
Slade the Shade.

What is your greatest fear in your life? Death, heights, or maybe the creepy mutations with eight legs. For Slade it is boredom, so when the first VRMMRPG, called Limits, came out you can expect him to sell everything he owns to combat his fear. What will he do when the first thing he does is anger a goddess in-game and start without a class.

Dusty_plane · Games
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20 Chs

Kill steal and world announcement.

Slade was sitting down on the grass field watching the 300 man raid on the world boss. There were the tanks in the front taking the hits, the warriors who switched with periodically dealing physical damage. The mages at the back were raining the boss with their spells dealing magical damage making sure the assassins were in and out of the fight dealing damage to the boss while killing any mobs that came near the fight. The priests were in the middle of the formation being protected while healing the tanks first before everyone else. The battle was pretty one-sided against the wolf until half of the boss's HP was gone.

[ Wolf King

Type: World boss



By that point, the wolf calmed down before jumping directly in the middle of the formation dealing a huge AoE(area of effect) attack with a claw swipe, killing a huge amount of the healers. With a cunning look, the wolf roared stunning everyone before he started to attack the mages at the back. It took about a minute for the players to get back in formation surrounding the boss. By this point, a third of the players had died, with them mostly being priests and mages. The same cycle would repeat itself until the boss was down to 10,000HP and there were only about 50 players left around them in low health and scarce priests.

[ Wolf King

Type: World boss



With the final push about to happen the surrounding people started to have ideas as they slowly started to inch closer.The leader of the raid seeing this happen, steppe out before threatening...

"Stay back! If you guys insist on being vultures we will put all of you a kill on sight list."

"Why are you calling us vultures, we only want to help out is all, besides the boss does not have your name on it. Let's share this with everyone right guys!" said a shrewd man as he came forward weapons ready.

"Yeah, he's right, let's share!"

"I'm tired of these guys anyway."

"Who told you to be so bossy let's attack everyone!"


And just like that, another 100 players came forward attacking both the raid team and the boss while they were down. Things escalated as spells were thrown everywhere, the raid members were dying and the wolf was just rampaging everywhere. Slade enjoyed the show until the wolf went down to 10% of its health.

[ Wolf King

Type: World boss



The wolf went berserk as it roared again before cleaning out most of the players except the raid leader and two others from his team before tiring itself. The leader breathed in a sigh of relief as it was just him vs the beast was his last thought before his head flew into the air catching the figure of a smiling scythed figure dispatching the rest of his team. As Slade and the beast exchanged glares Slade grinned as he checked the health of the boss one last time before...

[ Wolf King

Type: World boss






...he cast "Deadly strikes" as the wolf howled in despair before it died.

[You have killed a Lvl.7 normal wolf and are rewarded with EXP]

[You have leveled and now are level 8]

[Player Slade, You have killed a world boss for the first time in Limits].

[Do you wish to inform the world Y/N]

"No I stole the boss from a guild, I do not want them to know of me."

[World announcement: player ### was the first player to slay a world boss in Limits and is rewarded with 20 gold coins, reputation, and a mysterious token]

[World announcement: player ### was the first player to slay a world boss in Limits and is rewarded with 20 gold coins, reputation, and a mysterious token]

[World announcement: player ### was the first player to slay a world boss in Limits and is rewarded with 20 gold coins, reputation, and a mysterious token]


[ Name: Slade

Species: Human being

Gender: Male

Level: 8 [0%]

Title: N/A

Class: N/A

Blessing:S???(+10% to every stat;??? skill)



Physical damage:46

Magical damage:44

Strength: 21+5+2

Agility: 55+15+6

Endurance: 10+1

Intelligence: 20+2

Vitality: 15+2

Charisma: 10+1

Luck: 10+1

Attribute skills:0

Physical defense:11+20

Magical defense:0


Inspect Lvl.1: Cost: 1 MP, can see information about monsters that do not exceed the user's level by more than 10 levels.

Meteor Strike Lvl.2: Cost:90 MP, when falling down heights greater than 2m while perpendicular to the ground while facing it with a weapon, you can perform a falling strike that can impale the enemy. The greater the height the greater the damage caused(beware fall damage will still count).<220 Physical damage x (0.6 x maximum height(m) before falling(maximum of 20m) >

Kick you while you are down: Cost:10 MP per kick, when an enemy is immobilized to the ground you can start kicking them for extra physical damage.<+50 Physical Damage when kicking>

Sprint Lvl.1: Cost 20 MP/S: while active the skill increases your movement speed by 10%<+10% movement speed>

Deadly strikes Lvl.1: Cost 50 MP: Unleash a set of three fatal strikes where each one is progressively faster.<1st strike: 90% of your physical attack;2nd strike: 100% of your physical attack;3rd strike:110% of your physical attack. (30-second cooldown)

Instincts Lvl.1: Cost ?:?<?>

??? Lvl.max: Cost?:?<?>]

Satisfied Slade grabbed the loot and started running away without checking them out as he does not want the raid team to catch up to him from the village. In this game, there is no such thing as a graveyard, If you die you respawn where you put your respawn point. That is why it would take about 30 minutes for the raid members to come back, and he wants to be long gone before then.