
conquer das school loves to women

I am wake up my little human body sleep I open my human eyes why I am loves human because this is the skeleton translation very normal Japanese hair in I can send I can say someone is cooking Japanese food yes I am not Biggest Fan of Japanese cooking because videshi people eat very spicy things I think every cook says his heart is Un directly stomach is journal you have big things Magar you have no big heart just like without female body without mail I think I need to some cook my neighbours why because I have X-ray vision I think this is a time or is plot will start 6:00 p.m. looks like I am too late in Japanese people so tomorrow is so journey wake up let's cook some dinner and go to meet gay husband is f*** some gay boys why I should care I am me only one thing his life I conquer is women and come is my personal sex don't worry women I am not very bad person open my skeleton down I am still human you know let's see I cut this I wi I cut this yellow man is biggest thing in eat his mother don't worry Mr yellow hair is big is villain is here I am half Dark Side half the bad person I 99% not bad person now one percent I am 1% only female for I am good person and I kill all yellow man has Kimi I'm looks like some Evil villain the conquer the whole world I conquer all women smell so good I think his gay boy loves also in this woman liar like it every thing is like it I go to up change my shirt I think I need to some very tight shirt because I need to show in my six I show is my six packs app gay boy don't worry I am not going to give I love only female I am look so sexy I think I love myself looks like I am 100% not success confident is the best I think I can feel nothing don't worry open I am door and knock on three times open is a very husband hello sir I am cook some food for cooking and I am in your new neighbour I want to give you this food and thank you for yesterday ma'ams to give me phone in glasses mens size you why you yesterday come here yes I am come here yesterday because I am lost and city in I am in this new student this little town and say thank you for this Ma'am oh hello mam thank you for everything yesterday I am saying goodbye everyone because I need to go to my new school the last woman and kill some yellow hair man because this 1990% I am sure this world have no real man only game only yellow hair is men some very big fat as big like human call the I kill all I am because I am not human I am skeleton I am normal walking to school I can see some other my left side is very too much for me to see this school not virgin I think I am calling this woman school not girl I think I seen him this girl somewhere this is name Sonu Miya Nath Suha and this little kid is the name is this is childhood friend childhood friend childhood little peanut hello excuse me I can talk them this b is Prati Basti women says yes sir you can sit down he said to me I am some thank you and his childhood friend so looks like he is want to kill me I think you want to see this kid you want to die when your cart is dick don't worry kid I can good take call of this s*** women don't worry kid I can propose everyone I think my other world the my other cell want to die kill this this girl because I hate betrayal girls why I am here I need to show this flat some mainly Monster things one more thing I am the Asian people never wear underwear I am not wearing now I need to some weather control magic I want to show in some Monster things not locate me and I mean hello why your name is my name is Suno Miya Naat Suha nice to meet you I am sorry my name my name is Orleans looks like his boy want to talk to me yes boy what is it your name is so weird Mr over load I am laughing hahaha don't worry this is choosing for my father my grandfather is very rich person everyone called in overload for father's day yes my father second billionaire in the world Asian countries boys and you look like Japanese don't worry my mother is Japanese my father Asian I am both I am a actually Korean South Korean boys looks like he is want to don't worry Boy Oh looks like I don't have any umbrella looks like this is rain today will be Japanese weather to strain for me I can I can look like show me a nuts are looks like his want to say something why you hear in Japan and this little town because I want to see Japan myself and little cities I can feel everything this body of bus is coming come on sit down I can sit down left and this game looks like this childhood buddy wants to die with me because I think I disappoint this boy because I think that's me underwear looks like Maxima is little underwear want to be a little crisis don't worry I will show you very Monster packs bus stops and I really rain today I looks like I want to this show yellow hair I can see one yellow hair coming this our way because rain today I choose this body because this I 1 million percent sure now girl in the world look away this monster bike my shirt reveals my everything my six pack my Monster muscles in one more thing this yellow hair also very shock Express and looks like yellow hair have new f yellow hair ignore me and I think he is looks like he is want to touch is not so me underwear Magar not show me a react I first I get his yellow wireman heads with chocking his neck why because I don't like it's like you yellow hairs you have big muscles I have most and you have you have big dick I have I have Monster dick there I can I can convert to girl and you will be my personal sex toy I can relieve yellow hair in