
Skill Forge: Broken Extra Character

Amidst the eerie silence of an unfamiliar hall, a cacophony of confused voices rose, mingling in a chorus of bewilderment. "Where are we?" "What happened?" "I thought I died!" Each utterance hung in the air, a testament to the collective disbelief gripping the room. As the haze of confusion lifted, disjointed memories surfaced, fragments of lives cut short by tragedy. "I remember... I was stabbed..." ventured one voice, echoed by another's affirmation of a similar fate. "I... I died in a plane crash," muttered a third, only to be met with a stunned agreement from a fellow survivor. Amidst the chaos of bewildered voices, one man stood apart, his expression a mask of contemplation amidst the turmoil. As his companions recounted their brushes with death, his mind churned with questions, each more confounding than the last. "I got shot... I remember it vividly," he murmured to himself, his voice barely audible above the din. "So how am I still here?" The enigma of their shared resurrection gnawed at him, compelling him to seek answers in the depths of his memories. With each revelation of a paired demise—a male and female, bound by the same tragic fate—a flicker of recognition ignited within him. "This... this seems familiar," he mused, the pieces of a puzzle slowly coalescing in his mind. But the picture remained incomplete, obscured by the fog of uncertainty that shrouded their surroundings. As the words "pairs, pairs, pairs" echoed in his mind like a cryptic mantra, a sudden realization struck him with the force of a revelation. "It can't be... don't tell me..." he whispered, his voice trembling with disbelief. With a sense of urgency, he began to scan his surroundings, searching for any sign or clue that could confirm his suspicions. Then, as if guided by an unseen force, his gaze shifted upwards, and there, bathed in an ethereal light, stood an angelic figure with golden apparel, its gaze fixed upon him with a warm smile. The sight took his breath away, filling him with a mixture of awe and trepidation. The man's heart raced as faced a real angel, his mind struggling to comprehend the surreal encounter unfolding before him. The angel's words, spoken with an air of amusement, only deepened the enigma shrouding their meeting. "I never expected anyone to notice me," the angel remarked, a hint of playfulness in its voice. "I was concealing my presence to let everyone fully calm down, but to think someone noticed me. Just who are you?" Ethan's disbelief and confusion intensified at the angel's question. "Eh... Ethan Rivers," he stammered, his voice barely above a whisper. As Aurelia, the angel, finally revealed himself to the bewildered assembly, a hush fell over the room, each soul drawn in by his radiant presence and commanding aura. Ethan's gaze lingered on Aurelia. "Greetings, lost souls," Aurelia declared, his voice resonating with a majestic power that seemed to fill the very air around them. "I am Aurelia, and I shall be your guide to your new life." As Aurelia extended his arms in a gesture of welcome, Ethan felt a surge of rage and hesitation, "This it bad, really bad."

Dark_Eyez · Fantasy
Not enough ratings
36 Chs

Chapter 14: Emberville

In a dark and gloomy cave, a group of individuals covered in dark cloaks with masks gathered in a circular manner. Three more walked in.

"You're late, you numb skull," one of them yelled. "You do realize how important this is, don't you?" He was furious.

"Sorry we're late, we just saw something interesting and had to check it out," one of the three replied with a confident smile.

"Did you find the artifact?" the apparent leader inquired from the three.

"We went to a lot of trouble to get this thing. We had to conduct the operation without killing anyone, just like you ordered, and no one suspects a thing," he replied, bringing out a stick tied to a crescent-shaped stone. "This thing will work, right?" He proceeded to throw it to the leader.

"Careful with that," the leader cautioned as he caught it. "Of course it will. Why do you think they sealed it and locked it away in Lagia, where a former top General resides?" he replied. He placed it inside a box and continued, "It's been six years, but we finally got it. We're one step closer to the destruction of Verena," he announced.

"Yaaaa," everyone chorused.


Jett maintained a rigorous daily schedule for the remaining week, alternating between training sessions with his father and mother, secretly venturing into the forest to farm for Exp, and practicing Mana and Aura techniques. Each night, he consumed a petal from each of the flowers his mother had acquired for him.

His diligence paid off, as he grew stronger with each passing day, gaining new skills from his training and successfully merging some of them. In total, he acquired three new skills:

[Elemental Blessings A]

[Demon Eye B]

[Full Resistance B]


The day of the Adventure's Fair had finally arrived, and everyone was packed and ready. The fair would last a whole week, so Jerry had already made reservations for their accommodations during that time.

The journey to the capital was lengthy, spanning the considerable distance between Lagia and the Empire. Normally, it would take three weeks, but they opted for a faster route. They took a carriage to a larger city and then used a teleportation platform to reach their destination. However, this convenience came at a cost. Jett recognized the teleportation platform from the game, appreciating its efficiency for fast travel.

Throughout the journey, Jett couldn't help but notice how popular his parents were in every town they passed through. This piqued his curiosity since he had never encountered them in the game or any books.

Late at night, they finally arrived at the bustling capital, and everyone was exhausted from the long trip.

