
Skeleton Rebirth

Lad died in his sleep to a break in he had his head cut off with one slice and didn't have a chance to even see the light of day in that world again. now lad has to survive after being reincarnated as a skeleton in the stockpit jungle

Oaks_lad · Fantasy
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2 Chs

LAD From Hell

The hand of a dirty skeleton reached out of the ground before gripping onto a tree root that was sticking out of a wall. It pulled itself up with an unknown stretch as it slowly came out onto the floor of the snow-white jungle it was now in.

'Where am I? I was just in hell but now I'm back? Is this earth? What am I?' lad looked at his white skeletal hands before he picked himself off the ground. He had these big pants on they fit him perfectly but they were not very slender as they looked like pants someone like whitebeard would wear.

The pants themselves were mostly leather but they had armor on their knees of them he also had boots on that were relatively hard at the toe part which he came to find it was steel-toe boots. He didn't have anything in his top part besides a large scarf that was surprisingly clean.

'I'm alive but I'm not. So far this is better than hell definitely not hot anymore.' lad stared at the large scarf that completely wrapped around his neck and even made it to his shoulders and hung off a bit waving in the cold wind.

He then heard a branch snap behind him before a black panel with red text popped up in front of him.

[choose ONE Ability

1 Disconnect

2 iron bone

3 rush ]

Lad dashed behind a tree before taking another look at the moves he could pick from. Before he peeked out from the tree to see a large white monkey that looked like a chimpanzee.

'There's no description of what they do!' lad thought hard about what he should do and soon he quickly whispered towards the system as he heard another branch snap under the large creature's weight.

'Disconnect!' he whispered loudly before then thinking of the ability in his head and feeling his body fall apart. A small white ball that acted as his pupil in the skull of Lad acted as a pupil as it bounced around in confusion.

'Oh, now I understand. It's like a stealth skill. Pretty damn unique!' the chimpanzee looked at Lad's bones on the ground before picking up an arm of Lad's and looking at it before tossing it away and running into the trees. It jumped off the ground and swung into the trees.

After the beast disappeared into the trees of the snow-white forest lad's body only then started to reconnect to the pieces. 'Ah that feels odd.' lad's head came onto his body as he walked over to his arm that was thrown and grabbed it. The arm quickly connected with the great of the body before Lad patted himself down.

'Pretty handy move but it will only get me so far in this world. BECAUSE I KNOW THIS AINT EARTH! THAT MOTHERFUCKER WAS TOO DAMN BIG! BIG BOY NEVER SKIPS HIS MEALS!' Lad went on a rant for a few minutes as his jaw bone clattered together.


The lad looked up to see a giant bird with water wrapped around it and trailing behind it fly above him and towards a mountain.

'Jeez, what a world. But I need to get to a place that's higher up so I can see everything better to know if there's anywhere I can possibly go from here.' Lad walked through the dense snowy jungle he realized that he had no trouble claiming or traversing the land as he did so with relative ease.

The jungle went on for a while as it felt never-ending and at one point Lad believed that he was going in circles but it wasn't the case. As he then noticed that the trees started to open up the more he walked through the jungle.

Crunch~ crunch~ crunch~

The satisfying sound of the snow being crushed under his feet was soothing to the none existing ears Lad stopped for a moment as he thought he had seen something move from behind a tree.

'Monkey? Is that you?' Lad stared to the right even tho he didn't know what was there his body was very relaxed.

Crunch~ slish~ SLISH~ Slosh~

Something zoomed from behind the tree and slammed into the skeleton. He tumbled for a minute before he spun on his head mid-roll and landed on his feet while stopping himself on the ground with one of his hands.

'The hell?' The lad looked up to see a large bipedal tiger with clothes on. But it wasn't white which intrigued the lad since he was in a snow forest. Lad picked himself up before the beast then charged at him again.


As the tiger charged at Lad he jumped off the ground and slammed his knee into the face of the tiger. The armor on the knee of the pants that he wore did a number on the best as one of its large fang-like teeth broke off and stabbed into the ground as drops of blood painted the ground red.

The tiger swiped at Lad and made contact with his midsection the impact made the body of the skeleton go completely limp before it was shot toward a tree.


The tree exploded before falling backward from where Lad landed. the tiger walked over there with a little swagger as the fight was a great display of its power. it looked at the skeleton's body with its head now at its side, it believed it had won the battle after seeing Lad's head detached from its body.

The tiger picked the head up before holding the skull up in front of its head it saw nothing in the skull before a small white light bounced around in the eye socket of its left eye before looking directly at the beast. The small orb turned into a small flame as the bests cocked hit its head to the left a bit before feeling a shape pain in its stomach.

It dropped its head as it looked down to see the skeleton's whole arm in its stomach before it slowly pulled its arm out which was now painted red with blood the arm pulled out its intestine with it and held it in its hand as it kept pulling it all out before it stopped.

The Beast began to howl in pain before the skeleton gave the rest of the intestine a good tug as it snapped off and came out along with the blood. The tiger dropped to the ground before the skeleton re-attached its head and wrapped the intestines around its neck and pulled it tight.

The Beast was losing strength from the blood loss and couldn't struggle and fight against the skeleton.

'Now what did we learn?'