
SL: REverse [in process of rewrite.]

Hello! Author here. I currently do not know how to make the synopsis of the fanfic so I'll just put a part of the story. Hi! I'm Saul. I am die-hard fan of the novel solo leveling. I always had regarded it the best I had read. I was reading a manwha when I saw a silhouete of Sung jin-woo on the character. "Haha, time to go back to my personaly favorite novel, huh? Might as well read it incase I forgot anything about it." I mumbled, smiling with nostalgia. I read the novel again stopping at chapter 200 as my mom called me down stairs. "Saul! Get your lazy ass out your room and go buy some milk! We ran out of it." "Ok. Okay! Just stop shouting, mom." I said as I open my door and head down stairs. "Bye mom!" I shout as I leave the house. Little did I know it was my final good bye. As I was admiring the red spider lily photo on my screen, I heard a honk and I looked at the direction it came from. *Honk* I saw a truck carrying chickens a meter infront of me honked and I was shocked. I couldn't move, my body refused to listen as I feel freezing aura coming from the truck. 'Ah! my legs are stuck they won't listen to me! What is this pressure that's forcing me into an immovable state?!' I thought. "Cut!!! Cut! Okay thats enough. Now, interested? Read the rest of the chapters in the table of contents. Not here!" Although the title suggests that this is a solo leveling fan-fic this might end up in other stories like OVERLORD. Welp, what can I do except progress this story.

Nakamura_Shun · Anime & Comics
Not enough ratings
38 Chs

Copycat, you perfect grindstone!


The sound of locks unlocking echoed. "Phew, that's better~." A bald rehabilitator spoke as he put his once chained, now free hands on his neck.

He looked back at Kang Tae-Shik. "Are you allowed to treat us like slaves? Huh?" His fellow prisoners snickered and smiled at being free.

He looked to his sida and spoke. "Well, I won't mind if a pretty lady like you were to treat me like a slave." Kang Seo-jun backed away in mock disgust before she suddenly smirked.

"Shut it."

Kang Tae-Shik's voice resounded as he put on a grave expression. "You don't speak about my sister with that filthy mouth of yours...."

He briefly disapeared and reapeared with a dagger in his hands, "....Else you get burried seven feet upwards because not even your ash will remain, scum..."

As he spoke those words, the rehabilitator's cheek gained a cut that slowly bleed before healing. Hunters have superior bodies, it was natural for a small cut to heal in seconds.

Kang Seo-Jun walked towards the raid group and introduced herself with a bored expression. "Hello, I am Kang Seo-Jun from the monitoring division."

"You heard the explaination. I'll be keeping a close eye, so don't worry too much." She spared a glance at Ye Jin with her eyes having a strange glint before she continued.

"Who will lead today?" She asked. "I'll do it." Song Chi-yul responded. "Then, I'll leave it to you." She said before backing away towards her brother.

Song Chi-Yul looked at Ye Jin and asked. "Are you ok with me being the leader?" Ye Jin smiled brightly and said "Of course! I'll trust you with the leading. You good at it."

She turned to Jin-woo, the smile still on her face. "Right, brother?" Jin-woo responed with a smile of his own. "Yes."

The two looked at each other before lightly chuckling. "Hey! Don't leave me on the fun!" Ju-hee spoke and joined in the laughter.

Song Chi-Yul had a touched, apolegetic and grateful expression as he looked at the twins creating a light and hearty atmosphere.

The old man forced a tear back as he bowed. "Thank you for giving me another chance." Jin-woo had a shocked expression on his face while Ye Jin only smiled unfazed.

"M-Mister?!" Jin-woo stuttered in shock of a man he respects bowing to him. Song Chi-yul continued his words.

"11 people died because of me, then it was both of you that saved the remaining 6 people." He paused. "My responsibilty was the greatest to be able to protect everyone."

"When I bow, I am thanking you in place of all the hunters." Int the end of his words, he had a smile. "Sung's, thank you."

Ye Jin touched the old man's shoulder. "Mister Song. Please raise your head. Without you volenteering forward with our guesses, we would have died in the process. It is us, that should thank you." She spoke together with Jin-woo smiling warmly.

Song Chi-Yul raised his head and looked at the deserters of that day. "Kim! You would not have problems with me being the leader, right?"

Kim Sang-shik didn't respond for a second before he spoke the words "Do what ever you want." and turned around in shame.

Song Chi-Yul sighed at his actions as they proceeded to enter the dungeon gate.



A goblin shouted as it luanched itself forwards. Only for it's head to get smashed to bits with only tiny chunks of meat left.

"Do they want to get beat so bad?" The bald rehabilitator said as he swung the heavy metal nunchuck around wildly, hitting a target or not.

"How Bland!" A orange haired rehabilitator shouted as he swung and destroyed 2-3 goblins with mace every swing he made. "Try coming at us in packs!"

"Hmph!" The long haired swung his fist forward, making the body besides the limbs vanish into a blood mist. "Only packs?"

"I can't see who's human and who's monster..." Song Chi-Yul spoke. A goblin jumped forward unaware of the trap the old man set.

Song Chi-Yul truned around and blasted a ball of fire at the goblin. He turned back to his right and blasted another pillar of fire, cremating the goblins to ash.

Kim Sangshik looked back after he finnished the goblins near him and commented. "Song Chi-Yul, that man.... I don't think he's a normal C-rank...."

