
The Cold Approach

After enduring Lena's attack, Yugi, utilizing ego confinement, rose to his feet. With a nod, he acknowledged Lena's move, saying, "Nice one." He then snapped his fingers, summoning a colossal fireball that engulfed the battlefield.

Despite sustaining injuries, Lena and Kat survived, yet Yugi remained unharmed within the fiery sphere. "I usually avoid hitting women, but I'll make an exception for the tournament," Yugi declared. Clapping his hands this time, he triggered a larger explosion, impacting the entire battleground.

Infinity, addressing Toxic, remarked, "Did you bring in more reinforcements?" To this, Toxic replied, "I don't know him."

Ace, bewildered, observed the unfolding chaos.

Lena and Kat, hanging on to their lives, witnessed Yugi gearing up for an even more powerful explosion. Just as he prepared to unleash it, he heard the command "Repel" and found himself propelled across the battlefield. Before he could recover, another command, "Attract," sent him back.

Meanwhile, Tsurugi faced off against a mysterious figure named "Osama," hearing the repeated commands of "Repel! Attract! Repel! Attract!" Tsurugi smiled, he had realized Yugi found himself trapped in an endless cycle, unable to activate his abilities, meaning there was one less opponent to worry against.

As the fight progressed, Kat and Lena's ego began to wane, each "attract" and "repel" growing weaker. Eventually, their attempts proved futile. Rushing towards Yugi, it was too late. With a single click, Yugi emerged victorious, sending them soaring away due to the force of his explosion, Yugi had begun walking towards them, saying, "I hate to do this but did you really think you would win" and then releases his largest explosion yet. This time its scope was wide enough to engulf the entire city, disturbing the battles occuring nearby

Tsurugi and Osama, caught in the explosion, were also flung by it, however the two were not distanced. Tsurugi instantly summoned an ego machine gun and started shooting at Osama.

Osama, unarmed, attempted to dodge and try to find cover but was caught by a few of the bullets. He then ran into a building. Confused, in true Arab fashion, Tsurugi had created an RPG and attempted to explode the building that Osama was in.

The building collapsed and the rubble fell apart. As the rubble closed in on Osama, it had disappeared. Osama got up from the rubble and brushed himself off, brandishing a katana.

Tsurugi smiled, creating his own sword and rushing at Osama, the two fought, with Tsurugi dominating. However this quickly changed, Osama landed one slash, and then another, and then another, and then another. Each slash, being faster than the prior one. Tsurugi, bloody and confused, Utilized confinement to heal himself, and asked "How come you're so fast?" and Osama replied "After each consecutive hit landed, I gain a slight increase in speed, but once that chain finishes I lose it all, why?"

Tsurugi grinning, muttering to himself, "So I just have to keep my distance". Osama rushed at Tsurugi but was met by a flurry of bullets and a running Tsurugi. Tsurugi quickly utilized his rifle and sent out an ego tracking beam towards Osama. Osama now had no way to directly reach Tsurugi and was forced to back away from the tracking beams range. However the beam kept persisting.

Tsurugi then utilized his RPG again and shot towards Osama, blowing his general area up. The explosion eventually had bought enough time for Tsurugi's tracking beam to land against Osama, piercing his thigh. Osama, managing to get up, used an extremely powerful ego slash, managing to cut Tsurugi from the waist down. Tsurugi angrily replied "You aim low huh" whilst walking towards Osama, using ego confinement to heal his wounds.

Tsurugi then spawned an ego pistol..."Bang."