
Skyrim x Witcher: Tale of Chronicle Explorers

— Excitement courses through William as he looks at the two physical game discs he just purchased. It's been a while since he heard his friends rave about the games, and they've already completed them on their own. Notably, the game itself is already 8 years old. After switching on his computer, his attention wanders to the numerous novels and manga lining the bookshelves, with a particular focus on the sections dedicated to BNHA and AOT. Soon, his eyes shift to the side, where the Witcher 3 game is neatly stored. Once he boots up the computer, he proceeds to install the game and immerses himself in it day and night, taking advantage of the summer holiday. However, on a fateful day, while strolling through the streets of his hometown, he finds his gaze drawn to the sky. A bright yellow light begins to intensify, capturing his attention, and before he can even process a final thought, William engulfed in a sudden cold darkness. — Extra Tags: Slow Paced, Magical Research, Divination, Skyrim, Witcher 3, World Not Revolving Around MC, Friendship, Political War, Minimum Presence of Deity. Possible Future Tags: Adventure, Action, Tomb Diving, High Rock, Nilfgaardian, Historic Perseverance, Developing Own Magic. My main focus in this fanfic is to fleshed-out the lore of both of this franchise (Skyrim and Witcher), and how the culture of these two people there is interacting with one another. If you search for MC that solely focused in achieving divinity, this fanfic is not it. But I also know that I will most likely put disasters upon disasters after another to make the world more interesting. So, even though power level is not my focused, I will still make the MC to improve himself further. As to why he wants to improve himself, that you must read. Since, it counts as spoiler by my standard of seeing things. —   For now, the chapters are shortened to be 1000 words so that I can collect advance chapters. —

swamp_dune_forest · Video Games
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68 Chs

Aretuza Rectoress.

Placing the book on one of the long desks that he could find, William then started reading while massaging his legs. Opening a couple of pages and quickly skimming through them, he was surprised to accidentally have picked up a book that was not written by a Magicka Mage but by the sorceress from his continent.

Especially, the person in said book is someone he knew very well from the Witcher novel: Tissaia de Vries, the oldest, no, the deceased oldest Arch-Mistress sorceress in the Northern Kingdoms. Ex-rectoress of the famous female-only magic academy, Aretuza. A person that can be said to be on par or maybe even stronger than the principal of the College of Winterhold.

Which is true, judging from the things that she wrote that are backed by evidence, with the conclusion of her statement that in theory, one Chaos Sorcerer can defeat an infinite number of Magicka Mages. Because their Sources do not have a limitation on the amount of Magicka in their body. Instead, they draw upon the Chaos itself to power up their spells, theoretically allowing them to cast whatever they like without fear of running out of juice.

One piece of evidence that she wrote is that ten years ago, their youngest sorceress Triss Merigold, who had just graduated from Aretuza, managed to defeat all of the Expert-tiered Magicka Mages that were sent by the Synod of the Septim Empire and was able to go toe-to-toe with Master Wizard Lydette Viliane.

Even though she still lost the duel in the end due to the vast difference in experience, it is still a feat that proves Mistress Tissaia's conjecture, that one Chaos Sorcerer is equal to a large number of Magicka Mages. Making William acknowledge the fact that, in terms of quality, these Source-sensitive individuals are way way above them.

After a couple of pages reading the biography and introduction, he finally then read the section on how to sense Magicka, which was very eye-opening, considering that she had two different perspectives on wielding these two entirely different types of magic.

One such example of sensing Magicka is that it is like taking a piece of flesh from the Aetherius plane and stitching it into your body. This statement was very controversial, as she mentioned that she almost had a fistfight with one of the Arch-Mages in the Psijic Order when the research papers became public and reached Summerset Isle.

But the claim is reasonable, considering this world was created by et'Ada and their remains, and all of those said "gods" come from Aetherius.

It's like they are the ones who discovered oil and electricity first, while the "mortals" still have flint and stone to start the fire. Because of that, mortals can only gather their food with primitive tools, unlike them who have large machines to grow crops to sustain their survivability. And the flesh of Aetherius is similar to that fuel, but only on a larger and abstract scale, where the firepower itself can create the world and all of its inhabitants.

Or another such example of wanting to sense Magicka is like sensing the Chaos, which is one of the two first concepts of how reality comes to be, with the other one being Order. Essentially making it similar to sensing Anu and Padomay, in terms of the people in Summerset Isle.

Or more specifically, the Altmeri pantheon, that the Psijic Order believes to be the first two primordial concepts that long existed before the Elder Scrolls era comes to be, or long before those Daedra and Aedra are being born.

This amused Tissaia, as the people who were offended by that controversial statement allowed this book to scatter around the empire. Essentially causing the boom of mages throughout the world in the fifty years after the Conjunction of the Spheres, which William personally feels the impact of in this college that was supposed to be dilapidated.

And the last statement, or rather conjecture, of wanting to sense Magicka is for existence itself to be aware of those abstract concepts, with the hope to be enlightened enough to shape the body, so that the body can shape the reality around them. That brings it back to the beginning of everything, making it similar to how the Chaos and Order or Anu and Padomay wanted to create the universe.

Which stunned William at the ingenuity of this ex-rectoress of Aretuza. While others are still blindly focused on becoming the Aedra and Daedra, her mind is already too far away to touch those concepts. Even though she did not succeed in this endeavor, making her regret having a perspective that is already stuck in the old way, she still wrote this idea in the hope that someone will continue her legacy to pass the torch that only has a small ember of fire in them.

"Tissaia de Vries, huh?"

Startled from his contemplation, William tried to calm his excited beating heart from reading that passage. After a couple of seconds collecting his thoughts, he then looked back at the person that suddenly broke his immersion. A normal-looking girl with curly blonde hair, wearing College robes, is what he saw upon gazing at that person.

"Can I sit here?"

But his instinct told him that what he sees is not the true appearance of this person, and sure enough, he noticed that the person is not wearing a Dimeritium bracelet that was given by that Argonian earlier on the counter, that has the property to destroy any kind of magic, no matter if they are Chaos or Magicka.

It was given so that the mages do not accidentally destroy the library because they might want to try the things that the book they read says.

So, connecting his fingers to one another, William started thinking with lightning speed. Noticing the distinct smell of Azalea flower and Clementines fruits—a combination of both perfumes that is very conventional among Sorceresses—and judging from the recent events that made Aretuzan higher-ups come here, William smiles to disguise Margarita Laux-Antille and says.

"Sure, no problem."