
Sky of Storms

The world is getting strange. Dragons on the run, strangers from other worlds coming to ours. The planet Eon has never seen such days before and now as if overnight the whole world has changed. I have no notion of what caused these phenomenons to happen, but something important is coming, we just can't see it. Something or someone is leading these people here, and if the situation with the dragons wasn't bad enough, the "world travelers" are a problem on their own right. I believe they may be the cause of why the dragons have been shutting themselves away. Many have returned to Vertwynne already, I believe only one remains. I also think that that assassin Bladestorm might have much to do with what is happening. I know he is not human but neither is he dragon, dwarf, or elf. Watch your back, my friend, dark times are upon us. -Elried Urein

Kelsair · Fantasy
Not enough ratings
12 Chs


Suke sat directly in front of Gellion in the small cramped inn room they had chosen. Suke's friend and current contract Quincey had notified him that he would have an unusual mission for him when he arrived back in Konyuto. He was not expecting a search mission.

"We need you to find someone." Gellion started speaking. "There's a dragon that we believe has come to this country. She is very dangerous but is being hunted by people that are even more so. If you can help me get her under safe protection I will pay you significantly." Suke thought for a while and then answered.

"I don't work for money and I don't believe I owe you any favors either," He said calmly.

"Do you not care for the safety of this dragon?" Gellion asked critically.

"From my experience." Suke started. "Dragons are much more capable of taking care of themselves. That being so, they are much safer on their own and I have no intention of involving myself with the affairs of other creatures, especially where elves are involved." He finished darkly.

"And here I thought I hid my ears well," Gellion stated trying not to seem shocked.

"If that's the only way you think people can identify you by, you are sorely mistaken," Suke replied calmly.

"Yes, of course, you're right, I should have been more careful, after all, there could be more dragons nearby who can smell what I am, correct." He watched Suke carefully for any signs of reaction. He got none in response. "Dear Eon, Quincey was right, you really do like to keep to yourself. You're as stubborn as a mule, a very old mule at that." he continued. "It was wrong of me to assume that I suppose, but no human could possibly accomplish the feats you have done."

"What I am is of no concern of yours," Suke said standing up. "Now, your endless words bore me and I have other things to attend to before I leave for the capital."

"You don't intend to just walk out on me do you?" Gellion asked worry growing in his heart. "Please, how can I get you to help me find this dragon, surely there is a way?" Suke glanced back at him in thought. How in the storms was he going to get himself out of this predicament he wondered. He'd been a part of many expeditions that involved dragons and elves along with their politics and he certainly didn't want to become involved again, just the thought left a bitter taste in his mouth. What was Quincey thinking to set him up for this?

"Unless you have a better excuse for needing me the answer is no." Suke finally said making his way to the door. Gellion ran in front of him to keep him from leaving out of desperation.

"Please we need her power, she is the key to protecting the future of this world!" He shouted but his voice barely got louder. Suke was getting even more annoyed with this old man's persistence.

"Using other people to get the future you want is no way to protect someone, find someone else to do your bidding." Suke pushed past him and ignored his ceaseless shouting. Gellion could only watch in disbelief as Suke Bladestorm, the only hope he had, walked out the door to go his own way.


"Well, he certainly couldn't take no for an answer," Jyn said stepping up to Suke as he exited the building. "I was waiting for you on top of the inn and I heard every word that was spoken, with my magic that is." He said pointing to the top of the building.

"I'm not even gonna question why you were up there or why in the storms you felt the need to listen in," Suke said passing Jyn and continued on his way. He was tired of people getting in his way continually and certainly didn't want to know what Jyn of all people wanted from him.

"Well, you're certainly irritable today. Tinia too much for you?" He asked keeping pace with Suke.

"Hardly, I'm just not in the mood for whatever madness you'll throw at me this time," Suke answered searching for an ideal place to lose the lunatic. "What will it be today, that the rain in Hanrenna is blood, oh, or maybe that there are giant dogs that are as tall as buildings?" He spoke sarcasm evident with every word.

"You wound me, really I was just going to accompany you back to Kiruna since I've been planing to go there for quite a while," Jyn said noticing that Suke was very subtly looking for an escape. "You aren't really planning to try and run from me, are you? Because that's just rude." Suke nearly tripped from the shock that Jyn actually knew what he'd been planing and from the fact that he was planning on coming to the capital with him. He'd have to think fast to be rid of the fool but he was interrupted by Jyn continuing his lamenting.

"I can't believe you would try and run away from me like that, we've been friends for so long." Suke ignored this and sighed, trying to get rid of Jyn was like trying to stop a rabid dog from chasing a cat, once he saw what he wanted, sacrifices would have to be made to stop him.

