
Skyrim Reborn: Victor's Ascension

Victor's monotonous life abruptly ends when he is violently yanked through a mysterious portal within his beloved video game, plunging him into the treacherous realm of Skyrim. Teaming up with Sarah, a master archer with secrets of her own, they navigate through deadly challenges and unearth forgotten secrets under the guidance of an enigmatic force with questionable intentions. As Victor tries to control his newfound abilities, he is faced with the daunting decision of using them for salvation or destruction. A.I. is used in the making of this book. A.U.

Kuroganne · Video Games
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27 Chs

Night Flight

Victor's wings beat rhythmically, their leathery expanse cutting through the cold night air. The stars above sparkled like scattered diamonds against the inky blackness of the sky. Below, the landscape stretched out in a patchwork of snow-covered mountains and dark forests. The remnants of the avalanche they had caused lay far beneath them, a chaotic tumble of ice and rock.

Serana clung to Victor, her eyes wide with a mixture of awe and confusion. The wind whipped through her hair, carrying with it the scent of pine and the chill of the night. She had just been freed from centuries of slumber, and now she was soaring through the sky in the arms of a stranger. It was overwhelming, and yet, strangely exhilarating.

"Hold on," Victor's voice broke through the rush of the wind. "We're almost there."

He scanned the terrain below, searching for a safe place to land. His keen eyes spotted a rocky ledge jutting out from the side of a mountain, partially sheltered by a cluster of trees. He angled his wings and began a gentle descent, the cold air rushing past them as they approached the ledge.

As they touched down, Victor's wings folded neatly behind him, and he set Serana down gently on the ground. She stumbled slightly, still unsteady from the flight, and looked around, taking in their new surroundings. The ledge was a small, flat area, surrounded by towering pines and dusted with a thin layer of snow. Above them, the sky stretched out endlessly, the stars shimmering brightly in the clear night.

Serana took a deep breath, the cold air filling her lungs, and tried to steady her racing thoughts. The events of the past few hours had been a whirlwind, and she struggled to process everything. She turned to Victor, her eyes searching his face for answers.

"Who are you?" she finally asked, her voice barely more than a whisper. "What just happened?"

Victor looked at her, his expression calm and reassuring. "I know you have a lot of questions," he said softly. "And I promise, I'll answer all of them. But first, let's take a moment to catch our breath."

Serana nodded, still trying to wrap her mind around everything. She glanced back at the sky, and felt a small sense of calm wash over her. For the first time since her awakening, she allowed herself to relax, if only for a moment.

Victor observed her calmly, empathizing with the emotions she must be experiencing. He was aware that this was only the beginning of their joint journey, and there would undoubtedly be more obstacles and uncertainties to come. But for now, they could take a brief break and enjoy a moment of tranquility beneath the stars.

The night sky was a breathtaking display of twinkling stars, each one exuding a distant chill. The moons hung low on the edge of the horizon, casting a silver radiance over the snowy landscape. The air was brisk and carried the invigorating scent of pine and frost. From their spot on the ledge, Victor and Serana had a clear view of the aftermath of the avalanche they had narrowly escaped, leaving behind a jagged scar on the mountainside.

Victor stood silently for a moment, his wings folded behind him, blending with the darkness. He could still feel the lingering rush of adrenaline from their escape and the steady hum of power coursing through his veins. His recent transformation had granted him abilities beyond his wildest dreams—wings to fly, strength to protect, and a host of other powers that he was only beginning to understand. He looked at his hands, flexing his fingers, marveling at the energy that seemed to radiate from within.

Serana, meanwhile, took in her surroundings with wide, curious eyes. It has been so long since she had been sealed away. The cold air stung her skin, a stark reminder that she was no longer in the crypt. She turned to look at Victor, her gaze lingering on his wings and the faint glow of power that seemed to surround him. It was clear he was no ordinary mortal.

"This place," she began, her voice breaking the silence. "It's beautiful, but... so different from what I remember." She shivered slightly, wrapping her arms around herself.

Victor nodded, understanding her disorientation. "A lot has changed while you were asleep," he said gently. "But there's time to catch up on all of that. Right now, you're safe, and that's what matters."

Serana looked at him, a flicker of gratitude in her eyes. "Thank you," she said softly. "I don't understand everything that's happening, but I know I owe you my life."

Victor smiled, a warm, reassuring expression. "You're welcome. And don't worry, I'll explain everything. We have time." He paused, looking out over the mountains. "I know this must be overwhelming for you. Waking up in a strange place, with no idea of what's going on."

