
Skill Overlord System (DROPPED)

A billion people, including Quinn, was suddenly summoned to another world by an A.I. like existence claiming to be that world's consciousness. The A.I. explained how that world is similar to a game world and then spoke of it's troubles. He asked the humans, who posses endless creativity and boundless intelligence, to help it's inhabitants. In return, they could obtain infinite strength and build their own kingdoms and civilizations. Each person was then given a talent that would be awakened upon levelling up. Upon awakening, Quinn soon learned that he obtained his own cheat that could let him rise to the top without barely doing anything

Phantomato_101 · Fantasy
Not enough ratings
39 Chs

Chapter 24: Kobolds, Dungeon Core

As they approached closer and closer, Quinn could clearly sense that whatever's watching them were starting to get restless. "Guess they really are intelligent but not that much."

All of a sudden, a few figures appeared from whatever hiding spot they were hiding in. Quinn glanced at them and saw that they resembled dogs very much. The difference was that they stood on two legs.

"Kobolds?" He checked their information through [IDENTIFY] and they really were Kobolds.

This were the kinds of monsters that he had expected at first to fight with but he wasn't able to see any of them. Quinn just thought that this world contained different races than what he had usually read about. Turns out they really were real.

All of the Kobolds thought they had finally gotten dinner after seeing Quinn not move a muscle. In the end, they were obliterated by the elves without even knowing.

Quinn saw that the xp gain was way more than the average xp he gained from killing monsters. Quinn clicked his tongue seeing that. This weak Tier 2 provided even more than ordinary Tier 3 monsters.

What followed was naturally a massacre. Quinn was really troubled at first since he was stealing intelligent life this time but then he just hyped himself by thinking that this is usually one of the tribulations a protagonist has to overcome, killing a fellow intelligent being.

In the end, Quinn rose another two levels because he had killed a lot combined with the xp he received from the elves. Four more and he would reach the next the Tier.

After clearing the dungeon, they found more treasure chests. Although they were considered valuable to other players, they were just average items in Sky Town.They wouldn't even be able to excite the normal adventurers.

For the next few hours, they dived into different sizes of Tier 2 dungeons cleared them all in a short period of time. If the Tier 2 dungeons weren't so few and far away from each other, they probably would've been done a long time ago.

As for their loot, most of them were still pretty ordinary. There was one though that caught Quinn's eye. This item is actually pretty powerful and could strengthen the territory once more.

Quinn had gotten a dungeon core. It was the dungeon core for the Kobold's dungeon. If he wanted to, he could create another Kobold's dungeon wherever he wanted to and he would be the master. All the monsters inside would have to follow his commands.

Additionally, he could control their breeding efficiency. He could set the efficiency to the maximum to replenish the dungeon's population or reduce it to the minimum to prevent the dungeon from overflowing. Of course, everything had to be paid with an overwhelming amount of mana, even for Quinn.

After reading all of the information, Quinn had another crazy idea. Can he make blueprints for dungeon cores? Just after the idea popped itself up inside his head, he immediately wanted to try.

Imagining the dungeon core's appearances and abilities, Quinn activated his skill. Before he materialized the dungeon core blueprint, he set it to a blank state since he wanted to make other types of dungeons.

Following that, the blueprint materialized. Checking it quickly, he found that there were only two requirements needed. It only needed needed spirit stones and the dungeon creator's mana. The problem was that, it needed an overwhelming amount of spirit stones and mana. For mana, Quinn could quickly recover from it. As for spirit stones, Quinn finally decided it was time to visit his treasury to check if he had enough.

Quickly finishing up their business, Quinn updated the information on the forums before rushing back to town. He contacted Avelin and Jarvis and had them lead the way to the treasury.

The two elves also took this chance to report their gains for the past few weeks. According to them, they were actually already so rich that they had problems storing all the wealth.

The two was forced to invest in various different areas to spend as much money as they could but as elves with Business god classes, even if they didn't have any knowledge on business, they would still have some luck in their investments.

