
Skill Overlord System (DROPPED)

A billion people, including Quinn, was suddenly summoned to another world by an A.I. like existence claiming to be that world's consciousness. The A.I. explained how that world is similar to a game world and then spoke of it's troubles. He asked the humans, who posses endless creativity and boundless intelligence, to help it's inhabitants. In return, they could obtain infinite strength and build their own kingdoms and civilizations. Each person was then given a talent that would be awakened upon levelling up. Upon awakening, Quinn soon learned that he obtained his own cheat that could let him rise to the top without barely doing anything

Phantomato_101 · Fantasy
Not enough ratings
39 Chs

Chapter 32: Family

"You're saying a cult may be being formed inside the town?"

"Yes, after all, only they will use heretic methods like these and the victim mentioned something about not joining them."

Quinn frowned and thought hard. In the end, he didn't know how he could deal with this problem. For the meantime, he would release an announcement through the IDW and inform everyone of the appearance of a possible cult and the citizens were tasked to report whenever they find anything suspicious.

Quinn thought that he could easily find the cultists easily by creating some kind of map skill that showed everything around him including his allies and enemies.

Quinn did get one and the skill covered the whole town. However, he found that the skill wasn't as good as he thought it would. It would only show an enemy if Quinn personally identified something as an enemy. By then, they could never hide from Quinn.

However, it is useless in this situation because he didn't know who the cultists were. Even if they were right beside him, as long as he didn't know they're hostile and regarded them as allies or even neutrals, the map wouldn't be able to show their status as an enemy.

Quinn was frustrated since this was the very first serious problem their town has encountered and even he couldn't do much about it despite possessing all those skills and attributes.

In the end, he just sent the culprits to the prison and locked them up beside the murderers from before. Like before, as soon as the cell was closed, the two culprits' faces immediately blanked out as if they lost their souls, if they even had in the first place.

Quinn still felt suspicious about this matter but could only leave it be for now. He sighed, disappointed in himself, realizing that even he could become as helpless as this.

Quinn just walked away in dismay and walked towards his manor. Arriving at the entrance, he gazed at the majestic mansion in front of him. Following the arrival of architects, of course Quinn had them design a more beautiful manor for him. It kept the original white and gold theme but changed the designs a little and the result was this outstanding infrastructure. It perfectly cemented the image of the Lord's Manor.

However, Quinn was still a bit disappointed in himself and couldn't take the moment to appreciate it like he always did every single day. He just kept mum and walked inside.

Just after entering, a fragrant aroma had assaulted his nose. He was distracted for a moment before unconsciously floating and following the scent like a cartoon character.

Arriving at the kitchen, he found Aisha cooking with some dishes already finished and set aside in one corner. Quinn saw that he couldn't recognize most of the meat ingredients used especially since it was the refined meat bur he could see that they were all cooked in various different ways.

Boiled, stewed, grilled, fried seasoned with a variety of valuable herbs that would probably sell for a fortune outside.

Aisha felt Quinn's presence and flashed the warmest smile towards him. She excitedly bounced over and said, "You're here! I heard about the incident and I could already feel your disappoinment a mile away before it even came so I thought I would try to lift your mood with good food."

Quinn's sour mood was instantly washed away and couldn't help but feel all warm inside looking at this elf in front of him. In front of outsiders, Aisha would always maintain a warm smile but has that distant aura. However, whenever she's in front of Quinn and her family and friends, she became a bubbly and energetic girl. She even took the time to learn how to cook from Anrod so she could cook for them.

"Aside from that, I'll also call the others so we can eat together. Then we can all go on another adventure! Dad, after you levelled up to Tier 3, Lars found a new Tier 3 dungeon and we can all go together to relax your nerves."

Quinn just smilingly nodded and patiently listened to Aisha's babbling until the other elves arrived. Only then did Aisha remember that she was cooking for everybody and went back to quickly finish.

After Aisha went back to cooking, Quinn then set his eyes on the elves. After living in the world for some time, they have already started forming their own distinct personalities.

Ziek, the oldest had inherited most swordsmen's characteristics of being straightforward.

Raven the archer had developed a very graceful demeanor and every action of hers seemed to possess some kind of beauty. The adventurers had already actually ranked her just after Aisha.

Ronan had actually developed a very good temper. However, people get scared of him whenever he gets mad because his anger is usually very explosive, which is pretty much a standard characteristic of fire mages.

Beatrix had a very low presence but when you focus on her aura, you can sense the darkness and evilness hidden beneath. However, contrary to her sinister vibes, she was actually quite the prankster. Instead of using her stealth skills to assassinate their enemies, she actually used them to pull off elaborate pranks.

Thankfully, Quinn had ridiculous stats that helped him identify her traps ahead of time and managed to be the only person in the house who hadn't fallen victim yet.

Derek, just like Ziek had developed a very honest and straightforward attitude. However, Derek was more of a social butterfly whereas Ziek was more of a loner and only had the sword as his friend (he took Quinn's bullshit too seriously and is now too obsessed with the sword).

Arthur, like Aisha, developed a very warm and kind personality. His personality had been greatly affected by his class Lord of the Holy Light and had an extreme aversion to darkness and evil. Thankfully, that didn't affect his relationship with Beatrix.

As for Lars, Quinn might as well call him poker face. He didn't show any expressions all day long and stayed quiet most of the time. As a scout, he also had to develop some stealth skills and this made him Beatrix's favorite target to prank. She claimed it was to train their stealth skills together. Weirdly enough, they did improve by a lot since Beatrix was always trying to look for ways to prank Lars while Lars was always on edge trying to escape and dodging her pranks.

As for Avelin and Jarvis, they managed to develop almost the same temperamental and looked like the only real twin among the siblings.

Speaking of Avelin and Jarvis, Quinn really felt guilty towards them since they were actually the busiest people in the whole town since they have to manage almost everything because Quinn couldn't and wouldn't do his job properly.

Quinn spun the gears inside his head quickly to think of ways he could help. Of course, he directly crossed out the idea of personally going to work. Even if he suddenly felt working hard, he really didn't have the ability to manage as well as the duo.

Quinn thought of what he was good at the most and his Skill Overlord System immediately popped up inside his head. Thinking again, he came up with a brilliant idea. He could create the perfect clone skill and then bestow them to Avelin and Jarvis. With it, they can continue working while going on vacation at the same time. Their efficiency would also shoot up since they could make more clones.

Quinn nodded at this perfect idea but postponed implementing it for now as Aisha had finished cooking and was about to serve the food.