
Slapped at First Sight

"Slapped at first Sight" followed the story of an eighteen years old lady played by Xheilyn Ruthway to be fell in a lying scheme to predict the fate of perfectionist and powerful Taerror Younstown made by her Mother,keep track of them as how they both fell In love beyond of their mysterious past!

Kyu_Velasquez · Teen
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12 Chs


Xheilyn's POV

"That's what happened"I said to Veron while I just ended my story from the resolution of the negotiation between the B-BOYS.

It's early 9 O'Clock already when I finished my shower and Veron tend to make chit chat of just what happened to me.

I drain my long hair with my pink towel while she's still quiet and startle.

"Who would of thought that the son of Younstown clan and owner of the University would propose to you to be his girlfriend"she said and giggled.

I tapped her shoulder extensively.

"Ouch!"she exclaimed.

"It doesn't sound good for me Veron"I said to her seriously.

She sat straight at my bed.

"What's your plan?"she asked.

I keep quiet.

"I know this is tough one,but you had to make a choice"she added.

She's right,like it or not no choice but to choose! Hayst! Even my mind is confusing.

"Give me options please..."I said begging.

"Uhm... just accept it"

"Is that even an option?!"I objected.

She hoisted her eyebrows together with her shoulders.

I laid down and rest my spine,jeezzzz this day is a curse...

"Wait... why did he wanted you to role as his girlfriend?what about Bianca?"Veron asked.

"I had my own reasons..."I repeated Taerror's words.

"I have no idea"I added still laying and facing the ceiling.

"But whatever his plans...I'm sure it's nothing to do with me..."I sighed.

"Well...your point here is...you can still go to Younstown if you agree with him,but I'm sure he will definitely kick you if you choose not..."Veron said.

Then suddenly I remembered Glyde statement earlier...

"But they said that I have nothing to do with the girlfriend obligation just the presumptions of the people...ARGHHHHH it's not even at certain!"I frowned at frustration.

"But what makes you stopping to agree?"Veron asked me.


"My life and my future is  unsure...it's even scruffy and complicated from the start you know that...I'm recreating my new life the way I wanted and I'm trying to work with it...but I know something went wrong with the Younstowns I'm sure they had issues to fix,and if I partake with that my life will worsen too...I can't defend myself Nica...they are powerful and influential people,they can intrude and ruled your life if you let them to...but I won't allow that... not mine..."I said in a low tone.

Silenced swallowed the vicinity,and my eyes gazed gets darken...

The sound of whipping is aloud and gets stronger...the shiver...the pain...the soles...the fear...and the silenced of the peaceful wind and cold fluid water touching my shivering skin...the amount is getting heavy...getting vein...and deeper...my young body try to swing my little arms and knees to rise...but it worth nothing...the gleam lasted at very long instant...I can't find my own breath...the air is out of me...by degrees I can feel my soul is starting to draw away...and the pain is getting worse...I'm still sobbing...the faith in my mind is my only hope...I felt again something dropped from the side of my eye..when I heard the strong splash of  water...


The sudden unexpected sound of alarm clock woke me up and cause to fall from my bed,I slowly get up when my spine made an sharp and cracked sound in my triffling move...

"Ahhh!!!"I sighed at pain.

My butt had the most intense hit from the floor, but my spines seemed to be stable and paralysed.

The sound still tuned and ringing so I extended my arm to reach the clock,it stopped.


"It looks like they all palled from fooling others life"Veron muttered when we are in the midst passing through the students of Younstown.

"It's a good news then"I said instead.

"But it's sound strange"she continued.

I paused for a while and leaned to her.

"Maybe Taerror has something to do with this"I said.

She moved her shoulder upwardly while I shook my head to her reaction.

We continued walking and headed to the locker room,I opened mine and get my books for my subject this morning Veron's locker is five distance closed to mine when we heard screaming and yelling voices... I'm sure it's a sound of hooting girls but whatever their reasons of screaming like hoity-toity I don't mind! I'm sure there would be like a Greek god looking guy passing through but the sound is getting near and louder that almost shatter my eardrum! I shut my locker and went back when I saw a bunch of girls that waylays the hatchway.

"Excuse us girls!"Veron tried to pass but the girls didn't mind people around but instead they closed nearer and smashes our body like they are big green hulk in the avengers.

My shoulders were stricken that creates a break sounds, my books were fell and stray in the ground I saw a paired of red shoes heels that stamp and treadle the every page of my book like a sewing machine.

