
Skill Creation in Highschoold DxD

not sure what the story is ganna be yet but it is ganna have the skill/power essence from essence Meta CYOA. I’ll change the synopsis when I start writing the story

Isaac_Barahona · Anime & Comics
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Reincarnation no Kaben and why you should read it also thanks at the end

Just an update to tell y'all I have reached volume seven of the novel before I go take a shower and to tell y'all about Reincarnation no Kaben or Petals of Reincarnation in English.

I just think it's neat. It is well written and translated up to chapter 64.5 I think on mangadex so you can just read it in like a day. Other than that it is just a well written story with really likable characters like Ein and Newton whose relationship I adore. Also they have really good fights so if you have the time I suggest reading it. Also due to the power system everyone gets a unique ability there so if you are in need of powers to rip-off (like I am ganna do) just look at the abilities in this manga for inspiration.

Like just some minor spoilers but I'm ganna list some abilities on the protagonist side really quickly and nothing else (also ganna exclude abilities we don't know)

Reincarnation Name and Talent

John von Neumann Prediction Calculation (can predict the future through the powers of math and also really fucking smart)

Nightingale Angel of Healing (can heals what she touches)

Albert Einstein Unknown Space Transfer (has a field around her which she can transfer and yes she can cut people with this)

Leonardo da Vinci Universal Vessel (can be taught anything even other people's bs powers also makes him super talented)

Isaac Newton Fruit of Gravity (can make apples which let him control gravity within a range of 6 meters of the apple)

Hiroshi Funasaka Immortal Soldier (can't die and will regenerate from anything yes even if his body looks like Swiss cheese)

Hans Driesch Replicator (can perfectly clone himself and yes he can do it multiple times they use him as a decoy/meat shield)

Ishikawa Goemon A Thief's Left & Right Arm (take other people's abilities and yes he is the protagonist)

Miyamoto Musashi Le Buffett Ibitsu Niten Reihou ( other than making her talented with the sword she also has a bunch of sword techniques which are bullshit)

Bobby Fischer The Play's Almighty/ The White Army Reaching God (The battlefield is likened to a chessboard, and the soldiers of chess pieces that have manifested fight. Also, when the normal pieces are wiped out, you can use 4 types of special pieces that are stronger than the normal pieces and yes I took this from the wiki this shit is too long also the name is so fucking cool)

Wright Brothers Human Flight (exactly what it sounds like but they are cute twins so I give it a pass)

Jean-Henri Fabre Observer (completely remove his looks, smell, sound and presence. This results in him having absolute stealth.)

Schrodinger The Cat Chooser (By looking at all the possible outcomes of an event through parallel worlds, Schrödinger has the freedom to choose the desired result to benefit himself. With that said, as long as there is a single possibility of victory, Schrödinger can select that outcome and win. Thus he can only be defeated if he has a 0% chance of winning.)

Simo Häyhä White Death (By aiming the scope at the opponent, it drags them into a different space that imitates the snowy field, which is their specialty. There is a gap in the progress of time with the outside world, and third party intervention is impossible.)

Gaius Julius Caesar The Heroes Testament and Pygmalion(yes this fucker has two and that's cause he is the goat) (The Heroes Testament allows him to always be prepared. He can summon and utilize any kind of weapon in existence (even if they were never actually completed) with the highest level of proficiency.)(pygmalion If he raises a red banner, he can command up to 1000 people so long as they're his allies. As long as the soldiers are under his command, they are capable of displaying their full potential at their utmost proficiency and Caesar retains the right to lead, not even a step would fall out of line)

Charles Darwin Theory of Evolution (You can freely evolve parts of your body into parts of existing creatures, such as making eyes compound eyes and acquiring raptor claws. Someone said, the change in form in an individual is not "evolution'' but "transformation.'')

Yagyuu Juubei Unknown The Extreme's of an Inch (A ability that enhance the vision of Juubei. With this ability Juubei can see the world in slow motion akin to when an individual is in a life-or-death situation, however, Juubei's utilisation of this phenomena is voluntary. Additionally she can precisely perceive distances between her and her opponent and the distances of each of their attacks, with this, she can predict the next sequences of attacks her opponent will use. The weakness is her nervous system and it can fry her brain.)

That's all for the main group and yes I will be ripping most of them off but I try to make them match the price or nerf them to lower rank to buy. An example would be Caesar's talent as well put that ability in the dxd world and you get someone who can summon any sacred gear as long as they are a weapon and use them like he has had it for life that shit would be A rank at the very least purely because he can use them at the fullest potential. Also an example for what would not count as a weapon would be Asia's sacred gear as it heals and only heals if you take it by itself. Anyway I just highly recommend this manga to read if you have time and I would like to thank all of you who used you powerstones ( stop please I haven't even finished reading highschool dxd give them to authors you actually like and put out good work like the author of fate/disturbance all his shit is goated use them on him intead) and those who put me in their collection I hope once I finish reading highschool dxd (my sister and her fiancé are going back to their country since Christmas is over so I have more time to actually read it for the rest of my break) and start writing this fanfic I can at least entertain you a bit and I hope to god their aren't many grammar mistakes since I'm ganna use my computer to write it instead of my phone or tablet like I'm doing these aux chapters.