
Slade the Shade.

What is your greatest fear in your life? Death, heights, or maybe the creepy mutations with eight legs. For Slade it is boredom, so when the first VRMMRPG, called Limits, came out you can expect him to sell everything he owns to combat his fear. What will he do when the first thing he does is anger a goddess in-game and start without a class.

Dusty_plane · Games
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Village quests And the rare encounter.

Before leaving the village he decided to go around and accept a few quests to gain extra rewards. First, he went to the butchery and found a middle-aged man holding a cleaver.

"Greetings, how's business"

"Greetings traveler, business is fine just waiting for more supplies."

"That's just what I came here for I want any and all of your quests"

"Here they are but don't bite off more than chew, lots of danger in the wild."

"No problem"

[Quest received: Wild boar meat. (repeatable up to ten times)

Description: Butcher needs meat from wild boars and is willing to pay.

Task: Kill and harvest meat from ten wild boars and bring it back to the butcher.

Reward:50 bronze; EXP; 1 reputation point]

[Quest received: Deer meat. (repeatable up to ten times)

Description: Butcher needs meat from deer and is willing to pay.

Task: Kill and harvest meat from ten deer and bring it back to the butcher.

Reward:20 bronze; EXP]

Next up was the tailor which was an elder woman.

[Quest received: Wolf hide. (repeatable up to ten times)

Description: Tailor needs the hides of wolves and is willing to pay.

Task: Kill and harvest the hide from ten wolves and bring it back to the tailor.

Reward:80 bronze; EXP;2 reputation points]

With the killing quests Slade collected he made it out of the village through the crowd of players and into the forest. He walked for a few minutes before he spotted his prey.



Type: Normal



With the scythe equipped and a single swing.


[You have killed a Lvl.3 boar and are rewarded with EXP]

Done collecting the loot, he starts to hunt his prey again and after killing ten more boars he finally goes back to level 3.

[You have leveled up and are now level 3]

With no stat points to allocate, he starts to practice his use of the scythe with every boar he came across. Left swing,[You have killed a Lvl.3 boar and are rewarded with EXP]

right swing,[You have killed a Lvl.4 boar and are rewarded with EXP]

jumping slash,[You have killed a Lvl.3 boar and are rewarded with EXP].

Even with that one boar that he missed and hit a boar using the flat side of the blade,[You have killed a Lvl.3 boar and are rewarded with EXP].

boars for 30 minutes until boar number 100 is killed.

[You have leveled up and now are level 4]

[You have learned the skill Deadly strikes]

Deciding to hold off on allocating any of his points until he finishes the power leveling. He begins to take a short break on the nearby tree.


[ Name: Slade

Species: Human being

Gender: Male

Level: 4 [0%]

Title: N/A

Class: N/A

Blessing:S???(+10% to every stat;??? skill)



Physical damage:28

Magical damage:26

Strength: 13+1

Agility: 25+10+3

Endurance: 10+1

Intelligence: 12+1

Vitality: 10+1

Charisma: 10+1

Luck: 10+1

Attribute skills:10

Physical defense:11+3

Magical defense:0


Inspect Lvl.1: Cost: 1 MP, can see information about monsters that do not exceed the user's level by more than 10 levels.

Meteor Strike Lvl.2: Cost:90 MP, when falling down heights greater than 2m while perpendicular to the ground while facing it with a weapon, you can perform a falling strike that can impale the enemy. The greater the height the greater the damage caused(beware fall damage will still count).<220 Physical damage x (0.6 x maximum height(m) before falling(maximum of 20m) >

Kick you while you are down: Cost:10 MP per kick, when an enemy is immobilized to the ground you can start kicking them for extra physical damage.<+50 Physical Damage when kicking>

Sprint Lvl.1: Cost 20 MP/S: while active the skill increases your movement speed by 10%<+10% movement speed>

Deadly strikes Lvl.1: Cost 50 MP: Unleash a set of three fatal strikes where each one is progressively faster.<1st strike: 90% of your physical attack;2nd strike: 100% of your physical attack;3rd strike:110% of your physical attack. (30-second cooldown)

Instincts Lvl.1: Cost ?:?<?>

??? Lvl.max: Cost?:?<?>]

Satisfied with his progress Slade looked up only to be greeted by a red-eyed tusked boar charging at me at my fastest speed even with my boots.

[Tusked Boar

Type: Rare



Mobs are classified as ascended order by their power as follows:






World boss




With the boar closing In on me and no way to run and knowing its certain death if it hits Slade's mind went on overdrive allowing him to see things only slightly faster, but just enough to activate his new skill right as the boar was in his reach. He swung his scythe from left to right slicing the boar's right eye causing it to swerve and miss its charge. The next swing slashed that faster than before, and the pig's leg flew away causing it to kneel on the ground lastly the head was decapitated before the leg hit the floor.




[You have killed a Lvl.5 rare Tusked Boar and are rewarded with EXP]

[You have leveled up and now are level 5]

With the hand still outstretched with the scythe, Slade looked up with a smile as he said while looking toward the trees to the side, "Are you three still going to play hide-n-seek or must I personally invite you here."