
Skill Overlord System (DROPPED)

A billion people, including Quinn, was suddenly summoned to another world by an A.I. like existence claiming to be that world's consciousness. The A.I. explained how that world is similar to a game world and then spoke of it's troubles. He asked the humans, who posses endless creativity and boundless intelligence, to help it's inhabitants. In return, they could obtain infinite strength and build their own kingdoms and civilizations. Each person was then given a talent that would be awakened upon levelling up. Upon awakening, Quinn soon learned that he obtained his own cheat that could let him rise to the top without barely doing anything

Phantomato_101 · Fantasy
Not enough ratings
39 Chs

35 Goblin Village

The goblins were quickly eliminated without being ever given a chance to retaliate. Quinn was already starting to get bored since they were so weak and nothing new has appeared.

After finding other goblin bases and wiping them all out, Quinn finally felt it was time to speed things up some more. Everybody summoned their own dragons and shot into the sky, each leaving a trail of light.

It had been some time since Quinn rode on Emperor Dragon so he felt a little bit of thrill from the ride. Although he could fly himself, riding on a dragon still gave him a different sense of excitement.

The dragons flew at the very fast speed that they were already cutting through wind and whistling through the air. Thankfully, nobody got harmed because of absurdly high attributes.

Quinn was enjoying the breeze when he was suddenly alarmed by a call from Emperor Dragon. It sounded like he was trying to point out something to him. He looked down and saw something surprising.

Down on the ground, Quinn saw another group of goblins. The only difference this one had to the past ones was that this group had a much larger size and lived in simple wooden houses unlike the leather tents from before. Quinn also noticed that every goblin was clothed with simple animal fur or leather.

"It's actually a goblin village. This cluster actually managed to build their own village. They even know how to dress up and build houses.", Quinn said in surprise.

Quinn gave a signal and Emperor Dragon dove down. The elves with their dragons followed and created sharp whistles as they pierced through the atmosphere on the way down.

Only when they were just above the village did the goblins notice the anomaly. Looking up, they saw a group of dragons diving towards their village. Every goblin who saw immediately felt weak and fell down on their knees. This world followed strict a hierarchy in terms of bloodlines.

Dragons had one of the strongest bloodlines while goblins were at the bottom. Of course, they would feel oppressed just at the mere presence of a dragon.

The dragons stopped in midair before they could crash and gazed disdainfully at the goblins before them. The elves looked on indifferently as always as they waited for Quinn's verdict.

Quinn was paying close attention to them and was a little interested since even though all of the goblins were just kneeling and showing weakness, they actually showed higher intelligence compared to the goblins from before.

Just as Quinn was deep in thought, one of goblins walked forward unsteadily. The goblin was relatively more well-dressed than the others. It also had a fake staff to show off its identity as a mage but also had some kind of necklace made from rows of beast teeth that indicated its position as the village chief.

Although it had such a high status among the goblins, it was currently shaking in fear as it felt the dragons' auras. Still, it mustered enough courage to walk closer to Quinn and the others to kneel and ask for mercy.

"Please Lords, have mercy on this poor goblin and his village. I know we're insignificant compared to you but please, I beg of you to let us off. In turn, we will work under you as long as you let us live."

The whole place was quiet as the Goblin Chief's shaky voice rang out. Quinn contemplated and initially didn't have thoughts on taking then under him. The Goblin Chief could vaguely sense this so it immediately took out something.

"To show our sincerity and value, please accept this small gift."

It took out grey stone from a pouch that hung over its waist and injected some mana into it. Quinn was surprised to see it glow and spit out a few items that fell down on the ground. The Goblin Chief introduced the materials on the ground as very valuable resources and that they were supposed to be very rare.

However, Quinn didn't pay attention to the goblin's words as he focused on the stone in its hand.

"What's that stone on your hand?"

"My Lord? Ah, this? My Lord, this stone has an empty area inside that lets me keep items without occupying too much space and removes the weight of objects I put into it."

Quinn nodded in realization and immediately wanted to snatch the stone from its hands. Although Players had an Inventory, it had ten slots and could even keep objects that are slightly larger. After realizing that, Quinn was disappointed as he thought he could be like those carefree protagonists who brought their whole bedrooms and kitchens with them the whole time and could relax anytime and anywhere.

However, with this stone, Quinn could see hope of actually being able to do that. He immediately asked where the goblin got it to which the goblin answered that the stone was called Space Stone and was usually found together with the metal he had presented earlier.

Hearing that, Quinn finally had time to look at the first item the stone spat out. Originally, he didn't think much of it because what could already be more valuable than the Space Stone but was surprised when he what it was.


Yes, it was Mithril, a very precious type of metal. Quinn had read of it being praised countless times as the legendary magic metal. Aside from being harder than diamond itself, it had extremely high magic conductivity and was basically a perfect forging material.

Every blacksmith would kill to forge a weapon out of Mithril and every adventurer would kill to possess a weapon made of Mithril.

Quinn wondered how such precious materials could land in the hands of the goblins but quickly found his answer. According to the Goblin Chief, there was a mine under the village and was actually the main reason why they built the village here.

They though the materials were very precious and could help them get stronger but unfortunately, their technology was too backward and couldn't process any of the mined metals and stones. That's why the village was still at this level even while sitting on top of a treasure pile.

Quinn sighed and accepted the gifts while also allowing the goblins to keep their lives. He decided to employ all of them and have them mine the metals and other resources. In return, Quinn will help develop their village.

The Goblin Chief was ecstatic at the offer and immediately agreed on the spot without even thoughts of negotiating.

Like that, Quinn was able to obtain a free mining center that would supply Sky Town with valuable resources such as Mithril and Space Stones.