
15 Years Earlier...

It was 3pm and my siblings and I were just getting home from school. I thought it was a normal day...

"Hi Mom! I'm home from school!" I said as I walked through the door.

Mom came walking out to the kitchen, "how was school kids?" she kissed me on the forehead.

"It was boring! All we did was learn how to multiply by 9 and 12," said my brother, Cirus.

"All I did was learn how to write in cursive and read... Oh and they taught us how to tell time!" I said as I started grabbing for my clock worksheet that Mrs Williams gave us to show her, "see!"

"Oh that looks fun! What about you Cyris? What'd you do in school?"

"Oh I have a lot of homework, mainly English to work on and Pre-Algebra."

My sister, Cyris, is 5 years older than me, but she's advanced in school. She's only 13 and is supposed to be in the 6th grade, but the principal moved her ahead two grades to 8th.

We heard a knock on the door. "OPEN UP!" someone yelled "OR WE'RE KNOCKING THE DOOR DOWN!" mom tried hiding us kids in the cellar under the basement, but she wasn't quick enough. "THAT'S IT WE'RE COMING IN!" they smashed the door down and ran inside surrounding our mom and us kids with guns pointing towards us.

Pointing to me and my brother "YOU TWO OUTSIDE NOW! AND GET IN THE TRUCK!" with me being 8 and my brother 10 we both started crying and hugged mom.

"We don't want to leave mom!" we both said to mom. They pulled us off her and she started to cry, "I'll come back for you!" they dragged us to the truck and threw us inside.

I huddled next to my brother as he hugged me to comfort me. He asked them with tears in his eyes, "where are you taking us? why can't our mom and sister come with us?"

"It's our duty to take the youngest siblings from all the families and relocate them to a new and better city. Give you new names and new lives to live so you can be protected. We are only doing this for your safety," said a guard.

"Cirus, I want Mommy back!" I said while starting to cry. "Promise me you aren't going to leave me!" I hugged him tighter.

"I promise I'm not going anywhere," he said as he kissed me on the forehead.

We arrived at a station called "Cradzberry Collus" it was a train station near Jefferson Street in Chichi. "What are we doing at the train station?" I asked the guards.

"We need you to go into the building behind the trains for now, until you are ready to be sent to a different city. Come let's get you across the tracks," said sergeant Fern.

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