
Skill: Absorption(Hiatus)

Reh and his whole section got summoned to the otherworld, namely Deimos. The world of Deimos was engulfed in war, and the humans were pushing back, and on the losing side, that's why they decided to try the summoning ritual to summon the heroes from the other world, which was Reh and his classmates. Each in the section got their own class and ranked and skill, whereas Reh was classless and no skill, what's more, he's ranked lowest amongst them. That's why Reh was bullied intensely and later on cast aside for being a dead weight in the whole class. Experiencing being bullied in his entire high school life and now being cast aside as if he was some kind of trash. With that, he promises and swears in all the gods that if he survives in the situation, he will surely get back to anyone who harms him and to the one he loves. Betrayal, getting stronger than anyone else, revenge, fighting for his love ones and on what he believes was right, building a relationship and getting back to Earth that's what Reh wanted to do. *** Disclaimer: This story is a work of fiction. Names, characters, places, and events are all used in fictitious way and products of the author’s imagination. Any resemblance to real persons, living or dead, or actual events is purely coincidental. *** Photo was not mine. From pixabay.com and credits to the rightful owner.

ddraigg · Fantasy
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34 Chs

Elder Lich II

At the Empire, the only Class Reh saw was either Knight or Warrior Class. Yes, there was some Elemental user among his classmates, but they were fledgling compared to this skeleton.

The skeleton was about to go back but stopped in place. "Hmm... I feel like I forgot something really important... Nah... Like I care..." Then the skeleton continues to fly toward Reh in a goofy mood.

But the skeleton noticed that Reh was shouting something, but due to the distance, the skeleton couldn't hear Reh's warning.

At this moment, the skeleton was hit by the Troll's log and was thrown away.


This is what the skeleton forgot. The Troll has the highest healing ability among the Hard rank monster.

Yes, the skeleton's attacks were powerful, but in front of the Troll's healing ability, that's not enough. If one wanted to defeat the Troll, they needed to...

"H-heyy!!!! Reh shouted at the skeleton.


The Troll roared victoriously.

And now, it changed its focus to Reh. It was about to run towards it, but the Troll suddenly stopped in place as it felt something, a feeling of the predator looking at its prey.

The law of the jungle also applied to the world of monsters. The strong would prevail. The strong would devour the weak. If one would want to survive, one needed to learn how to fight or hide. But Carnage Forest was a bit different. If the monster wanted to survive, it was either to avoid the Doom Island or the domain of the Elder Lich that was located at the center of the forest.

But sadly, this Troll forgot it as hunger consumed the Troll, and now the Troll was about to learn the final lesson of its life.

A strong menacing bloodlust emerged on where the skeleton were thrown away.

The Troll began to tremble in fear as it felt the bloodlust. Then, a huge white light appeared and shot up to the sky. That causes to illuminate the entirety of the forest.

Reh was astonished at this view. He felt that somehow, somewhere, he knew what was the white light.

And after a few minutes, the white light began to stagger, then suddenly shoot down to the ground! It causes a huge shockwave! Reh holds on to the tree with all of his strength to not carried away! It took a whole minute before everything calmed down.

Amidst all of this, the skeleton slowly floats in the air. It opened its mouth, and there was some white smoke coming out from it.

"You goddamn fool! YOU FINALLY DID IT!!!

Then the skeleton threw both of its arms backward, and the same thing happened. There was a magic circle that appeared on both arms. Afterward, it put both of its arms on its front...

"Advance Elemental Spell - Fire Nova"


A long beam of fire burst out from the skeleton's arms and hit the Troll but not only that, the beam continues to travel in a straight line through the forest.

Reh put both hands to shield his face as there was too much heat. He doesn't know how many minutes it's been, but when he doesn't hear anything, he assumes that everything is over and decides to come out behind the tree.

"W-what... In... The... World...."

Only words Reh said as he looked at the current view of the forest.

The forest that was full of block trees was now obliterated. There was a trench on the ground through the horizon.

And this is it. If one wanted to defeat a Troll, they needed to obliterate it.

"GEH! I was carried away by the situation that I forgot I was in the forest... Haaaa... Now I needed to cast a Element of nature again to bring back the trees. I think this is the fourth... fifth? Geh, I don't want to think about it." The skeleton suddenly appeared at Reh's side. And like Reh, the skeleton was also looking at the aftermath of the spell.