Serana nodded, her gaze following his. "It is. But I trust you... for some reason, I feel like I can."

Victor's heart warmed at her words. He turned to face her fully, ready to start answering the many questions he knew she had. "Let's start with the basics," he said. "My name is Victor. I'm here to help you, and there's a lot we need to talk about. But first, let's make sure we're both okay."

Serana nodded again, feeling a small sense of comfort in his presence. She took another deep breath, trying to calm her racing thoughts. "Okay," she said.

Serana's eyes held a mixture of confusion and curiosity as she looked at Victor. "Who are you really? And what just happened back there?"

Victor took a deep breath, considering how to best explain everything. "My name is Victor Bran," he began, his voice calm and steady. "I've been gathering people to fight against a great evil threatening this world. His name is Morvan, and he poses a danger to everything and everyone." He gestured to his wings and the faint aura of power surrounding him. "I've recently undergone a transformation that gave me these abilities."

Serana frowned slightly, processing his words. "Transformation? Abilities? You mean you weren't always like this?"

Victor nodded. "Yes, it's a long story, but essentially, these powers were granted to me to help in the fight against Morvan." He paused, looking into her eyes. "And I found you because of a book that mentioned you and your importance. Your presence here is no accident."

Serana's expression softened with curiosity. "How do you know so much about me? We've never met before, yet you speak as if you know me well."

Victor smiled gently, choosing his words carefully. "I have a skill called Mystic's Gaze. It allows me to perceive hidden truths about people and their potential. When I found you, I sensed your importance and the power you hold." He watched her reaction closely, hoping she would understand.

Serana looked away, her thoughts racing. The idea of someone knowing so much about her without ever having met was unsettling, yet there was something about Victor that made her want to trust him. "I see," she said slowly. "That explains a lot, but it's still a lot to take in."

Victor nodded, his expression empathetic. "I understand. It's not every day you wake up to find a stranger who seems to know too much about you. But I promise, I'm here to help." He paused, giving her a moment to absorb his words. "Now, maybe you could tell me a bit about yourself? About how you ended up in that crypt?"

Serana took a deep breath, her eyes reflecting a mix of pain and nostalgia. "It's a long story," she began, her voice tinged with sadness. "But I suppose you deserve to know." She looked at Victor, her gaze steady. "I come from a powerful vampire family. My father is Lord Harkon, leader of the Volkihar Clan. He sought to fulfill a prophecy that would blot out the sun and bring eternal night, allowing vampires to rule unchallenged."

Victor listened intently, his eyes never leaving hers. "Go on," he encouraged gently.

Serana continued, her voice growing more confident. "I was against his plans. I couldn't let him bring such destruction to the world. My mother, Valerica, and I hid away the Elder Scrolls to prevent my father from achieving his goal. To keep me safe, my mother sealed me in that crypt. And that's where I remained... until you woke me."

Victor nodded, understanding the weight of her words. "You did what you had to do to protect the world. That takes incredible strength." He paused, letting her story sink in. "I know it must be hard, waking up to find that so much has changed."

Serana sighed, a mix of relief and sorrow in her expression. "It is. But I'm grateful to you for freeing me. I don't know what my future holds, but I'm willing to face it."

Victor smiled warmly. "You're not alone in this. We'll face whatever comes together." He paused, his expression growing serious. "There's something important we need to discuss about your future. It was a drastic solution, but it might be the best way to keep you safe."

Victor took a deep breath, preparing himself for the conversation ahead. "Serana, the danger you face isn't just from your father's ambitions. Morvan, is a threat to everything. He has powers that are beyond mortal comprehension, and he won't stop until he's achieved his goal."

Serana's eyes widened, her attention fully captured. "What does this have to do with me?" she asked, her voice tinged with apprehension.

"To fight Morvan and protect those I care about, I aim to gather allies and find ways to strengthen them," Victor explained. "You have immense potential, Serana. Your abilities as a vampire are significant, but they might not be enough against the threats we face." He paused, looking into her eyes. "That's why I used the Bishop piece on you. It has transformed you into a half-devil half-vampire, granting you new powers and protections."

Serana's eyes widened with shock. "Half-devil? Half-vampire?" she echoed, her voice trembling. She looked down at her hands, as if expecting to see some immediate change.

Victor continued, his tone gentle but firm. "I know it sounds drastic, but it was necessary. I had no other way to wake you up, the chamber was destroyed before I pulled you out."

