forgot about the rest of our group. The building could be seen just looming off in the short distance. Edward's funky ass was already pulling into the parking lot and carrying the dead body in when I got there. I sprinted in just as he was showing her off.

"This is perfect! I love the breast size and the lips are so full of life. And just look at that long, luscious copper colored hair!" "I-I'm b-b-back s...Hold on a minute. Oh god! S-Sorry s-sir..." "My god, spit it ou' boy!" he said to me. I knew I lost the bonus, but I had red hair in my hand, with the rubber band still holding it in tact.

"This'll do just fine m'boy! Here's your money. Now go and pay for a decent hotel room for god's sake! Go warm 'urself up; drink some whiskey."

(October 26th, 2041).

First off, yes it's been ten days since I was able to write. I'm sorry, but a lot has happened in this short amount of time. Anyway, to this day, and I swear to you all, I have no fucking clue what Adam did with that body. I had to assume he had some sort of necrophilia and red hair fetish. Perhaps it reminded him of a previous wife or girlfriend? Even up to now I speculate what he did. Neither of the situations in my head depict anything rational or sanitary being done to that dead young woman.

Also, I have no idea where the fuck Rachel, Simon and Maggie went either. As far as I knew of, at the time, Edward and I were the only ones to complete the task. I still have a one hundred dollar bill from that first hunk of cash I made. I saved it to permanently remind myself of my past and the first time I got paid to do what I loved to do. (I know I didn't kill anyone that day, but I could have. To be honest, I just wanted to get some money and get into a warm room as soon as I could.)

Shit, I just realized that I have to go to yard duty. Talk to y'all later!

This is Shane Sorinthia, you guessed it, signing off!