Reh slowly turned his head towards the skeleton. He only has one impression, strong... Utterly strong. Then a sudden thought emerged at Reh, and he needed the help of this skeleton if he wanted to get his revenge.

Consume by angrier and vengeful feelings. Reh gets kneeled and bows down, disregarding the scenery.

"Please... Help me... Help me get revenge on the people who did all of this! I don't care if I need to sell my soul or you take my body, but please help me... I wanted to pay back at them! I do! Please... I would do anything..."


Reh slowly opened his eyes when he felt the sun rays touching his face. There he sees the blue-clear sky and a few clouds floating around. Reh doesn't know, but Reh feels comfortable right now. He misses this view as he and her mother always go on a picnic every time his mother gets a day off from work.

But amidst his daydreaming, he suddenly remembers what happened yesterday.

Reh immediately stands up and surveys his surroundings. He is still at the open house the skeleton built. Then he runs towards the running water and looks at his reflection. His looks were still the same as yesterday. The black-ash grey hair, black eyes--his handsome appearance.

Then his attention change to his body.

His skinny body is now a body fit. His height was also changed. He slapped himself to check if he was dreaming, but sadly, it hurt him, meaning this was real.

"Oh? you awake already?"


Reh jolted at the sudden voice he heard from his back. When he turned around, he saw the skeleton.

"Y-you scared me..." Reh said while holding his heart area.

"Geh! If I was an enemy, you were drop dead by now... What a weakling you are... Anyway, the breakfast was ready..." The skeleton said, then he flew towards the table and chair that were placed outside.

Reh just followed the skeleton silently and didn't reply. When he sat on the chair, he looked at the food placed at the table. A grilled fish. Reh immediately ate the fish, but he stopped when he heard the skeleton talking.

"You would be dead by now if I put poison on the fish. But rest assured that I didn't put any substance that would hurt you on that fish, so eat your fill as I know you had a lot of questions you wanted to ask."

Reh was about to puke the fish in his mouth, but he instantly gulped it down when he heard the last words the skeleton spoke.



Reh puts down the wooden cup after he drinks water. Then he looked at the skeleton that now sitting in front of him. If someone saw this sight, they would certainly be scared to death, but Reh, for some unknown reason, didn't feel any ill intention toward this skeleton is just that...

"Gah! Haaaa... It fell again...."

The skeleton was doing a ridiculous act. The skeleton will take a whole fish, then put it in its mouth. But as a skeleton, the fish only would pass through the bones and fall on the ground. This is what the skeleton has been doing. And Reh doesn't know how to react to this ridiculous act.

"E-them... Like what you said, I do have some questions--how did I get here?" Reh.

"Well... When I was watering my flowers and plants, I sense something on the site where my orange tree was located. But when I came there, I saw you lying on the ground wounded, without both legs.

If I left you there, you would surely die from losing blood due to your wound, so I decided that I would take you into my home and heal you. And for the record, you were asleep for two months." Skeleton.

"W-what? T-two months?" Reh was shocked that he were out of the cold for two months.

"Me now... Where you come from, and what exactly you were doing here?" The skeleton said while continuing the act it was doing.

Reh recovered from the shock and dropped it off as he couldn't change anything now that it had happened. Reh ponders a moment before he answers the question. He thinks it was really necessary to tell his situation on this skeleton.

"You can tell me as I was not going to tell anyone anything about you. Just to add, I cannot leave this forest even if I wanted to. If I do, those beings would surely sense that I am still alive." The skeleton said, but the last words were in a low tone, so Reh couldn't hear it.

"First and foremost, I am Reh Levi. I'm from Earth and a summoned Hero. The Empire summoned me here along with my classmates."

After Reh said this, the skeleton froze at what it was doing. It slowly turned its head towards Reh.

"W-what did you say? Did y-you come from Earth? And a summoned Hero?"

"Y-yeah... I came from Earth... Why?"

The skeleton bowed its head, then suddenly, it slammed both of its arms on the table and moved its skull toward Reh.

"How's the Earth now?! What happened in the war?! W-who won?! D-did we won?! Surely we won, isn't it? We have a large advantage over the Kingdom of Serbia! Surely we won, right?!"

"W-what... Wait... W-wha--." Reh.

"I am Count Ronald Stubenberg, from Austro-Hungarian Empire!"

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