Serana's gaze flickered between Victor and the distant horizon beyond the mountains. Her mind swirled with confusion and unspoken fears. "What... what kind of powers?"

Victor hesitated for a moment, choosing his words carefully. "Enhanced strength, heightened senses, control over shadow and flame, among others. You'll be able to wield magic in ways that were previously inconceivable."

She looked back at him, her expression a mixture of awe and trepidation. "But at what cost? What does being half-devil mean for my soul?"

Victor's eyes softened with empathy. "I understand your concern," he said quietly. "The transformation doesn't condemn you to darkness; it's a tool, a means to protect yourself. Your soul remains yours to guide."

Serana took a deep breath, trying to steady herself against the whirlwind of emotions. The stillness of the environment around them seemed to echo the weight of her internal conflict.

"I appreciate your honesty, Victor," Serana said softly, her voice tinged with resolve. "I will do whatever it takes to stop Morvan and my father. They cannot be allowed to bring about such ruin."

Victor nodded, a glimmer of relief in his eyes. "Thank you, Serana. Your strength and willingness mean more than you know." He paused, choosing his next words thoughtfully. "Now, we must prepare for what's to come. Morvan won't rest, and neither can we."

Serana's gaze hardened with determination as she looked out over the ancient landscape of Skyrim. "What's our next step?"

"We need to gather more allies," Victor responded, his voice imbued with a sense of urgency. "There are others like you, people with unique abilities and untapped potential that could tip the scales in our favor. We must find them before Morvan does."

She nodded in agreement, her mind already racing with possibilities. "Do you have any leads?"

"Yes," Victor replied. "But before we go any further, I want to show you something." He activated his Mystic's Gaze, his eyes glowing with a soft, ethereal light. As he looked at Serana, detailed insights about her new form began to materialize before him like a character sheet from a game.

Serana's Character Sheet

Name: Serana

Race: Devil/Vampire

Title: The Awakened

Health: 100%

Magicka: Master

Stamina: Adept


Destruction: Adept

Conjuration: Master

Restoration: Expert

Illusion: Adept

Alteration: Adept

Speech: Adept

Sneak: Expert



Augmented Frost: Frost spells do 25% more damage.

Deep Freeze: Frost spells may paralyze targets if their health is low.


Necromancy: Greater duration for reanimated undead.

Dark Souls: Reanimated undead have double the health points.


Necromage: All spells are more effective against undead, including healing spells.

Respite: Healing spells also restore stamina.


Quiet Casting: All spells are silent to others.

Master of the Mind: Illusion spells work on undead, daedra, and automatons.


Magic Resistance: Increases resistance to magical attacks by 10%.

Mage Armor: Protection spells like Stoneflesh are twice as effective if not wearing armor.

Special Abilities/Spells:

Blood Magic: Can use blood to power spells, enhancing their effect.

Mana Surge: Magicka regenerates 200% faster.

Shadow Step: Can teleport short distances in the shadows.

Frost Cloak: Surrounds the caster with a frost aura that damages nearby enemies.

Summon Gargoyle: Summons a powerful gargoyle to fight by her side.

Devil's Command: Commands lower-level undead and demonic entities.

Ethereal Shift: Temporarily become immune to physical damage.

Bishop traits:

Healing Aura (Enhanced): Healing effect is greatly amplified, healing Serana and her allies within a significant radius.

Mana Regeneration (Amplified): Magicka regenerates at an incredibly fast rate, allowing for continuous spellcasting.

Spell Amplification: All spells cast by Serana are significantly more powerful, with increased damage and effectiveness.

Devil Traits:

Wings of the Devil: Enormous leathery wings that allow for flight, granting enhanced mobility and strategic advantage in both combat and exploration.

Night Vision: Ability to see clearly in complete darkness, providing a significant advantage in low-light environments.

Devil's Presence: Her aura instills fear in lower-level enemies, reducing their effectiveness in combat.

Vampire Drain: Drains the health, magicka, and stamina of enemies.

Bats Form: Temporarily transforms into a swarm of bats to evade attacks.

Corpse Curse: Paralyzes and damages enemies with a powerful curse.

Blood Magic (Enhanced): Access to more powerful blood magic spells.

Vampire Traits:

Blood Affinity: Grants significant resistance to blood-related attacks and abilities. Additionally, allows Serana to absorb health from blood-based attacks, converting it into health.

Night Prowler: Enhances abilities during the night, including increased strength, speed, and regeneration. Also grants invisibility when standing still in the shadows.

