
Sky Dragon's Court

After fusing with the memories of a fallen god, a boy with no hope to become a martial artist will rise from a meek cripple to an unyielding genius. Witness his rise to godhood as he turns the world upside down in his quest to the reach the elusive and legendary God Realm.

DuskFalcon · Fantasy
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6 Chs

Birth of a Divine Ability

Martial Customs were all the rage in the Crystal Lotus Kingdom and its surrounding neighbors. Fights would always breakout at a moment's notice when one's blood was hot enough. So, every city in every kingdom had a Life and Death arena where disputes could be settled with fits instead of words.

As long as both parties signed a martial contract before stepping into the ring even if their opponent was killed, they wouldn't receive any punishment by the Law Enforcers.

Due to the excitement the fights brought the stage was always bustling with people and today was no different. After a couple of matches ended, Logan and Jolk walked to the stage. His appearance caused a wave of whispers to spread through the crowd.

"Isn't that Logan Rao and Jolk Nalu?"

"Yeah, they fought on the arena a couple of days ago and Jolk beat the stuffing out Logan? Why would they be here again?"

"Hmph, I bet he doesn't want to live anymore wants to commit suicide by fist."

Logan ignored the whispers and comments. The capital was overflowing with these kinds of people. Even though the Rao family had been one of the founding families of the kingdom. Because of their recent fall from grace they had forgotten the many contributions they have done in the kingdom's thousand-year history.

"Logan brat, you piece of trash, why did you come back? Aren't you just holding up the action for no reason? Who would want to see your trash martial arts? Hurry and beat it!"

"Yeah, if you want to kill yourself then find somewhere without people. No one wants to see such a piece of trash, so stop wasting our time!"

In just a moment, the audience of several hundred people were all cursing loudly; none of them hid their disgust for Logan.

Amidst the crowd were two maidens wearing veils and bamboo hats to cover their looks.

"So that's your fiancée, little sister? He's just liked the rumors say lacking and without any spine. I can hardly feel any Qi coming from him." Observed the taller one of the maidens.

"Hmph if my old man hadn't been so selfish, he wouldn't use my marriage to further his political agenda. It's truly irritating to be handed out to such a piece of trash" Responded the other maiden arrogantly.

On the martial arena, Logan didn't noticed the two maidens spying on him. He stood on the stage indifferently ignoring the jeers of the crowd. He didn't even pay attention to Jolk, his mind was going through the different purchases he needed to make once he got his winnings.

Jolk pointed out the people's uproar and sneered. "See? You're an unwelcome piece of trash, and if you were smart, you would just bash your head in and die."

Logan turned to look at Jolk but his stare was indifferent and aloof as if he was looking down an ant.


The sound of a bell rang out, signaling the start of the duel. When that bell tolled, life and death were separated by only a fine line. The jeering crowd became silent; their eyes lit at the possibility of seeing Logan die.

"Wow the crowd really hates your little fiancée, though it's to be expected of someone with no cultivation, battling an opponent at the third stage of Qi Condensation. Aren't you worried of becoming a widow so young?" The tall maiden joked.

"He can die for all I care; it would save me a world of trouble and we could back to the sect earlier than scheduled." The other maiden indifferently snorted.

"Well said, I heard master was very impatient to get this little issue done with before you went into seclusion to finish awakening your physique. Once that is done, we can send you to the higher ups." The tall maiden noted with a serious expression beneath her bamboo hat.

"Hmph the sooner the better. I can't wait to get away from this backwater country." The shorter maiden sneered behind her veil.

Standing on the martial arena Logan was calm as water. It was a stark contrast from the other day where he roared and cursed like a barbarian. The difference was like night and day.

"With death breathing down your neck, you decided to suddenly become calm? Don't worry, due to the stakes you proposed, I won't beat you to death today. I'll just make you lick my crotch" Jolk was extremely arrogant, his earlier victory over Logan gave him a boost of confidence.

"You sure spout a lot of crap. Hurry up and come at me, I still have things to do later," responded Logan in a slightly impatient manner, they came here to fight not chat all day.

Logan's word thundered through the quiet crow at first they didn't say anything but then they erupted into jeers and insults.

"Jolk, what are you still waiting for? Hurry up and beat the little shit! He's really causing us to feel too embarrassed for him."

A cold sneer appeared on Jolk's face; the power of his third stage of Qi Condensation completely exploded out of him. His foot pressed down slightly on the martial arena, and he immediately shot out towards Logan. As he swung his fist, pale green spikes sprouted from his skin making him look dashing and unstoppable.

When Jolk started attacking, the crowd below burst into cheers.

"What power, that's the Thorn Fist Attack. It shows Jolk mastery of wood Qi." The crowd went wild.

Some amateurs in the crowd recognized the move and started praising Jolk. However, the two bamboo hat wearing maidens rolled their eyes in ridicule.

Logan sneered at the incoming attack. This kind of idiotic move—filled with countless openings—could still be call an attack? While his Forge God Memories only contain information about the Sky Dragon's Court and forging. Logan had been raised by the military god of his generation. He had watched his father spar and trained with his men since before he could walk. It wasn't until four years ago that his father was deployed to the border again that the Dragon Marshall stopped teaching Logan battle tactics.

The fist was smashing towards him, a strong wind whistled as it approached, but Logan ignored it not moving an inch.

"Haha, this trash doesn't even know how to dodge," sneered some people under the stage.

