
Unexpected Resurrection

The voice sounded the same as always, nothing different. I often wondered, will I ever be able to hear this voice? Will this continue? A quiet and peaceful life during school breaks. As the bell rang to signal the end of the break, students rushed into their classrooms, sat down, and prepared to start the lesson again. A look of disappointment could be seen on the faces of my classmates, as well as me, an Economics lesson that I didn't like. "Huh... can I just go home now?"

"No, you have to take me to the library first."

The voice came from a girl named Emily. You could say that she was my best friend in this school. It's weird how it always feels like that as if she has keen hearing or can read my mind. She can always guess what I'm asking or thinking in my head.

"Hey, Elliot..."

The soft voice came again and I still pretended not to pay attention while still looking out the window, seeing the bright sky outside.

"... don't keep daydreaming, I know you want to go home, right? Still don't like economics, huh?"

"Hm... let me think about it first, whether I can or not." That was the answer I gave her while pretending to have a confused expression.

After hearing my answer, Emily's face looked sullen, indicating that she was a little disappointed.

"Oh, come on. Just take me for a moment, I have a book to look for there, please accompany me!"

She spoke like that with a pleading expression on her face. I thought her pleading expression was really cute, so I couldn't stand to tease her any longer. I felt sorry for her.

"Hahaha, alright. You don't have to beg like that, I was just joking earlier. I'll drop you off."

Emily looked happy after hearing my answer. Her face, which had been sullen, was now cheerful as usual.

After school, Emily and I traveled to the library. We were walking beside the highway and there we found a sleeping white furry cat.

"Waah, Elliot, look at that cat, it's so cute!"

Emily loves cats so much, she immediately hugged it. Maybe the cat was surprised to be suddenly hugged by Emily, he thrashed and ran to the middle of the road. Emily chased after the cat, without realizing that a bus was traveling at a very high speed towards her.

I saw it very clearly and it made me surprised, then I tried to stop Emily. But, it was too late...

Emily was lying in the middle of the road with her body filled with a lot of blood, immediately my body felt very weak.

I walked slowly towards Emily, and simultaneously people also approached us. I hugged Emily's body but it was really weak, I couldn't even feel any signs of life from her body.

In that instant, warm water came out of my eyes and flowed rapidly. My vision seemed to blur and suddenly a memory from the past came back. The memory of when I saw my two best friends walk away and leave me.

Seven years ago when I was still in elementary school. I had two best friends, their names were Fredert and Krad. We studied at the same school, and we often met and played outside of school hours. Maybe because our parents were friends, that's why we met so often. The three of us were very close, until one day the tragedy happened. A tragedy that fractured our friendship and completely changed our lives.

Fredert's father died. None of us knew the exact cause of his death. It's just that since her father died, Fredert became quiet. She wouldn't talk to anyone and the three of us rarely saw each other. In the end, after graduating from school, I never saw them again, until now. The last memory of them was just the sight of my two best friends walking away and leaving me behind.

I had lost two good friends and now I had Emily as their replacement. I didn't want to lose my best friend for the second time. I hugged Emily very tightly, then I shouted and called Emily's name as loud as I could...


At the same time, I somehow felt a very strange feeling. My feelings seemed to be connected to the feelings of the people who were so important to me. I'm sure I recognize this feeling. For some reason, I felt that my two best friends, Fredert and Krad were close to me. Then suddenly, I saw images of two people in two locations that I seemed to recognize. Could it be Fredert and Krad?

Suddenly my vision completely faded and before I knew it, I saw Emily standing in front of me hugging a white fluffy cat.

"Wait a minute, what exactly happened? Wasn't that Emily...?" Those words flashed through my mind. The situation I was in was really strange as if I had gone back in time.

Then suddenly the cat that Emily was hugging struggled and ran to the middle of the street, after seeing it I realized and remembered this scene. This is the scene I saw a few minutes ago. Yes, I know what will happen after this. Could I go back in time, to a few minutes ago before Emily got hit?

Amid this confusion, I saw Emily was about to run after the cat but quickly and with all the strength I had, I pulled her hand away making us both fall.

Feelings of relief, worry, and curiosity mixed. Now that Emily was in my arms, she was fine. I didn't know what had happened. How did I know that Emily was going to get hit? Did I go back in time or was I able to know what would happen in the future? That feeling, the feeling I had and that shadow, I was sure it was Fredert and Krad. I stood back up and ran towards the back of the school building where there was a bookstore just like the one I saw when Fredert's image crossed my mind earlier. Emily ran after me from behind, but suddenly my head was very dizzy, my vision was blurry and my body was completely limp. It was as if my surroundings turned pitch black.


I opened my eyes slowly and I could see light there. I wondered where I was at the moment. This room is very familiar and familiar to me.

"Elliot, are you awake?"

That voice brought me back to my senses. It was Emily's soft voice and I could see my mom standing next to her. It turned out that I was in my room now. Emily's face looked very worried about me. My mom, on the other hand, as usual, showed an unconcerned face. I didn't want to see my mom right now, because I wasn't ready and was too tired to answer her questions that I knew she would throw at me. I kept my eyes closed and pretended that I was still asleep. Mom started chatting a bit with Emily, it seemed like she was asking Emily about what had happened to us. Shortly after that, Mom left my room.

When only Emily was in my room, I slowly opened my eyes. I saw Emily smiling sweetly making me relieved instantly because Emily was okay.

"Thank goodness you're okay, Elliot," she said, still with a smile on her luscious lips.

I smiled back at her. I was happy that I managed to save Emily. After that incident, I realized that Emily was very important to me. I will never let a precious person, a best friend, someone I love, leave me again. Now the biggest question in my mind is, what happened to me? Did I go back in time and managed to save Emily's life? What's wrong with me because I've never experienced a strange event like this before? Hah, it seems like I should investigate this matter because I'm sure something strange and magical just happened to me and Emily.