
The state of the world

Yugi, now the least injured man on the battlefield, makes his way towards the strongest on the battlefield. Yugi says, "Infinity, guess you're the last man standing" 

Infinity, brandishes his blade and prepares for a battle. Yugi does the same, Yugi rushes towards Infinity and Infinity does the same. Infinity lands a sword slash on Yugi, cutting him across the chest, Yugi lands a left palm on Infinity chest, causing Infinity to be pushed back.

They then rush towards each other again, this time Infinity attempts to stab Yugi but barely missed due to his own fatigue, Yugi took this opportunity to land a right handed palm on Infinity. This time, causing an explosion.

Infinity, manages to keep himself grounded, however this lead to all of the force of the explosion being directed to Infinity's chest. Infinity says in his mind "Well damn it's something to do with his palms that's for sure." Infinity and Yugi for the third time rush towards each other, this time Infinity pays close attention to Yugi's hands.

Yugi, instead of using his palms, now clicks and causes an explosion, Infinity realized, Yugi had coated his fingers in two different liquids, once one made contact with the other, an explosion was caused. Infinity figured that the force he puts into the liquids when they meet causes the size of the explosion. He had also realized Yugi had coated the two liquids on him earlier and that's how he was hit.

Infinity, injured, gets up and runs towards Yugi, aiming to take off Yugi's head, he released a powerful sword slash, Yugi had dodged Infinity's horizontal slash but at that point the fight was over, before Yugi could even perceive what was going on he had lost both of his hands. Infinity was In front of him pointing his sword at his throat and asking "What do you want?"

Yugi, barely managing to use the majority of his ego to heal his hands using confinement, was faced with certain death. Until he screamed, "STOP PLEASE", Infinity, shocked and confused, asked "Huh Nigga?" 

Yugi then pleaded, "Stop, the only reason I came to the tournament was because of you, I need your help."

Infinity replied, "With what..?" Yugi, said "With *that guy*, Jester. I need your help, he's looking for powerful fighters...if he keeps growing who knows, he could end up fighting the high king..."

The High King of Skypiea, sits on his throne, placed at the end of his round table. His 7 sins, sat, except one, the sin of sloth, walking in late says , "I'm sorry fo-" but The High King interjects to say, "Don't let it happen again." The aura of the room was more intense than ever as Sloth took his seat.

The High King says, "There's no time for having terrible punctuality, you should know." He continues, "Recently our cites have been under attack"

Vortex (Greed) asks, "From who, I haven't had a hard fight in years, I'll get them myself!"

The High King replied, "His name is *Jester* his ego ability is unknown to us, him and his little group have been causing mass destruction to our cities, we've had 2 Million sobs worth of damage occur to egirlia."

Wrath says, "That and Draco....that man has been plotting something ever since the incident with the Mad Prince...Or should I say, your son, Geass."

Lust, his real name "Madaratard", says "I love how confident you were Rainaha (Wrath) can you give me a cha-"

The High King interrupts, "During my final battle I was forced to kill my son, that type of mental strain won't ever happen to me again, Draco will face my full wrath."

The 7 sins are an extension of the High King, their abilities come as a result of the High Kings overwhelming ego and his own ego, which forced them into manifesting ego abilities. 

Pride says, "Well, High King, don't you miss your son, they say there are souls and they can go to heaven and hell, do you wonder where he went?"

The High King says, "If there's anywhere he should be it should be hell."

Madara says, "I wonder if there a hot girls in he-" The High King slams the table and stands up. 

He states, "There is no time for that, our grip on this world is deteriorating, threats from the realm like Draco, Jester and Infinity continue to rise and threats from other realms like the Fallen Angel and the Blood King of Hell keep popping up." 

Draco had invaded a nearby town, the population was once 24,00. He and his followers had reduced it to roughly ~12,000 within the span of a day, murdering every grown man and taking the women and children as slaves. Draco had unleashed his wrath upon the city, leaving radioactive waste and a cruel trail of death. Draco had seen a little girl passing by In front of him, naively ignoring the situation at hand, Draco materialized a sword made out of Mercury into his hands and swiped the girls head off.

He menacingly said, "In war, we must kill, regardless of who it is, the children of light will win over the children of the darkness"