

“Please, let me go…” I cried while he kept walking forward towards me, making me shiver more. While his eyes fixated on me, he brought the cigarette to his lips and inhaled deeply while I gulped. As he exhaled, a slow stream of smoke escaped his lips, dissipating into the air and he started, “You shouldn’t have done that… You did a big mistake” “I am sorry…” I cried again and shook my head. “It’s done. It’s time for the punishment now…” He said and my heart skipped a beat. . Allison Wesley was living a normal life as a journalist until she gets involved into a task which leads her to slap the mafia boss in town. Her one mistake gets her life upside down as she enters the world of thrill, excitement, passion and danger. Read on to find out more!

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Allison's POV:

As I sat at my desk, pondering the identity of the mafia boss, I absentmindedly chewed on the end of my pen while staring at my laptop screen. Suddenly, an email notification from Josiah grabbed my attention. Opening the email, I found the details of the mysterious businessman. The email contained his name and other relevant information. To my surprise, the billionaire was identified as Jacob Hayes, a 25-year-old. I couldn't help but wonder how he amassed such wealth at such a young age.

Perplexed by this revelation, I continued reading and discovered that Hayes had recently relocated to Dallas from California. Since his arrival, he had made headlines by acquiring extensive properties and outshining other local businessmen. It seemed that he had a strong desire to be noticed. The information also mentioned his involvement in an export business.

"What kind of business is he involved in?" I wondered aloud, searching for more details. Unfortunately, the information about his specific exports was not available. Feeling overwhelmed, I decided to take a break and headed to Josiah's office.

Knocking on the door before entering, I greeted Josiah, "Hey..."

"Um... Can I take the day off?" I asked, rubbing my forehead.

"Why? Is everything alright?" he inquired.

"Yeah, everything's fine. I'm just not feeling well," I replied, hoping he would grant my request.

"It's okay. Go home and rest for a while," he said, smiling. "By the way, did you receive my email?" he asked as I was leaving.

"Yeah, I got it. I've already started my research, and I found out that he runs an export business," I informed him.

"Yes, he does," he confirmed.

"But what exactly does he export? It wasn't mentioned in the email," I asked.

"I don't know. I searched for that information but couldn't find anything. Maybe you'll have better luck," Josiah suggested.

"Sure," I said with a smile. He returned the smile, and I left his office.

After taking a leave from Josiah, I returned home and spent the evening sleeping. When I woke up, I glanced at the bedside clock, which indicated it was 8:30 p.m. Feeling refreshed, I decided to cook something for myself and Amanda but realized she would be returning home late. Nonetheless, I prepared a delicious meal of baked beans for myself and enjoyed it with a glass of juice.

Feeling satisfied, I turned on my laptop and began searching for more information about the young billionaire, Jacob Hayes. As I typed his name, his picture appeared on the screen, leaving me in awe. He was undeniably the most handsome and attractive person I had ever seen. With his steel-blue eyes, pale ivory skin, and caramel brown hair, he exuded both charm and intensity and seemed intimidating. I couldn't help but focus on his eyes, trying to decipher the emotions behind them while continuing my search.

"Oh my god," I whispered, momentarily stunned by his appearance. "He's incredibly gorgeous," I said, gazing at his picture.

"I never thought mafia leaders could be so attractive," I remarked, feeling a mix of awe and unease. I swiftly composed myself after being captivated by his charming pictures and proceeded to search for relevant news. I spent a couple of hours engrossed in extensive Google searches, punctuated by coffee breaks. Finally, on one website, I discovered that he engages in the export of machine and human models to various countries for medical and engineering education, with a considerable presence in Dallas universities.

"Impressive! It seems like a legitimate and valuable business," I remarked as I continued reading. I learned that numerous universities were supplied with top-quality models, serving educational purposes.

"Why isn't this business widely known?" I pondered, feeling intrigued. I took a deep breath and promptly grabbed my phone to send a text to Josiah:

'I don't think he is a mafia leader. Also, I don't believe his business is shady.'

Placing my phone on the table, I waited for Josiah's response. After a few seconds, his reply arrived:

'Are you sure?'

Pausing to contemplate, I looked at Jacob Hayes's picture and pondered my certainty. Finally, I sent a text to Josiah:

'Let me find out.'

Setting my phone aside, I resolved to embark on a quest the following day to discover the truth.

The next morning, after a refreshing shower, I stood in front of my wardrobe, contemplating my outfit for the day. Opting for blue skinny jeans and a white long-sleeved top, I styled my loose hair, allowing it to cascade over my shoulders. With my bag in hand, I stepped out of the room and noticed Amanda in the living room, watching TV.

"Hey, you're up?" I greeted her, observing her engrossed in the television.