(A/n: Of course! He's a magic swordsman, though he gave up the sword in dungeons....)

The old man looked at him. "Kim, is it okay that a swordman's swing is like that weak?" he spoke. "Hmph! It seems you like to act leader as always."

(A/n: You tsun tsun! Accept a master swordsman's teaching!)

"Let us be possitive, all the survivors of that event in now reunited." He said in response as he saw at the edge of his vission Ye Jin hack a gobling in two, sheathe, change swords, then hack again. Slowly repeating her actions.

He had a blank expression as he asked her "Ye Jin, What are you doing...?". Meanwhile Ye Jin was sweating bullets of sweat.

"U-um..." her eyes spinned. 'Ahhhhh! Yabai! I was just trying to gradually increase the speed of drawing and sheating my swords while also alternating which blade kills so that they'd recieve equal ammount of buffs.... Ahhhh!' She thought as she slowly panicked.

"U-a-.... I'm, I'm, I'm just trying to increase my sheathing and drawing speed! Yes, I'm trying to do that! Ahahaha, ahahaha.... (Yoshoooo! Nice save!)" She spoke as Jin-woo stared at her suspiciously.

Song Chi-Yul only sighed and looked at Jin-Woo and Ju-hee. "It seems that Jin-woo has improved a lot. Where did you get such dagger? It's uncommon to see the barehanded Sung Jin-woo use a weapon."

Jin-woo looked at him, dagger in reverse grip. With a smile on his face, he asked, "Is that so?". Ye Jin Didn't bother them and continued her activity of stacking buffs for the twin katanas.

"That's right. I didn't even need to heal you once. Are you sure you trained in martial arts when you were gone?" Ju-hee confirmed and asked while Jin-woo said "I just do some exercise everyday." in reasponse.

'I said it as a joke, but it seems that he really did improve.' Song Chi-Yul thought.

"You are far more different than the Sung Jin-woo I used to know." Ju-hee added and Jin-woo only smiled in response. Ye Jin looked at Jin-woo and thought, 'Look at his smile! All happy that Ju-hee talks to him but doesn't even dare smile as bright in my direction!'

(A/n: Ya'll just jelly!!!)

Song Chi-yul looked at Jin-woo closely and thought. 'Not only his apearance, but his aura too. Is he really the Sung Jin-woo I know? He used to have a hopeless felling when his sister isn't raiding with him but now he looks all relaxed... He truly became a man.'

He looked to his left, 'Ju-hee on the other hand, seems afraid. I can clearly see her hands shake. To be afraid of mere goblins, her trauma must be deep. It's unfortunate, but at this rate, she'll have to retire...' He thought as they slowly inch forward inside the dungeon.

"Darn! The path split into 4!" Kim Sangshik said as he looked at the darkly lit forkway.

Ye Jin was brought to thought again. 'Huh? Wasn't it only 3? Is this another one of the butterfly effects my existense in this world created?'

"Since the level of threat is low, should we just split off? Although the danger might increase, the clear time will significantly increase." Kang tae shik went forward and propossed.

"... let's split off." Song Chi-yul thought for a momment before speaking. "I'll bring the criminals to the right most path so if you find the boss room, come quickly tell me."

Sung Jin-woo's eyes lit up blue as he sensed where the boss is, it was located at the second to the most left pathway. "Mister Song Chi-Yul, let's go that way." Jin-woo pointed his finger towards it. "Sure." was the old man's reply.

"I'll go to the most left then!" Kang Seo-Jun announced while marching towards it. They didn't question her since she was a high rank hunter and could solo the whole dungeon by herself.

But something out of their expectations happend. "I'll go with you, ms. Kang Seo-Jun." Ye jin spoke and jogged after her.

"What? But I thought you were coming with us?" Jin-woo said. "A-a-ah, no." Ye Jin wiggled her finger. "I won't be coming with you, and also, enjoy your time with her." She said while winking at Jin-woo.

Jin-woo needs to survive without her or he might be to dependant on her that he wont grow strong and learn to devour and use the system more efficiantly.

And so they went on they're seperate ways. As Ye Jin and Kang Seo-Jun deepen into the path way. A blade suddenly strikes the later.

"Oho~!" Kang Seo-Jun held up a sword that blocked the attack that came for her. The blade was constantly shaking as the pressure exerted unto them was immense.

Kang Seo-Jun turned back slowly while still holding the sword. She pushed the sword back and spoke. "May I ask why you attacked me so suddenly, Sung Ye Jin darling?"

Ye Jin chuckled. "Darling?" She pulled out Caeruleum and slashed at Kang Seo-Jun, who easily paried with a similar slash that could rip through steal with barely (no) any resistance.

"Before I answer that, let me ask you a question. Did you just copy my attack?" Ye Jin asked as if she already knew and only needed confirmation.

"Oh, so you noticed~. Looks like I have already been found out. Yes, you are correct, I did copy your attack." Kang Seo-Jun answered.

Ye Jin smirked madly and lifted up her blades as they shone with a red and blue hue!"Now, to answer your question, ms. Kang Seo-jun: Copycat! You perfect grindstone!"


To those who got what Ye Jin meant, congrats you above average smart person! You got my like if you comment it and got it correct.

Hello! I'm back with another chapter!

How was your day?

Mine sucked severely.

I am back! I hope daily, though i doubt it would happen with how this year sucks so bad.

Creation is hard, cheer me up!

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