"No!!!!"I almost shouted but my voice is nothing compared to the clamours of the girls,I let them passed but my eyes focused to their foots stepping to my piteous books...

I closed restless like my full energy were loose and separated my whole system I kneel down and get my books tepals and placed it in my arms individually.

"Is it ragged?"I heard Veron's voice.

I shook my head while tear eyed,I stood up and looked to her.

"It's crumpled and..."

"Really crushed"she continued.

"Can we used flatiron?can we press it?"she asked were her tone searching for hopes.

I just gave her a grin.

"It might be burnt"I said.

She leaned to the girls still screaming but now far away.

"Next time around I'll press their faces so that they will be feared when were approaching!"she muttered making curse and spell.

"Don't forget to bring ironing board"I said riding on her pissed while I continued walking.

"Don't worry we will squeeze it tightly and it will be back on it's plainest"she said following me.

"Let's take a recess it's been a while since I visit the cafeteria"

"Yeah, we have still five minutes before our first class"she stated and I leaned over.

We bought two slice and cheese hotdogs with ice tea in can,we always bought at once.

We headed the empty table and occupied the seats,we sat in opposite.

I drawn my crumpled books and placed it on the top of the table. I started squeezing it with my bare hands,Veron get my other books and she started helping me.

"You can eat,I can manage"I said to her.

"We can both manage,I'm not hungry"she replied.

I nodded and get her cheese hotdog immediately and take a bite I also took a sip to her own ice tea cola when she held my hands stopping me,I tapped her hands were in the top of my right hand.

"Hey! That's mine!"she frowned and still stopping me.

"I thought you weren't hungry"I almost blasted with full of my mouth.

she took my own cheese hotdog but my hands are faster than hers she frowned.

I almost thrown the food in my mouth when I chuckled to her reaction I took another sip to my own cola this time.

I gasped but now I'm laughing.

She is just staring at me and still quite.

I paused for a while.

"What?"I asked to her silenced.

"You still laughed even though you received meaner things"she bended.

"Is that not right?"She shook her head.

"It's just a crumpled books!do I have to cry because of that?"I said smoothly.

"You know what I mean..."she uttered.

Yeah...I know what she means...like before I mean it to forget...

I fixed my books and organized it,I stood right and carry my bag I held my leftovers and packed it.

"I can save this later"I said back to myself.

She still sat and just staring at me.

"Come on we have still 60 seconds to rush to our first class"I said to her and she stood and fixed herself and followed my trace.

"Did Gravier act up now?"I asked still walking.

"Yes!"she exclaimed.

I paused and looked to her that's a surprise then suddenly an grin turned to a wide smile.

"Really? when?why didn't you tell me?"I asked at disappointment.

"Yesterday,and I already told you but you asleep last night and when I checked you,you are snoring!"she declared.

"Liar! I don't snore!"I continued to head the trail.

"I heard you!while your mouth is wide opened!"she said.

"No I'm not!"I defended.

I heard her chuckled.

"Your making fun of me"i said to her.

"But I saw you crying"I stopped and meet her eyes.

"You still dreamed of it don't you?"she said at tuned.

"Probably I snored"I flipped and turned to hallway.

∆Taerror's POV

"Shit!"Miranda just ended the call. I grunt and slammed my stature to my divan.

Miranda's action near comes I have to do my plans now! But my only problem now is that naughty girl bad ass! Although I also wanted to take her time for thinking the right scheme but I don't have much time I have to do some actions now!no way I'll let Miranda ruled and screw my life.

I held back my phone and called Ximer.

"Yes?it's ding dong!"his voice coming from the other line.

"Stop it STOCKY!"I talked back.

I just felt he rolled his eyes Pierce the cell.


"Fetch her now!"

"Your making me her driver"he frowned.

"Stop!you don't drive"I declared.

"Miranda called again"I added and ended the call before he can object.

I called again and shut it.

I stood up and let my feet carry me along the kitchen.

I got my pudding fresh hotted from my oven that I made just earlier before Miranda called.

I just remembered the chat earlier...

"Show yourself this Friday, Mafhtya is having a visit for a weekend"she said.

"I'm not going to marry her!"I opposed.

I heard her sighed.

"Don't even try it Timothy"

"Don't even used that name to me!"I said at outburst.

"Then show me a descent girl that would placed her"and she ended the call.

I had one,but not sure of it...I took a saucer and table knife and slice a cake enough for me. I sighed...a long sighed for my gloomy day...or should I say for my gloomy life...