"It's only the first day. Let's get some rest," Jerry declared as they navigated the streets.

"But where?" Jett inquired.

"We'll stay with an old friend of mine," Jerry replied with a grin. "He was my party member back in my adventuring days, and now he's an accomplished merchant. He might even be wealthier than the entire Kingdom," he added confidently.

"Richer than... You mean the Emberville Patriarch?" Jett unexpectedly asked.

"Yes, but how do you know that name?" Jerry inquired, looking surprised.

"Tourists talk about him a lot, and his son is supposedly the same age as me," Jett explained. "This is great. I can try to acquire that super convenient skill while I'm here."

In fact, one of the people who had been sent to this world became the second son of the Emberville house. He possessed a skill that Jett desired, and now, an opportunity to obtain it had finally presented itself.

As they approached the merchant's mansion, Jett couldn't contain his excitement.

As they arrived at the massive gate, adorned with beautiful stones and gold, a man stood to welcome them. He appeared slightly younger than Jerry.

"Jerry, Eva, it's been a while," he greeted warmly as they descended from their carriage.

"Do you really have to see us personally?" Jerry asked, his smile widening.

"You're practically royalty now. I do hope you're treating Lola well," Eva chimed in. Their conversation continued for well over 10 minutes.

"I see Nerissa grew up to look as beautiful as her mother, and I'm guessing this is your son?" Avon changed the topic.

"Ah, that's right. This is my boy, Jett," Jerry replied. "Jett, this is my friend Avon Emberville. He's the Patriarch we were talking about."

"Greetings," Jett offered a respectful bow. 'This guy's the Patriarch? He looks younger than father, not to mention his build. That's definitely someone who knows how to use a sword,' he thought to himself.

The introductions didn't last long before they were invited inside to have dinner with Avon's family. Everyone was seated, including a woman about Eva's age and two boys, one Jett's age and the other slightly older.

"So, what brings you to the capital?" Avon inquired, pouring them each a glass of fine wine. "You're usually cooped up in your sweet haven."

"I originally have something to take care of, but coming as a family was his idea. We'll be leaving when the festivities come to an end," Jerry replied with a confident smile, glancing at Jett.

Avon's eyes lit up with interest. "That's wonderful. We hardly ever see you. I was beginning to think you were dead or something," he teased before turning his attention to Jett. "Oh, Jett, this is my lovely wife Lola, my boys Richard and Finn. I hope you all get along," he said, pointing as he introduced them.

"Likewise. I look forward to getting to know you all," Jett replied politely.

"He's your son, Eva? He looks so handsome and well-mannered," Lola remarked before glancing at Nerissa, who was battling with her food. "He takes after you in manners, while your daughter stole her father's personality."

As Finn was the first to leave, Jett followed shortly after. Navigating the massive mansion took some time, but Jett utilized the search function from his skill to locate Finn. Eventually, he found him outside, gazing quietly at the stars.

"Hey, you left early before I could actually say hello," Jett attempted to initiate a conversation.

"What do you want, kid?" Finn replied with a sigh.

"Kid? We're literally the same age, dumbass," Jett retorted, annoyed but managing to keep his cool.

"Yes, but our standings are different. I know you're trying to get close to me to get some money, seeing as how you desperately came to find me," Finn replied with a smirk.

"Is that so?" Jett tried to contain his annoyance.

"Yes. Kneel before me," Finn added arrogantly.

"Where do you get off being so high and mighty, huh?" Jett couldn't help but feel his temper rising as he delivered a knock on Finn's head.

"Ouch!" Finn groaned in pain. "You dare hit me? One blessed by God himself, as stated by the great gurus' prophecy?" he continued, trying to assert his superiority.

"Huh? Now you're talking out of context, bro. Did Aurelia tell you that?" Jett asked, clenching his fists. "I should probably educate you."

"How do you know that name?" Finn asked, looking surprised.

"Think harder. Hint: the unlucky one," Jett replied cryptically as he approached.

"Wait, it's you? How are you that strong? Have mercy," Finn pleaded.

"Mercy? You arrogant bastard," Jett snapped, smacking him again. "We just met, and you're already acting like an idiot. I'll let it slide this once."

"Thank you," Finn muttered, still rubbing his head.

"Now..." Jett pulled Finn's face closer. "Let's see."


Level: 7

Class: Merchant/Warrior

HP: 15

MP: 12

Strength: 15

Agility: 10

Intelligence: 5

Perception: 10

Luck: 194


[Market Value S]

[Storage Space A]

[Appraisal B]

[Boost B]

[Slash D]


"Copy [Storage Space]," Jett murmured.

"What are you doing?" Finn asked, feeling uneasy.

"Nothing special. Thanks anyways," Jett replied casually, letting go of Finn and walking back inside.

As Jett returned to the mansion, he wondered how the other were spending their time at that moment.

"No point thinking about now. I've got work to do."




I guess he'll be meeting the others too.

Let's hope he doesn't cause much trouble.


Sorry I haven't been around for a while but I'm back now