Vampiric Aura: Surrounds Serana with an aura that saps the strength of nearby enemies, reducing their stamina and health regeneration while boosting her own.

Undead Dominion: Gains increased control over undead creatures, allowing for more powerful and longer-lasting summons. Also enhances the effectiveness of necromantic spells.

Personality Traits:

Determined: Unyielding willpower and focus.

Resourceful: Clever and able to make the best of difficult situations.

Loyal: Fiercely loyal to those she trusts.

Curious: Eager to learn and understand her new abilities.

Background Summary: Serana, daughter of Lord Harkon and Lady Valerica, was entombed to protect her from her father's destructive ambitions. After being freed by Victor, she has now been transformed into a half-devil half-vampire, gaining new powers and responsibilities. She is determined to fight alongside Victor to stop the looming threat of Morvan.

Victor's eyes returned to normal as he finished using Mystic's Gaze. "These are your new abilities and traits," he said, showing the detailed insights to Serana, of course he kept the part about personality and background to himself.

"Your transformation has granted you incredible powers and strengths."

Serana stared at the ethereal display, her eyes wide with amazement. "This is... incredible," she whispered. "I never imagined having such abilities."

Victor smiled gently. "With these powers, you'll be able to protect yourself and those you care about. We need to harness and control these abilities effectively to face the challenges ahead."

Serana nodded, her expression resolute. "I understand. I'll do whatever it takes to master these powers and help in the fight against Morvan."

"Good," Victor replied, feeling a sense of camaraderie and determination. "Together, we can make a difference. Let's start preparing for what's to come."

Serana took a deep breath, letting the enormity of the situation settle over her. The knowledge of her enhanced abilities and the looming threat of Morvan weighed heavily on her mind. She glanced at Victor, seeing the determination in his eyes, and felt a surge of resolve within herself.

"I never imagined I'd find myself in a situation like this," she said quietly, almost to herself. "But these powers... they feel right. Like this is what I was meant to become."

Victor nodded, understanding the mixture of fear and excitement she must be feeling. "You were chosen for a reason, Serana. Your strength and abilities are crucial to our success. But remember, you don't have to face this alone. We're in this together."

Serana met his gaze, drawing strength from his unwavering confidence. "I know. And I'm ready to do whatever it takes to stop Morvan and protect this world."

Victor smiled warmly, placing a reassuring hand on her shoulder. "Good. We have a lot of work ahead of us, but I have no doubt that we can do this. Your new powers are extraordinary, and with the right training, you'll be unstoppable."

Serana nodded, her determination solidifying. "I'm ready to start. What do we need to do first?"

Victor's expression grew serious. "First, we need to address the immediate threats and sort out your personal matters. We'll confront your father, Harkon, and deal with the issues with your family. Once that's resolved, you can help me with our larger mission without any worries hanging over you."

Serana's eyes widened with a mix of fear and resolve. "Confronting Harkon... that's not going to be easy. He's powerful and relentless in his pursuit of the prophecy."

Victor nodded. "I know, but it's a necessary step. Taking care of Harkon will not only free you from his shadow but also strengthen our position in the fight against Morvan."

Serana took a deep breath, steeling herself for the confrontation. "You're right. It's time to face him and end this once and for all. I'm with you, Victor. Let's do this."

Victor smiled. "Then let's get moving. We have a lot to prepare for and not much time. Together, we'll confront Harkon, and rally the forces we need to defeat Morvan."

As they prepared to leave the ledge and head towards Harkon's stronghold, the night sky stretched out above them, a canvas of endless possibilities. They both knew the road ahead would be long and difficult, but they were ready to face it together. With their combined strength and resolve, they would overcome any obstacle and emerge victorious.

Victor and Serana descended from the ledge, their minds focused on the task ahead. The air was crisp and filled with the scent of pine as they made their way through the forest, the moonlight guiding their path.

As they walked, Victor turned to Serana. "We need to be strategic about this. Harkon is powerful, and his stronghold will be well-guarded. But with your new abilities and our combined strength, we can do this."

Serana nodded, her expression determined. "I know his tactics and weaknesses. We can use that to our advantage."

Victor smiled, appreciating her insight. "Good. We'll approach quietly and use the element of surprise."

Serana took a deep breath, letting the gravity of his words sink in. "I completely understand. Let's confront Harkon and put an end to his malicious plans."

Victor nodded, determination flashing in his eyes. "Let's get this done."

