
Skia Daios

Dear reader, if you were walking down a wrong path, would you be able to keep your heart unwavering at the end of Chaos? Sometimes evil manages to corrupt even the purest of hearts. Somewhere in the midst of the vast universes that exist, on a planet called Echo, there was a war—a bloody war waged by someone who called himself the demon king. From the flames of fire and the shadows of death, a dragon rises, traveling back in time to seek revenge on the man who took her love away.

Taylor_Daydream · Fantasy
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19 Chs

5-A little strange city

"That's a beautiful dress, Lady Mahal, why don't you try that one on?" Hela, or pointy ears, says while looking at one of the luxurious dresses on the mannequins.


The maids had finally managed to get their lady into more appropriate clothing - much to her displeasure - and now they were shopping... or at least that was the intention. Everything they showed her, she refused! Although, they were certain that if Mr. Mahal were here, she could buy the entire boutique if he asked.


"Why would I wear something that seems troublesome to move in?" Mrs. Mahal lazily says as she settles into the chair, not even looking at the dress, preferring to stare out the window.


They had been in the city of Priya for a few hours now, it was the closest city to the mansion, as they knew Mrs. Mahal wasn't someone with much patience when it came to social matters, especially when she was prevented from sleeping as much as she wanted.


The three servants sigh, accepting their mistress's terrible mood at the moment.


Although their mission was not to let her sleep, their real jobs were to take care of and assist Mrs. Mahal when Mr. Mahal was away or unavailable.


The six-eyed, six-armed maid exchanged meaningful looks with her colleagues. After a few moments of silence, she approached the lazy woman with a smile on her lips. "My beloved lady, I believe I have an idea that may please you more." With gentleness, she took Mrs. Mahal's beautiful hands and led her out of the boutique. "I know you must find all of this very boring and bothersome, don't you? However, this time, instead of following our suggestions, go ahead and lead the way; we'll be right behind you."


Mrs. Mahal looked at the maid with a small smile; she definitely thought this was the best idea of the day. Without wasting time, she started to move away, and her servants followed her from a distance, something the albino woman appreciated.


Despite the hustle and bustle, the city wasn't too noisy.


She found herself both admiring and intrigued by everything she saw. There were people of all shapes and sizes: some people was green and excessively muscular, others small and hairy, some with extra or fewer limbs, some extremely pale holding umbrellas like her red-eyed fly, others had pointy ears like her other fly, but she notice none of these people were like the six-eyed fly.


She watched curiously as strange machines slid quickly along the ground. What were they called again? She and the flies had arrived in the city with one of those fancier machines... It didn't matter; Mrs. Mahal didn't care enough to remember the name of those floating vehicles.


On the streets, there were also amusing scenes: a man dressed as a ballerina rushing while balancing papers on something with only one wheel. In front of shops and buildings, one could see these same "one-wheel things" along with others with two wheels, both items locked with padlocks.


The suns reflected off each building; she observed people talking into metal blocks near their ears, others tapping or speaking to a screen that came from a bracelet, and some with metal balls in their ears, nodding their heads as they walked...


... Such strange things, indeed...


The Lady was still in a bad mood, still in pain, and still felt like a fragile glass doll, but at least now she didn't have three annoying flies watching her every breath.


And she found something interesting after a few minutes of slow walking, a whole street dedicated to stalls with various foods inside; the owners shouted and yelled, and the street was bustling. Near the end of the street, there was a large stage where a woman with short hair was giving a speech; next to her, there was a man with long hair fiddling with one of those metal blocks and occasionally saying something or waving to passersby.


She heard a distant sound of familiar wings.


Ignoring the ear and head pain that followed, she moved down the street, curious about what they were selling. It seemed the name was "Market," she continued to walk slowly, unaware that with each passing moment the street filled up, making it difficult for everyone to pass and see.


The sound was getting closer.


At that moment, her "calm" moment was interrupted when she felt someone watching her strangely, she looked around and found nothing unusual; not that she knew what was considered abnormal.


There directed at her were alarmed looks.


She felt someone pull her into an alley, and she saw that the person pulling her was a hooded man. He cornered her against the wall, which irritated her greatly—after all, who was he to interrupt her walk!?


And then angry and protective voices were heard.


The man brought his face closer to hers; she could feel his bad breath.

"Doll, how about having a good time—" The idiot couldn't even finish the sentence before a swarm of crows attacked him; the swarm was so large that it was visible from afar.


The beautiful woman was led out of the alley by the crows that weren't angrily attacking the madman.


She began to laugh hysterically.







Meanwhile, three streets away, the three poor maids sighed as they saw the swarm of crows and a familiar loud laugh. This was an unfortunate recurring event every time their beautiful lady left the mansion.


Perhaps they should ask Mr. Mahal to let them retire before their hair turns white from stress.

Take care and drink water!

You are loved my dear


Taylor_Daydreamcreators' thoughts