
sky and land

"We have the difference between the sky and the land your Majesty. You are a prince the future king of our nation. And I am just a simple maid you shouldn't put your throne at risk for a mere servant like me" "hush" he puts his finger on my lips to shuts me off "You are not just a servant Satara you are my life, A part of me and how can I let a part of me die." he brushes his hands on my face. and kisses my forehead. "let's run away from here once this war ends. We will build a small house in the hills far away from here where we will raise our children and get old together. And until then you shall not die on me and that's a request and a command" "We have the difference between sky and land your highness" "But we need to lay on land to see the sky don't we?" "You are A prince our future king" "You are my love my future wife my future children's mother" "Please don't destroy your future for me" "What am I gonna do with that future if you aren't with me" "Please you cannot love just stop loving me" "How can I do such a crime?" how can I stop loving my world Satara " Satara is a young bright girl who under some circumstances. Becomes a personal maid for the future king, prince cerek who is famous for being beautiful, cold, and cruel. She didn't expect her life to be tangled in these royal affairs and love triangles. But there are much more secrets than just the love story.

Satis_Bc · History
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somethings different

After the awkward breakfast and the staring of prince Cerek. We were given break till lunch.

But the break was not for me. I was assigned lots of work which included cleaning and making food for prince Cerek, I guess the tag criminal servant is not treated the same as the rest of the servants.

I started to clean the room of his highness Cerek's. He was in his meeting room. Thank you holy God for this.

I started with managing his clothes. While putting his coat on the hanger, A paper falls from it. I picked up the paper. I dare not to open someone else's thing to a future king.

I put it back in the coat's pocket. Then I managed his other clothes.

"Good job,"

I turn back to see prince Creek, he was smiling at me. I quickly turn my head down.

"You are a very loyal person."

What is he talking about?

"Umm it is considered disrespectful if you don't reply to your highness's"

*Rule no 7: do not respect your highness*

"I'm very much sorry your highness please, forgive me for my rudeness, I'm sorry"

(Her voice is beautiful"

"Haha... Wait we're you seriously thought that was real?" (She is so naive the way she doesn't make eye contact or even look at me unlike the other people in this castle, she is different)

Is his highness angry with me? I don't want trouble on the first day.

"What's your name?" (Why doesn't she looks at me while talking?)

"It- it's Satara your highness" I hope my shuttering didn't bother him

" Satara " what a lovely name she has. I hope she will look at me while speaking.

"Please excuse me your highness I have to clean your room" I picked up the rest of the clothes.

"Wait isn't this time for you guys to rest. You have been working since morning didn't you?"

"Well I was assigned these works, your highness" 

"How can you just do what they assigned you?, you have to refuse them" (she's been working non-stop how can a young girl like she can do work without resting)

"I am just a servant your highness my wanting and not wanting don't matter. " I continued my remaining work.

After that, I grab the broom. His highest was not going anywhere.

He grabs the broom from my hand.

"I'll do it"

Is his highness serious?

(Her expression is so cute)

"Your highness pardon me if you taught that your maid is tried or weak I am not, and I do not have any complaint Please leave the broom"

A prince cleaning his room if this word gets out then I will be hanged.

"Well why can't I, I also want to try to clean my room" (she looks, so scared, is there any reason for her to be scared?)

"Please your highness I can do it please let me do my work"

"Please your work is to follow your highnesses order"

"Your highness if you cleaned your room with your maid being here a

Then I'll be punished"

"You will be punished if you don't follow the command of your highnesses words"

I cannot let him clean his room. I grabbed the broom and tried to pull it his highness also pulled it back. It was the tug of a broom.

"Your highness please leave it"

"No, I will now clean my room by myself" well this is quite fun.

While we pulled the broom. His highness pulled back on his real strength. The broom fell and I got into the arms of his highness. His Highness couldn't balance it, and we both fall onto the bed. Thank God he didn't fall to the ground.

I was laying on the top of his highnesses, his eyes were on me, I felt him coming closer to my face somehow. I pushed him back and got up.

"Your highness I'm sorry you can clean your room by yourself if you wish" then I ran away from his room.

"oh, I guess I scared her" she was pretty scared I shouldn't have done that. making fun of her was pretty fun. I take a look at my room. Ok funs tome over prince time to clean your room. because you didn't want that poor maid to do chores while she ignores you.

I hope I didn't make his highness angry with my sudden running. His highness was acting differently or maybe he is like this. I hope he will lose interest in me soon.

The room's job is taken care of now I should make food for his highness.

I went to the kitchen.

"you are coming here now? how much time does it take for you to clean a room huh! This is your first and last warning doesn't take more than 35 min to clean a room, if you do it next time then I'll cut off all your fingers " the head maid shouted at me. I couldn't reply to her I should be silent, right?

lower people should always keep their voices low. After shouting at me she slaps in my cheeks. "filthy mud" she gives me a smirk and goes away. filthy mud? how much do I have to listen.