"Would you just close your mouth for one second of your life, the effort it would take to lose you is seldom worth the struggle because you'd just return anyway."

"Perhaps if you'd be kinder to me things would be different?" Jyn suggested hopefully.

"I show kindness to no one who hinders me," Suke replied as Jyn granted a pained look.

"Truly you jest?"

"If I did would you leave me be?" Suke asked turning a corner and studying the many homes he passed.

"No it wouldn't but neither would it if your words were different."

"Then my point has been shown. Now if you'd quit bothering me I must go and purchase myself a new mount." Suke started making his way towards the stables. Jyn stopped in his steps and smiled to himself.

"You should try the dwarven ones, I hear they're entirely made of metal!" he shouted after Suke, then turned and walked back the way he'd come. He would go to the capital tomorrow as he'd formerly planned.

"Ah, and there's the rubbish I've been awaiting!" Suke shouted attempting his best to hold back a grin. A few moments later he found out that dwarven steeds were indeed made completely of metal.


"The fool was actually right for once," Suke said to himself while standing in front of a dwarven horse. It would cost him quite the amount but once he saw it he was certain that it was the best mount he'd ever own. The creature had nothing to cover the complicated mechanisms that it consisted of but even so, it could handle much stress and hard work, especially in battle. It made very little noise except for when it was activated. The young stable hand that stood next to Suke explained how he would never have to shut it down unless to repair it.

Suke eventually mounted the machine. The saddle was made quite comfortable and he had no trouble riding it around for a few minutes. He was satisfied with how smooth and fast the creature ran and even ran it through the forest to test its ability in the dense trees. Eventually, he rode back and came to a stop beside the boy.

"Does it have a name?" Suke asked once he dismounted.

"It's a machine, why would it need one." The boy asked confused.

"All things need names whether they are living or not," Suke replied. The boy said nothing in response. Suke stood there studying the beast for a few moments.

"Dunhjial" Suke finally said. The boy looked up in surprise.

"You actually named it?" He asked. Suke gave him a look as if to say "what did I just say about this" and then proceded to go into the small shack that served as a barn to pay for Dunhjial. The old man who ran the place seemed very happy when Suke said he'd buy and even gave Suke a discount since he had known him for so long.

"Hopefully it doesn't meet the same fate as Huer." The old man said softly thinking back to the first horse Suke had bought.

"I truly am sorry for what happened," Suke said quickly. The old man smiled and shook his head.

"You're an assassin, I'm not surprised that something like that would happen to the poor horse, just make sure you take good care of this one." He said. Suke nodded and made his way to the door but before he had the chance to get there the old man asked. "What did you name him?"

"Dunhjial," Suke replied. The old man smiled knowing the meaning of the name.

"What a wonderful name." He said after the door closed shut and Suke was gone. "It's a shame it isn't alive to know what a wonderful master it has."


Suke walked around the town with Dunjial following behind him obediently. Suke made sure to avoid the inn that Gellion was staying at and found a secluded one near the edge of town. He didn't bother to tether Dunhjial because he knew that the machine wouldn't run off or let anyone steal it. When Suke entered the inn he wasn't expecting it to be filled with children running around happily and families chatting with each other. He must have entered the favorite place of the town because it was so full he could only assume the whole village was here.

Luckily he was able to buy himself a good room since the people here were only here for food and drink and most of them did indeed live within the town. No one noticed Suke as he made his way upstairs to his room. Once he arrived inside he was greeted by freshly cleaned bedding along with warm food and tea. He graciously thanked the maid who quickly bowed and quickly left the room.

The day had been long for him. He still had two days before he would make it back to the capital city and he needed much rest before he continued on the next day. He sat down on the bed and sighed. The food on the table remained untouched for a few moments while Suke reflected on what Gellion had said earlier that day. Suke knew that the old man would probably beg Quincey to have Suke help, but even Quincey couldn't make Suke do some deeds.

Suke eventually ate the food before it got too cold and laid down on the bed afterward, noticing how soft and warm it was, he had no trouble getting comfortable. He hoped that tomorrow he could gain more ground towards Kiruna. He eventually fell asleep to his thoughts. He had no dreams that night, only a strange feeling that woke him up just before dawn.


Suke- Sk-aye

Jyn- (rhymes with kin)

Gellion- (Guh) G-eh-leon

Dunhjial- Dun-hyal

Kiruna- Key-ruu-na

Konyuto- con-you-to (to rhymes with toe)

Quincey- Quin-see

Huer- Hyur

Hanrenna- Han-ren-ah

Hope you like this chapter. I had a lot of fun writing it and couldn't wait to post it!

Kelsaircreators' thoughts