
Skyrim: A Sorcerer's Tale

A bitter old man gets tossed into the world of Tamriel, as a descendant of a religious madman no less, watch as he delves into the secrets of magic and explores the wonders of this danger-filled world, and with luck and a lot of magic juice possibly even beyond. This is my first attempt at writing a fanfic (or anything for that matter). English is not my native language but I think there shouldn't be too many mistakes. The story will focus on magic and exploration with most likely a bit of romance later on. The upload schedule won't be rigid, but expect five chapters a week. If you want to support me financially and get access to early chapters visit patreon.com/Rastislav156

Rastislav · Video Games
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355 Chs

Chapter XXVI: Court Mage and Preparations

Big thanks to Ashford for their most generous support on Patreon!


(Reyvin's pov)

The banquet went on without any further mishaps. Honestly, I was surprised by Erikur's lack of subtlety, a small part of me hoped he would be some hidden mastermind just because a brat in power annoys me more than him possibly being a true threat.

My evening spent with Sybille was altogether quite pleasant, we had a lot to talk about when it came to magic, and she was obviously interested in doing more than talking by the end of the banquet. We left for the wizard's tower after the party died down and the damn woman simply wished me a good night and closed the door to my face!

Damn tease...

The following day was my first time participating in the King's court, and dear Kyne I was close to shooting an ice spear through my head as it looked preferable to listening to a bunch of petty nobles shouting their even pettier grievances.

Most of the session I spent just sitting around with Sybille, who looked like she wasn't even paying attention to what was being said and just dozing off without a care in the world, while I had to actually listen in case someone tried to throw a curveball my way.

She seemed to know it too judging by her mocking smile.

I only got one opportunity to actually do my job during the entire court session and that was to determine a fair tax on soul gems, an item used by less than one percent of the population...

Naturally, I advised the tax to be as low as I could get away with. If I have to sit around and listen to a bunch of medieval not-Vikings try and make decisions I am going to get something out of it!

Besides my sizeable salary, of course.

After the court meeting was done I was held back by the Hold Steward, Falk Firebeard who invited me into his office.

We took our seats and he questioned me about the information I had on the Forsworn, possible locations, and numbers.

I responded as best as I could but seeing as the source of my information was second-hand rumors from taverns we really didn't get anywhere except me marking a couple of hills and ravines that might hold encampments.

Falk nodded along my explanations pretty much having already expected this result, but then we arrived at a topic that might be within my actual expertise "So, Flame-tongue what do you know of their magic strength? Their warriors are weaklings compared to our own, but their witches are usually the ones giving us the most trouble."

I decide not to comment on the warrior statement, believing it to be mostly true, and search my thoughts for a while. After some thinking I say "I am aware of two general types."

Falk urges me to explain with his hand.

I raise a finger "The first one would be the witch, general magic casters focusing on ritualism and curses. Most of them are your local potion makers and the like so they aren't all that much of a threat in combat but can still be a danger with their poisons." He is writing every word down with impressive speed.

"Their 'ascended' versions" I almost spit the words out "Are known as Hagravens, witches who through communion with Daedric Prince Namira and human sacrifice attained greater power and longevity."

Falk raises his head abruptly "We are dealing with Daedric cultists now?"

I Nod "Yes, while some would say that it could be considered more of a cultural religion akin the Reclaimed Tribunal of Morrowind, these communities are far more cult-like in nature and practice less than morally acceptable rituals."

Falk sighs "And I guess this gives them some very unfortunate powers?"

Once again I nod in confirmation "Indeed, you can expect fleshy monstrosities or reanimated corpses they didn't consume." He blanches "On the other hand the Hags themselves are capable of destruction magic but mostly focus on poisons, curses, and healing."

"Odd that they would be good at healing with them being cannibals and all." Falk mutters, but something in my look makes him regret it.

I stare into the distance "Oh, butchering the bodies of men and mer is surprisingly useful for understanding how to put them back together."

He goes a bit green "Forget I said anything." and returns to the point "You said there was another magical threat from them?"

"Yes, the Briarhearts. And mind you the name is quite literal as well. They are the 'brave' reachmen that undergo a ritual done by the Hagravens, usually including human sacrifice as well." He does not look happy to hear that. "They have their hearts replaced with an enchanted briar that grants them great strength and power at the cost of some of their sanity and free will. You may look at them as elite soldiers or even champions in some extreme cases."

Falk quickly writes that down "Any recommendations to our scouts?"

I shrug "I don't know too much about their culture but they usually do leave bone effigies to mark their 'territory' so tell them to be extra careful when seeing those."

After he finishes his notes, Falk unrolls a different parchment "Now for the necromancy issue, we do have the general idea of what they are usually capable of, so there is no need to ask you that, this is in fact more for your benefit."

He pushes the parchment over the table and I see a map of Haafingar with the mountains being marked as possible necromancer bases, most importantly I see Wolfskull cave among the marked locations. "These are the locations where necromancers or undead have been sighted in the past month, they seem to be slowly gathering toward a specific position, but we were unable to confirm anything."

"Wolfskul" I say.


"Wolfskul cave." I say without clarification.

Falk frowns "Could you elaborate on that?"

I nod and say nothing.

The poor man sighs "Are you going to elaborate on that?"

I merely smile.

"Damn mages" I hear him whisper and almost burst into laughter, he shakes his head and asks "This is no time for jests, how can you be certain that is the location?"

"You are no fun." I huff "Wolf and skull, tell me who is famous around Solitude for those two specific things?"

His eyes widen after a moment "Potema Septim."

