
Skyrim: The Snow Prince (an Elder Scrolls Fanfic)

Akatosh, also known as Aur-I-El the Falmer God, and Dragon God of Time; felt a disturbance in the veil of Atherius and Mundus. After inspecting this Space-Time anomoly he found a Mortal Soul, a Human of 20 years of age, he was nothing special but when Akatosh peered into this Mortal's mind he saw his memories. Learning that Atherius, the Et'Ada, himself, the Aedra, Daedric Princes, Oblivion, Mundus and Nirn were all apart of a fictional game universe known as the Elder Scrolls series, he did not know what to do. But Mara, Kyne and the other Aedric Gods of the Pantheon he ruled over conversed with him. Being convinced that the Mortal, whose soul he still held in his hands, could better the chaotic future of Nirn that were apart of the Mortal's memories, Akatosh/Aur-I-El chose to reincarnate the Human Mortal into the body of a 7 year old Falmer (Snow Elf) boy, via changing and altering the Timeline, causing a Dragonbreak as a result of creating two uncorrupted Falmer that should have never existed in the original timeline. 12 years before the events of the Elder Scrolls V: Skyrim takes place, and Alduin's return from his supposed eternal banishment into the Current of Time thousands of years ago at the hands of the three Nord Hero's. A beautiful Snow Elven woman ran with her young son, trying her best to escape from their Imperial and Thalmor pursuers, having little choice, she lured the pursuers away as her son fell unconscious, only to awake co fused at where he was as memories of his past life flooded his mind. Looking at his body, he knew should his identity be revealed, especially to any Nord, he will be killed. With a prayer to Aur-I-El and Akatosh and all the Divines, he would journey throughout all of Nirn doing his best to learn and become strong enough to prevail against the trials that lay before him. But he also wants to help his people, as he too is now a Falmer, to cure his twisted and corrupted race to the once proud Snow Elves they once were while also ensuring the defeat of two God like beings. Alduin, the Band of Kings, the World-Eater, Firstborn of Akatosh, and as Aspect of Akatosh the Dragon God of Time. And... Miraak, the First Dragonborn (Dovahkiin). But what lingers in his mind is one thing... "Am I the Dovahkiin?" ... ... ... I do not own the cover image (show proof of ownership if you want it removed) or the Elder Scrolls Series. I will never drop this fic, updates will be slow at first but as I complete more of my other fanfics, I will post daily chapters. This fic will be expected to reach 500 to 1500 chapters. I hope for your continued support as I post more and more chapters. The mc of this fic will be similar to my mc of my Star Wars: Rise of Mandalore fanfic, Adrian Hawke. My star wars fic also has skyrim universe mixed into it.

Knight_Riku · Video Games
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Chapter 15: Rags to Riches

Seeing the Elder Scroll I was holding in all my breath afraid that if I exhaled, it would vannish.



As if answering me, I felt something fast approach my face before I could react, I fell back onto the wooden floor with a loud thud and a acking pain on my forehead.

"Who dares?!"

I yelled out in anger at receiving the unexpected and sudden attack.

I looked everywhere but there wasn't any signs of my attacker.

But then I realised something, the floating book was gone?

I looked at my lap and saw it was there it was, the magic book was radiating a slightly gold hue identical to the one the Elder Scroll was emitting.

I am so confused...???

When I thought that, the book opened and the pages flickered until it reached roughly 4/5ths of its contents.

Reading the page, a tick appeared on my temple as my eye twitched.

<How confusing can it be dumbass? It's an Elder Scroll. Don't tell me this version of you is legally blind. Now that I think about it, wouldn't you not be able to read this if you were? Meh, who cares, I'll just take my Elder Scroll and Grimoire back.>

"Now I get it, Fuck You!"

The page's contents vannished and new paragraphs of writing appeared.

<Oh! So you can read! Good. At least I don't need to deal with a blind fool like you, it would have been troublesome to deal with another one.>

"Another one? Who are you exactly? Though I partially can guess, I'd still like to confirm it. Also how are you communicating with me and visa versa?