"Yes," she replied curtly, while I made my way to the kitchen.

"Didn't you have a conference last night?" I inquired as I spread strawberry jam and butter on a slice of bread.

"Yeah, I got home late, but I have to leave early today," she explained.

"Okay," I acknowledged, placing the knife on the counter when I heard a voice behind me.

"Our reporter, Caitlin, is currently in Kenton Town, Dallas, and she has spotted him—the young billionaire everyone wants to talk to," the girl on the TV announced.

"Young billionaire?" I murmured to myself, piquing my interest.

"Caitlin, can you get him to talk and answer some questions?" the girl continued, her voice resonating through the room. I turned around abruptly, with a mouthful of jam and butter sandwich, unable to swallow it as I stood in front of the TV. The news channel attempted to record someone.

"Did she mention the name of that billionaire?" I asked Amanda, who was completely focused on the television.

"No, I'm waiting for that too," she replied restlessly on the couch. I joined her, eagerly anticipating the anchorwoman's revelation.

"Come on, reveal him, woman," I exclaimed impatiently.

"Why are you so eager?" Amanda inquired, puzzled by my enthusiasm.

Confused, I glanced at her and replied, "Just curious," as I took a bite from my sandwich. She nodded, accepting my response.

"Caitlin, can you hear me? I think we might have lost contact with Caitlin," the anchorwoman announced, trying to establish a connection with her reporter.

"Come on, Caitlin, where are you?" Amanda pleaded, and I observed her restlessness. Why is she so eager to see who the billionaire is? I have a valid reason for my curiosity. I thought, watching her intently.

"Maybe I'll get a chance to date him someday," Amanda responded as if she had heard my thoughts.

"What?" I asked her, taken aback.

"Yeah, you must be wondering why I'm so eager to see him, right?" she said, maintaining eye contact while smiling.

Confounded, I continued staring at her and nodded slowly as she grinned.

"We have successfully established contact with Caitlin," the anchorwoman declared.

"Caitlin, can you hear me?" she asked Caitlin.

"Yes, I can hear you, Olivia," Caitlin responded.

"Can you ask our cameraman to show him to our viewers?" the anchorwoman requested, heightening the suspense.

"Yeah, sure. He is currently walking into a building," Caitlin replied. The camera shifted from Caitlin and focused on a person dressed in a black jacket and pants. It was none other than Jacob Hayes, who walked confidently towards a building while Caitlin's cameraman attempted to capture his images.

"Oh my," I whispered, utterly captivated by the sight.

"Do you know him?" Amanda exclaimed, jumping up from the couch.

"Um - No, not at all. I'm just amazed by his looks," I clarified.

"I know... He's incredibly attractive. I could devour him," she exclaimed excitedly. I gave her a disgusted stare while she continued gazing at Jacob Hayes.

Observing Caitlin approach him and ask a series of questions, I noticed some of his men obstructing the camera, forcing Caitlin and the cameraman to step away. Jacob walked into a building that appeared to be under construction.

"What the hell? Why didn't he answer anything?" Amanda wondered aloud.

"I know, quite an attitude," I remarked with resentment.

"I should go and get dressed for the office," Amanda said with a sigh, and I nodded. She headed towards her room, leaving me to contemplate my next move.

"According to our reporter Caitlin, Jacob Hayes's bodyguards never allow any media to bother their boss," the anchorwoman disclosed, confusing me.

"I can't find everything on the internet. I need to go there and find out for myself, I suppose," I muttered to myself, eating my sandwich. Suddenly, something struck me—Jacob Hayes was highly popular and sought-after, so he must have been interviewed. I immediately retrieved my laptop and searched for his interviews but found none.

"So he has never been interviewed? Oh yes… His bodyguards don't allow the media," I mused to myself. "Oh my god, but why?" I continued, delving deeper into my research.

"Hey, I'm leaving. Bye," Amanda announced, on her way out. "Do you want me to drop you off on the way?" she offered.

"No, I'll be okay. Thanks," I declined, engrossed in my search as she bid me goodbye.

Opening a Word document, I began documenting everything I knew about Jacob Hayes. Since his arrival in Dallas, he had not granted any interviews, despite acquiring significant properties and factories. News channels must have attempted to reach him and request interviews, but he must had consistently refused. I pondered the potential reasons behind this peculiar behavior.

"Why would someone seek attention from the town but decline interviews? Quite strange," I murmured to myself, contemplating the mystery.

"I need to go there," I affirmed, standing up abruptly. Glancing at the news channel, which incessantly repeated the news:

'Jacob Hayes found in Kenton Town and refused to talk. He has gone into a building where our reporter couldn't get in as…'

I felt compelled to visit. "Kenton Town... I need to go there," I declared to myself, preparing to venture out…