However, as the crow continue to jeer at Logan, Jolk's fist came to a complete stop just an inch away from his face.

The originally ridiculing crowd suddenly came to a complete silence. They noticed that one of Logan's legs had struck out and violently kicked Jolk between his legs.

The originally arrogant and dashing Jolk now had an expression like a purple eggplant. Logan's kick was brutal causing him an extremely amount of pain. Before he could register what was going on, Logan grabbed him by the hair and forcefully pull him down against his knee.


Logan vented his anger and frustration with every blow His kicks were fast and decisive with not a single movement wasted. The sound of bones breaking rang through the stunned crowd. Logan let go of Jolk's hair and the noble fell to the floor unconscious. The minor noble's face was covered with blood, his nose was caved in and there was a cut above his left eyebrow.

The crow was in disbelief. Nobody had expected that a strong person at the third stage of Qi Condensation would be beaten by a cripple trash, who had no cultivation base, in such a quick and efficient manner.

This kind of result was a firm slap in the face towards the crowd that had been ridiculing him earlier. Even the two bamboo wearing maidens were completely shocked. Although Jolk was nothing to them and could be easily killed with a wave of their hands…

They couldn't say the same for Logan. From the very start, not a trace of spiritual energy had been used by him. What they didn't know was that Logan's base strength was already at the fourth stage of Qi Condensation. Even without activating his cultivation base beating the shit out of a weakling like Jolk was easy as waving his hand.

"Logan Rao is the winner."

A shocked voice came from an elderly man below the stage who was often in charge of the martial arena and its registration. He couldn't belief that a cripple could achieve such a result that's what it took him awhile to declare the winner

Logan sneered inside, his rage was bubbling beneath the surface and it was only with great willpower that he managed to stop and suppress the killing intent inside him. Right now, was not the time to go on a killing spree they were too many witnesses. His breathing was a little ragged due to the effort to keep his killing intent hidden.

He had been oppressed for such a long time, and now that he had vented a little bit of all the anger and frustration, he had accumulated over the years it was very hard for him to keep it in. However, the rest of the world thought that he had over drafted his strength and that's why he looked so ragged.

According to the arena rules one had to submit their wagers before the referee in case of death so that the winner can pick them up at the end of the fight. Logan walked towards the shocked referee and collected his winnings.

After receiving the sword, Logan directly returned it to Leroy and place a crystal card into his robes with the five thousand gold coins, he couldn't help but become somewhat excited. As he walked away from the arena, he didn't notice two pairs of eyes that were observing him quietly.

Five thousand gold coins weren't very much, it could help settle a bit of the desperate situation his family was in. But he was already thinking of ways to turn his situation around.

Soon the news that Jolk had been beaten by Logan spread like wildfire through the capital. Everyone that heard the news couldn't believe it at first. Thinking it was some trick, but as more and more people started to talk about it, they began to buy into the rumor. It didn't help that some people saw Jolk been carried back to his house. Soon the question in everyone's mind was, how could a cripple trash who couldn't practice martial arts could possibly beat a true and bred cultivator?

Logan wanted to split his earning with Leroy, but the other youth was adamant about it. Logan could only thicken his face and accept yet another favor for him. Soon they went about their ways and Logan took a trip down to the market.

Seeing Leroy's sword had given him an idea on how to make money. When he inspected the sword, they were a lot of impurities in the metal. These impurities could only be hammered out under intense heat. That was no problem for Logan, he had the sun flame that greatly boosted his physical strength and was hotter than regular flame.

He made his way towards the Myriad Metals Complex, while it wasn't the best store to buy materials for forging, it was reliable and cheap. He needed to be frugal with his spending, besides buying his forging materials he needed to buy cultivation resources to increase his strength.

As he looked at the prices for the ores, he wanted to beat the greedy bastards. eight hundred gold coins for a single piece of Glazed Bronze, a thousand for Valkite Steel, twelve-fifty for Star Silver. This was daylight robbery and they weren't even process pieces but the raw ores. The five thousand gold coins he was so proud of winning was basically nothing.

"Being poor sucks." But he really needed these materials. He will have to change his plans a bit.

With a heavy heart he purchased three pieces of Roasted Iron for four hundred gold pieces each, He also bought a forge, anvil, hammer, tongs, wood carving kit , the total of all his purchases ran for forty-five hundred gold pieces. He also had to pay another hundred gold to have it deliver to his estate. What made him feel worse was that all the items he bought were of the lowest quality possible.

By the time Logan walked out of the complex he felt robbed and beaten. He's next stop was the Wonder Herbs Store, his original plan was to buy some Qi Gathering Pills, which were essential to cultivators in the Qi Condensation Stage.

Absorbing Qi from the environment took too long, cultivators needed to increase their strength as fast as possible, so they turn to alchemists to make pills like these to increase their cultivation. He wanted to buy at least ten bottles since his meridians were wider than usual, he would need more energy. But they were too expensive at two hundred gold coins a bottle. He gritted his teeth and left the bottles in their shelf taking only one, before buying the cheaper Qi Replenishing Pills at hundred and fifty gold coins a bottle. He bought the two and was soon left with only hundred and fifty gold coins.

As soon as he got home, he locked himself in his room but not before giving Cherry the gold with orders to replenish the food stores in the house with something other than eggs and rice. He knew his mother would probably hear about his fight with Jolk but he couldn't deal with that at the moment. He needed to raise his strength as soon as possible.