

My name is Amaya Elway, daughter of Martin Elway and I never knew my mother. My dad refuses to talk about her anyway.

I wasn't the best when it came down to hiding who I was, what I am. From the obvious standpoint, I'm a werewolf, but I'm different than the others. I'm a pure black wolf, midnight black unlike the usual blackish-gray of the normal color. It's cool and all, but it makes me wonder if I'm even supposed to be here, if there's another family that's more like me.

From other points, I'm just weird in general. When I was little, I got mad at this girl and somehow sent a freaking fireball at her and nearly but her head off with my randomly grown fangs. So I figured out I was a witch and a vampire then, but also more. I used to have the normal stormy blue eyes of pretty much everyone else, they turned a weird teal color that change shades depending on my moods. It was weird.

But the thing is, I have these powers and abilities, but I'm forbidden from using them. People would freak if they found out I had them, but I couldn't resist using them with my best friends, Vane, Alex, and Sage. They don't care.

Soon, I wouldn't have to worry though. Soon, I would be taking off to the legendary Skyfall Academy with them. No one would judge me there, right?