<Finally! I guess you really are the one. All your other selves were a hassel since they aren't "you" but are alternate versions. Well let's answer your questions. I am you from the future, naturally. But not just any future, but I am literally the the first us to exist in the TES (The Elder Scrolls universe) entire Timeline. What I mean by that is even if you time travel to the future, we will never meet, I am at the literal End of the Entire Timeline of all our alternate selves. You know that theory of the First Timeline we had, I am from that. You are the Prime Sivreth. All the other versions including myself are...fake versions. Think of it like a fictional story, you are the Main Character and I and all our alternate Sivreth versions from branch, alternate, parallel timelines don't have a soul, but you do. Of course we all have our own souls and minds, but that analogy was used to give a basic idea, though you already do know what I am getting at. As for how we are communicating, don't sweat the small stuff. I am smart, you are dumb, th8s book will teach you how to be smart as marvellous me!>

"Fuck you!"

<No thanks, I'm straight.>


<Got nothing to say hot stuff? Where's your arrogance gone?>

"Fine you win, just tell me seriously how you can communicate with me."

<Time stuff, it was very hard. I am actually dead, that is the only way I could give you the Grimore and Elder Scroll without the Daedra and Aedra of your time from finding out. This Grimore is the single most powerful artifact, even stronger than the Elder Scrolls and the Et'Ada themselves to ever exist. You better take care of it.>

"Hold up! Ho-"

<*sigh* Fine I'll tell you before you ask. I died cause I may or may have not pissed of every God and especially Akatosh, Auriel and Alduin. Seriously! All three of them came after me for a thousand years straight! What kind of a joke is that! All I did was steal a piece of their soul, no big deal. Anyway, I died cause I had also caused several hundred Dragonbreaks so that I can find the Prime version of us, which is you. Along the way I hoarded much knowledge and even tricked Hermaeous Mora into giving all his knowledge and secrets he had stashed in Apocrypha to me in exchange for knowledge of Earth. It won't affect you since this was my Herma Mora. I had taken preventive measures and used that stolen soul of Akatosh, Auriel and Alduin so I can alter the Dragonbreaks and erase that world and all the beings within it. Although Aka and Lorkhan always remained which was a pain. Eventually they tracked me down after I had met many versions of our alternate timeline selves. Everything I know is inside that Grimore, in order to give it to you I had to let myself be killed so that the Trio Time Gods don't come after you. You'll be safe, but I did place some restraining seals on that Grimore."

I looked at the book in my hands and immediately flicked through all the pages.

My brows furrowed and my eyes scrunched up, 90% of the pages are blank!

And the 10% that wasn't only has the stuff I already knew!

Although some pages were new and had many notes on various magic schools.

Not only that but there was notes and helpful knowledge for many non magical things such as various combat forms and techniques, agriculture, politics, economics, business, Archery, Blacksmithing, farming, chemistry, physics, biology, law, construction, alchemy, lockpicking methods, Pickpocket techniques and much, much more.

However, they were only 10% of what was revealed to me.

Against my wishes, the Grimore floated out of my hand and turned back to the page of my future self's messages.

"Oi! Why is basically the entire dann thing empty!"

<You really think I would give you everything? I had done that as an experiment on many alternate versions of ourselves and as such I've seen every possible outcome. This is for your own benefit, although since you are the Prime Sivreth, your actions have many unknown variables. For example, you are the first Sivreth to react this way, even though all my words prior to this was a copy & paste in every interaction. You are the Prime version, hence your future can change, whereas as most of the alternate versions can't change their destiny.>

"Forget this now, tell me about the Elder Scroll. I know there has to be a reason for it."

<Ho ho, how perceptive of you! Sherlock Sivreth on the case!>

"Never say that ever again..."

<Technically I'm dead so I can't say it, also I am writing not speaking...soo...>



"Answer or I burn this..."

<Ha! Not even a God can destroy it, what makes you think you can? Besides it's obvious it's a bluff, you'd never do it.>

"*sigh* Just tell me why you gave me the Elder Scroll."

<I didn't give you it to keep.>

"What do you mean? Why not?"

<Go get Blackreach's Elder Scroll if you want it so badly. Besides, my Akatosh, Auriel and Alduin would discover the Dreagonbreak and Time Wound I created in order to give you their Timeline's Elder Scroll. I used the Elder Scroll to send utself back in time to the Prime you I had located, but only temporarily. It'll help you with creating the 4th Moon and with one other thing back in the Imperial City when the "Time has come". You know what I mean.>

The book glowed purple and golden version of a soul gem appeared out of it like my Spear's Storage Ring, as well as a note.