I nod 'sagely'.

"But would they gather there just because of the name?" He asks.

I shake my head "Obviously not, the cave was likely named because some grand dark ritual was performed by Potema inside it, making the entire area a good focal point for performing necromantic magic. Thus making it a perfect base for our necromancers."

He starts frantically checking the map and writing something down, I stay silent and he goes at it for some time probably even forgetting I was there. Finally, he sits back down and sighs "It does make sense, their movements have been slowly encircling the place."

A sudden thought makes me ask "I am sorry if I sound ignorant, but why exactly do you not hunt down the undead whenever they are sighted?"

Falk frowns "Most of those that do see them are local guardsmen and they are not capable of fighting dark mages, and before any stronger forces can arrive the necromancers simply slip into the darkness."

Unfortunately not that out of the realms of possibility, Skyrim is a big place and settlements are distant from each other. "I see... So when do you plan on marching on them?"

Falk flips some more notes and says "If your suspicions are confirmed by the scouts it would take us about a week to organize everything and prepare the local legionaries for a fight with necromancers." He looks at me seriously "You will naturally be included in those forces, your voice alone will invigorate our men."

"Of course." I agree without hesitation.

He smiles in appreciation and asks "Do you have any advice on how to better fight them?"

I immediately list off what I know "Magic-resistant armor and silver weapons for your best men, and solar magic scrolls if you can get some."

He notes it down and gives me a curious look "Are you able to inscribe those scrolls?"

I look at him like he is an idiot "High Enchanter, remember?"

He chuckles "What I meant to ask is are you willing to inscribe as many as possible while we prepare? The crown is naturally willing to pay a fair price for them."

"Of course" I nod immediately "Just remember that I will have to journey out of the city for a day before we depart." it seems I needed to visit miss sunshine sooner than expected.

"Oh? Whatever for?"

Hmmm, to tell him or not to tell him? Fuck it, it's not like I am bargaining with Dagon "I will be cleansing the temple of Meridia on Mount Kilkreath."

His eyes widen "You would bargain with a Daedra?"

"A Daedra known for its hatred of the undead, and also known for an artifact renowned in their destruction." I say gravely.

He looks at me appraisingly and then nods "Very well, I will give you the benefit of the doubt since you decided to inform me and won't record this. I hope you don't do something foolish on your quest for that blade."

I smirk "Do not worry, I am perfectly capable of evading the more... wily tendencies of the Daedra."

"Very well" He nods slowly, some doubt still lacing his words "Thank you for your time and I hope you are prepared for what is to come."

I incline my head and leave for the mage's tower.


The inscribing of scrolls is a surprisingly simple process when you are skilled in enchantment and the arcane script. You take a high quality parchment, write down a spell formula, usually a circle, and charge it with either your own Magicka or soul gems when in bulk.

I chose to use my own reserves because I might as well train while toiling away for hours.

Currently I was standing in a closed of courtyard near the tower, a tall writing table in front of me. While I was scribbling away Marco and Davos were sitting on the ground, their legs crossed and both frowning in concentration.

Surprisingly Davos managed to call out his Magicka faster than the young Altmer, but that may just be his age giving him an advantage to be fair.

Marco stands up abruptly "This is far harder than I expected, how do you just call it up?" He asks me.

Not looking up from the scroll I was writing on I respond "Patience and focus, your Magicka should be heavier than the usual novice since you are Altmer, just keep at it and you will manage it. The first time is always the hardest and the younger the mage the harder it is."

He throws his hands up "But you are younger than me and can do it with ease."

I shrug, still not looking up "I come from a long line of immensely powerful sorcerers that stood above the Telvanni themselves. Do not compare yourself with me as I have a very unfair advantage."

He sighs, sits back down and gets down to work without further complaining. Good decision too, as if he were to throw a tantrum I would show him a bird's eye view of Solitude.

Davos suddenly asks "Hey boss, I think I got this down. Think I can start with actually useful spells now?"

I frown "The candlelight spell is very useful I will have you know, but yes you should start on minor pyromancy now."

"Minor pyro-what now?"

"Pyromancy, think of it as fancy noble-speak for fire magic."

"You sure I should go with fire?"

I finally look away from the now finished scroll of solar-cloak "Yes, being descended from those that lived under the red mountain offers far more than gravel in your throat."

He chuckles "Alright, what do I do?"

"Channel Magicka into your palm." He starts to do so while staring at said palm and I quickly yell "Not while pointing at your face you dolt!"

Marco jumps in fright and Davos facepalms "Yeah, sorry about that..."

I shake my head "Never mind, point it at the target, channel Magicka and will it to become flames."

Davos frowns "That sounds really simple boss... something you aren't telling?"

I shake my head "Novice spells are ridiculously easy compared to higher ones, just get to it."

He follows my instruction and after frowning for a bit, a weak gout of fire leaves his hand "Azura's tits!" he starts waving his hand around, probably fearing he set it on fire.

I raise my own hand and hold him in place, making the fire die out "Don't worry, you cannot set your hand on fire, there is a bunch of Magicka flowing behind the fire protecting you."


"And please for the love of all that is sacred, do not speak Azura's name like that, her royal pettiness might set her sights on you for the 'slight'"

He chuckles "Oh don't worry about me boss, I am just a nobody. She is more likely to look at you with you being who you are and all."

I frown and suddenly feel like someone is watching me, quickly I check my system and there is nothing.

Probably my paranoia acting up.



Back to the stone mines with you!

If you want to support me directly and get access to 30ish chapters in advance visit my patreon page patreon .com/Rastislav156

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