
Chapter 21

“It’s not as if we had time to think up a plan with the Germans hard on our tail,” Ira said. “We have to keep moving. I’m just glad we managed to get this far without being killed.”

“Well, do you have a plan now?” Dounia asked.

“No,” Ira snapped back. “Sorry if I can’t think right now, but I’m mostly running on adrenaline and that floaty feeling you get when you’re in pain. And I am in quite a lot of pain because my arm is broken!”

Meow’s ears flattened, and he hissed, “Careful, your voices are too high to be mistaken for men’s, and if you shout any louder, someone is going to notice us.”

“So what are we going to do?” Dounia asked, wracking her brain for a plan, but coming up blank.

“If I just knew how a German camp functioned, this would be a lot easier,” Ira said irritably. “If it’s anything like ours, though, then someone is always on watch towards the enemy lines.” A sudden shout from had Dounia turning on her heel to face whoever had come up behind them