My phone rang...I get it in the top of my glass table and saw Demier.

"They agreed"he started.

"Good! did you tell them she will move in my place?"I asked and sat again.

"Yeah but they had one condition"

"What?"I asked at gasped.

"Don't take her future"

"What does even mean?"

"Maybe your a disaster,and they mean don't take her life cause your a goblin"he sniffed.

"Is that a baleful compliment?or a new title?"I asked at annoyance.

"My philosophy"and he ended.

I slammed at my divan and closed my eyes...

Xheilyn's POV

I heard again thrills and giggles of the girls in a short hoop skirts and I should blame Ximer for making my ear up to blown again.

And why the hell I have to meet Taerror again?I'm not ready yet, I'm not still convince to that scheme of him and neither sure of the plans...

I followed his trace and now I saw a sallow complexion sparkling COUPE park in the center of railroad car,there beside stooding is Jared that looked more dashing in a white soft fibrous coat and now leaning to our way.

Girls voices and yellings gets louder,but I heard murmurs against me louder that enough to heard by Ximer and Jared.

Jared sat on the driver seat and Ximer opens the door car at the back,I immediately stepped at the contrary and opened the back seat for me and sat. I saw Ximer stock outside and suddenly I heard a sighed he shut the door he opened,and leaned in front and occupied the passenger seat next to Jared. I just don't want to get mistakes from my wrong impressions and lead to my embarrassment again.

"Where are we going?"I asked.

They don't speak anything but energized the engine and leave the placed I rest my spine and closed my eyes instead...but in about 5 minutes the car parked in the edge of rail road.

I peep outside but I only saw a building in a 14th floor height in a sparkling silver white like tincture. Ximer opened the car and I pop out... we start treading inside and headed at the elevator,Jared pressed the button for 9th floor and we started going up .

I keep following their footsteps when suddenly the elevator opens...the place is wide and big it's like the floor is made for a one whole room or should I say for a house?this is a condominium but this place should owns a large space in a bulkier amount well it's not a bit impossible knowing their millionaires and billionaires.

The door in a corner opens and I saw Taerror standing in a backslid and turned to us holding a glass of expensive wine.

Then suddenly I recognized the purple suitcase placed near the long settee,I closed nearer to examine and bear out my suspicion when I saw my own lettering with my name "FANCY XHEILYN-LING".

"NO WAY..."I sighed.

I leaned to Taerror and meet his eyes confusedly.

"Why is my suitcase is here?"I snapped.

"Ohh...I already get the approval of your Aunt and your Uncle"

"Approval of what?!"I asked at outburst I'm really confused of what's happening.

Silenced  suddenly prevailed...

"Take a sit first"he said. I sat immediately to hear his next word.

"Honestly I also wanted to give you the time for thinking everything I have said, but the things didn't go as I expected so my plans have to sort and carry out as soon as possible"

I keep stilled and listening.

"To convinced you more and to understand the details of my proposal I'm going to state with you my situation..."he started.

"My family had a unique traditional events which is marriage lineage tradition were it inherited from my father side...and I don't like it since before...it is considered that when the man of the house has reached the age of twenty-two he had sure to marry his fiance to full fill the settlement and the adopted tradition as respect to our ancestors which is it came from their generation... and since my 22th birthday is too soon after this four months everyone is preparing for the set day"he took a sip on his wine.

"But I'm not your fiance, there's a lot of girls that best suits for this planned scheme of yours"I interrogate.

"If I defy the traditions I would be castoff  and definitely a shame to my family and honor of our reputation specially to my late father"he stated calmly.

"But why me?"

"You keep asking that... because I'm sure you have nothing to do with this and...

I want you to play the role ...."he continued.

He want me?....ok what did he mean by that?

"Look don't over think everything,I will just introduce you to be my phase fiance that's all!"

"So you just need my help?"I gave him an assuring look.

He didn't say anything but faced in the glass wall over the view of the whole city.

"But you didn't answer my question,why is my suitcase is here?"I said at range.

"We're going to prepare some time,and since this is a private company you shouldn't show yourself around and stick to your family or else they will get involved"

"Wait,it doesn't sound right to me"I sighed nervously.

"I believe that my mom is an influential person,I'm concerned he can harm people by any means"he leaned back and faced to me,his eyes is pleading.

"Why there's any harm?are you saying that my life and my family were at risk and could possibly be in trouble?"I despise those eyes.

"I can't tell you more"he said and brush his hair upwardly with his fingertips.

I sighed lingering. HELL NO!

To be continued...