In the end, their actions brought the territory another wave of development and even more money. This was the first time they thought that earning money was troublesome.

Quinn laughed at their helplessness and asked if they had some spirit stones. He also told them that he'll be needing them in large quantities.

The elves eyes lit up at those words before talking about their previous problems about the spirit stones.

The truth was, they were overflowing with spirit stones right now. The elves even had covered the whole town with the highest grade Mana Gathering Array Formations but they still had mountains of spirit stones.

Quinn then told them about his plans of making dungeons inside or just outside the territory so adventurers wouldn't have to go out to look for them.

Of course, the two fully supported the idea mainly because it meant they could spend more. They quickly led Quinn to where the spirit stones were and he found that the elves really weren't exaggerating when they said they had mountains of it.

Quinn activated the skill and made another nine Tier 1 dungeon blueprints for a total of ten. After that, he made ten Tier 2 blueprints. After that, Quinn consumed a huge amount of spirit stones on all twenty blueprints.

Now the problem now was the mana requirement. Quinn only had enough mana for one dungeon and needed an hour of recovery before he could have enough for another. Quinn didn't really want to wait for twenty hours to make all the blueprints. Thankfully, Alice, who had been silent for a long time spoke again.

[Host can always create a passive skill specifically for expanded mana pool or increased mana recovery.]

Quinn, for a long, hadn't been using his skill creation chances and had been storing them instead. He could've made a bunch of skills but Quinn didn't really care about average skills. This time, he directly made two passive skills that instantly multiplied his mana pool and mana recovery ten times.

His already godly mana and recovery instantly become even more ridiculous. Next, Quinn immediately transferred mana to the ten Tier 1 blueprints.

Light shone and the spirit stones were condensed into ten beads the size of a palm. The beads were pure white and were emitting very thick and pure mana.

As soon as Quinn laid his hands on the dungeon cores, a new system was opened to him. It was the dungeon maker system. He checked the specifics and found that it was basically equivalent to making your own small world.

First that he had to do was to submit some biological information about the creatures he wanted to be born inside the dungeon. For example, he could submit some rabbit fur right now and the dungeon will give birth mainly to rabbits.

Next was that he could upgrade the breeding efficiency of the dungeon monsters by either ten times, a hundred times, or thousand times for either ten years, a hundred years or a thousand years.

He could also fast forward time to ten years, a hundred years or a thousand. Of course, all of these cost an astronomical price. The currency used would still be mana or spirit stones. Upon seeing the requirements to use the different features of the dungeon, Quinn asked the elf duo, "Is the supply of spirit stones stable?"

"Yes, father. It's definitely stable. As of now, we're already receiving thousands from the adventurers, not to mention the hundreds of millions of players outside. If even one million of them gave us one spirit stone each everyday, that would still be one million spirit stones everyday."

"Great, then let us start making dungeons."

First was he had to submit an item containing the biological information of a creature he wanted to base his dungeon monsters on. Of course, he had the perfect items for this. That was either Emperor Dragon's scales or Empress Phoenix's feathers.

For the first five, Quinn submitted Emperor Dragon's scales. After that was just to add in the rules of that dungeon. Of course, Quinn was too lazy to do that so he set it on default, which was basically the same rules as the outside world. He only added in a small rule that could encourage adventurers to come and explore this dungeon.

That rule basically allowed creatures that were defeated and subdued by players to be taken out of the dungeon as long they had signed a binding contract with it. Those hot-blooded men out there would be rushing here to get there own dragon mounts.

Up next was the world terrain. Still, Quinn was too lazy so he randomized them all. Some dungeons would be desert themed, some would be winter themed and some would be in a forest.

After that, Quinn quickly saved all the information and postponed activating them yet since he had some plans for them and he also still had to use the other blueprints.

Grabbing Empress Phoenix's feathers, he submitted them all and did the same with the previous dungeons and just randomized all the terrains.


I won't be displaying the status screen much for the next chapters since we all already know that MC is op af. Instead, let's try to focus more on the world secrets, kingdom building and building up the MC's character.