
Sky-cracking Rider

The fallen Sky Knight was the sky's tears, and with altitude still at hand, he wouldn't give up, Blood and Fire and Iron descended from the heavens, Behold, the heavens were crying! The roaring soul was rising through the sky!!!

Huabiao · Sci-fi
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164 Chs

Section 126 - Killing Without Firearms

In the fight to the death, both enemies and allies were consumed with a bloodlust.

Everyone had only one life to live, so casualties within Aircrew Base 911's "Genuine Fragrance" Combat Flight Squadron were inevitable.

Even Chen Fei, who had become tough-skinned and was able to ignore various light weapons as a Metal Elemental Psychic Power user, could still be killed if targeted by a barrage of missiles. He could be killed by a blast wave or suffocation if he tried to take a shortcut with a cloud explosion.


A cacophony of cracking and shattering sounds filled the air as fierce wind suddenly gushed into the cockpit.

The cockpit canopy, riddled with bullet holes, finally shattered into pieces, transforming the 211 aircraft into a spectacularly convertible fighter jet.