Looking back to what my future self would say, he indeed did answer me.

<That is the offering you need to use to help create the 4th Moon, it is a Dragon's Soul more specifically a Jil. Fucking Jils! Hundreds of them chased after me all the time! Dealing with that was annoying! Also DO NOT USE THAT SOUL FOR ANYTHING OTHER THAN CREATING THE 4TH MOON!>

I was irritated my future self didn't give me anything else but accepted it.

<There is also that black crystal which will teleport you back to your home in Cyrodil once your business here is done. Se more detailsabout the Grimore, it can contain, accumulate and absorb all the knowledge from any other book or the user, if they are willing, into itself and thus building upon its existing knowledge. There is always something new to learn. The Grimore is Blood Bound and Soul Bound so only you can see, use, read and unlock it. Nit even your descendents can use it unless you do a bunch of things that are listed inside.>

"Well all this is cool and all but won't it cause a Time Loop. Better yet, you do know how Dragonbreaks work? Won't all brnached of Timelines as a result of a Dragonbreak just rejoin and combine back into a singular Timeline? That would mean my and your Akatosh are the same and he will know everything you had done and come after me."

<Have you got any clue how old I am? Clearly not, of course i would have learnt how to deal with a Dragonbreak. Don't worry about a Time Loop, the type of Time Travel I did was to create a separate branching timelines of a Dragonbreak, I broke my own Timeline off completely from the TES Timeline entirely. I had killed Miraak as a baby to see what would happen and it had caused massive changes to the Timeline and the world as well as almost erasing my own existence had I not been prepared. DO NOT USE TIME TRAVEL! You acn use it in minor ways but nothing major like what I have done. Once you have learnt how to Time Travel, the pages relating to the subject will reveal themselves to you along with its warnings. Take whatever course you deem fit after reading it. Also do not even attempt it at all until you have obtained the Magical Ore the Wooden Mask is made from, anyway that will be all for now I'll speak with you later. I need to go get myslef killed by Akatosh now to svae your hide. I wonder what dying would feel like?>

(A/n there is an actual name or the Ore but I had lost my note of it and is literally impossible to find it again with research. It's in ESO and makes retrench to Mask of Alkosh similar to Wooden Mask's Time properties.)

I was shocked upon reading what my future self had said, he had killed Miraak and all the things he said were equally shocking.

Looking through more pages I found that my future self also gave some information he had gained from various timeline alternations he had made that could reflect my own Timeline and assist me.

But not everything is revealed, like things regarding 4E 201st, when Alduin Returns or Miraak.

They were among the 90% of the hidden contents of the Grimore.

The 10% I already have access to is more than enough for me to use, it simply is amazing.

Not only that but certain page's knowledge I can absorb directly by touching it, although it's more like 2nd rate knowledge and not my own experiences.

The knowledge I gained through this method were from the various alternate versions of myself my future slef must have encountered.

Looking at the Elder Scroll, it had transformed into a bracelet and latched itself to my wrist. I could remove it with just a thought, in addition it seems a spell was cast on it permanently to keep its weight from pulling me to the ground.

It weighs 20 kilograms in its full form, as a ring it should remain the same, but since my future self had cast a spell on it, it weighs only a few grams.

Gazing at it and the book, I decided to learn what I could from the latter before using the Elder Scroll to create the 4th Moon in accordance with my master plan.

There was one thing that did please me the most form all this, and it was that all the knowledge of the Alchemist Curalmil was available to me and non of it was restricted.




- After 11 years of searching I have finally found M'aiq the Liar in Skyrim! you have no idea how long i suffered trying to find him! go watch that video on my yt. I'll also be posting soon a special brand new undiscovered and easy 2 min guide to leveling every skill in skyrim to 100. I mean seriously? I looked everywhere online and no one had even thought or posted this method! they just use the trashy long and hard ones. I got each skill to max in less than 15 minutes each.


(A/n Curalmil is the Alchemist that created the White Phial, you must fight him in Skyrim to progress its questline.)