Serana met his gaze with equal resolve. "I'm prepared," she affirmed. "But before we proceed, could you show me how to properly use these?" She extended her new wings, feeling their leathery membrane stretch out behind her.

Victor grinned at her eagerness to master her newfound abilities. "Of course. Let's find an open area where you can practice."

They made their way to a clearing, the moonlight providing enough illumination for their training. Victor demonstrated the basics of flight, showing her how to spread her wings, catch the wind, and maintain balance.

"It's all about feeling the air currents and using them to your advantage," Victor explained. "Try to relax and let your wings do the work."

Serana nodded, her face set with determination. She spread her wings, feeling the cool night air against them. With a few powerful flaps, she lifted off the ground, hovering unsteadily at first but gradually finding her balance.

Victor watched her with a mix of pride and curiosity. She was a quick learner, adapting to her new wings with surprising ease. As she flew higher, he couldn't help but wonder about her. Was Serana in the game so quick to trust, or was the coercion of his King piece showing its effect against her Bishop piece? The thought troubled him, but he pushed it aside, focusing on the task at hand.

Serana swooped and soared, testing her new wings with growing confidence. The exhilaration of flight was evident on her face, a bright smile breaking through her usually serious demeanor. "This is incredible!" she called down to Victor.

He grinned up at her. "You're doing great! Just remember to stay aware of your surroundings and use your wings to steer."

As Serana continued to practice, Victor's mind drifted to another concern. Why hadn't she mentioned the Elder Scroll she was supposed to have with her? And why hadn't she questioned the battle with the vampires inside the cavern? It seemed unusual for someone as sharp as Serana to overlook such details.

He resolved to bring it up once they were on the ground again. For now, he needed to focus on helping her master flight. "Alright, Serana, try landing over here," he called, pointing to a clear spot nearby.

Serana nodded and angled her wings, descending gracefully to the ground. She stumbled slightly as her feet touched down, but Victor was there to steady her. "Not bad for your first flight," he said, smiling.

Serana laughed, a sound that seemed to surprise even her. "Thank you, Victor. This is all so new, but it feels... right."

Victor nodded. "You're doing great. Now, let's keep moving. We need to reach Harkon's stronghold and deal with him once and for all."

Victor took Serana's hand and led her to the edge of the clearing. "Now that you've got the basics down, let's fly together," he said. "It'll be faster than traveling on foot, and we'll be less likely to run into trouble along the way."

Serana took a deep breath, spreading her wings. "Alright. Let's do this," she said, her voice filled with determination.

With a powerful leap, Victor launched himself into the air, his 6 wings catching the wind and lifting him higher. Serana followed suit, her 2 wings beating steadily as she climbed into the night sky. They flew side by side, the cool air rushing past them as they soared above the treetops.

As they flew, Victor couldn't help but admire Serana's grace and agility. She was a natural, quickly mastering the art of flight. But his mind kept returning to the unanswered questions. Why hadn't she mentioned the Elder Scroll? And why hadn't she asked about the battle with the vampires?

Victor glanced over at Serana, who was focused on the path ahead. "Serana," he called out, "I need to ask you something."

She looked over at him, her expression curious. "What is it?"

"When we first met, you didn't mention the Elder Scroll you were supposed to have. And you didn't ask why I was fighting the vampires in the cavern. Why is that?" he asked, his voice gentle but probing.

Serana's brow furrowed as she considered his questions. "I suppose I was too focused on the immediate danger and the shock of being awakened," she said slowly. "The Elder Scroll... I don't know where it is. I had it when I was entombed, but it wasn't with me when I woke up."

Victor nodded, understanding her confusion. "For now, let's focus on confronting Harkon. We need to resolve this so we can move forward without any distractions."

Serana nodded, her resolve firming. "You're right. Let's deal with my father first. Then we can worry about the Elder Scroll."

Victor smiled, feeling a renewed sense of purpose. Together, they soared through the night sky, their destination clear. The stronghold loomed ahead, a dark silhouette against the stars. As they approached, the sense of anticipation and tension grew, but so did her determination.

Finally, they arrived at the outskirts of Harkon's stronghold. The imposing structure loomed ahead, its dark spires piercing the night sky. Victor and Serana landed softly, their wings folding behind them. They paused, taking a moment to gather their strength and make final preparations.

"This is it," Victor said, his voice steady. "Are you ready?"

Serana took a deep breath, her eyes filled with resolve. "I'm ready. Let's do this."