yellow hair very shock Express f****** by you talk me don't worry yellow hair I mean Mr you touch some female underwear I think I like destroy is little infinite reputations I am not human Mr you touch again some female without his permission let's see will show you next time Mr yellow hair I am following yes I want to go to principal office because I am new transfer student Chinmaya nathua looks likes his want to buy this lower lip my everything is showing up my six packs app in my other my character new can say is very blushing I am sorry why you looking so with me stop looking this so muscular man I am sorry nothing what is you say nothing I can say to you have very much oh I never workout first this is normal hobby for I can looks like some child childhood Badi want Tu bi good bye don't worry childhood friends I am Monster friend is says goodbye I'm going Prince Palace office I can go to principal office I knock one time in open the door very beautiful in b**** woman in the red suit Black jeans in black stockings I think I need some stress release things yes man I am his new transfer students in this is this is I hand over my documents where I am belong where am I everything where my version where I am sleeping other thing principle says thank you and is call somebody I think is calling some teachers I don't want to some fattest please be a some female teachers I don't want some kill chick pigs like that I think oh shit this is a beautiful school uniform girl I think I remember this girl this I remember this girl this girl have brother sex f***** I can see through His nipples or shit this is 900% NTR world highest girl look at me down there why your shirt so wet because I have no umbrella first you need to change your shirts then you come at me I said yes I have no spare shirts girls yes I have we have some thing to spar you or thank you and I have no school uniform don't worry principle says we can fit you tomorrow your new I follow the girl to boys changing room looks like I have to show some very big things to this girl yes I have I have my size I never have to one more thing girl says why you never wear underwear sorry because underwear to tight for me and I don't have to wear why people wear underwear I think female wants to cover their parts because when I want to be men wearing underwear what we have to stall why some female went low catal down there why we wear the pants and we wear wearing some underwear only female wants to show our body girls is why we want to show our body because I can see through your pink nipples girl flush phase why you see my nipples yes I am not blind girl sex why you see my nipples in don't to you have reaction because I am 900% sure no female wants to be harassed by some without underwear wear wearing men girl sex your don't look like old Mary man because I am not man because I am a super man you have don't like big muscles you want to show my big muscle Superman a very big chest I have very big things girl why you not sustaic man I am narcissistic because confident 9% to win an any girl is hot where my changing clothes I close door and see my everything my big muscles are six packs in my big dick I think this is too big for my hand to handle who says my hand I this thing will some very by things two time not summer I can open Little Door in up my hand this is the gym uniform Japanese school have looks like some Kinner Garden kids have uniform this is too small for my big muscles and big things don't worry I can fit I think this is too much for revealing to me I think I a little create this shirts and little this pants this is too small for my things this much better I am look like a Superman don't don't worry too much for my tight app don't worry type apps you will sure be every girl will show this I open door and this girl is so right I think this nipple is little bigger I am think yes I am ready now follow me I follow this girl in he say stop there teacher I told him teacher and you come out teacher says we have we have new transfer student please come out sir I come out open door in work shock me is believed are 99% level I can see every h***** girl this this class have I think remember one girl I see this and Man 2 days I never sleep this NTR anime plot I remember this heart I never sleep 2 Nights in my hand is very looks like my hand in my heart is very tumbling Magar looks like something click and mean all emotion died down looks like I have our liar still emotion delete system is the best yes hello my name is overload I introduce myself some students looks like shock and some looks like angry looks like this yellow hair remember me to know me and not SO looks like his liking me oh yes thank you everyone I can shift up there I will see it in left in corner always protect my seat remember what ignis seat I can left my behind it girl in my front is Shanu I say hello Sunu Miya nathua I am your seat matter behind me at yes I remember this some big dick muscle coach sex with her don't worry girl this skeleton is here don't fear looks like I create my own unique villain dialogue fantastic don't without fear because skeleton is here classes starting I need to something create this this had girl will be soon arrest will be I think this gay boys name I don't remember is the coach man in some club list in this girl will be harassed and sex with her in lastly is just like brainless dick list b**** I'm sorry girl don't worry everyone is fair because world is biggest world's skeleton overload is here everywhelna fear because skeleton I think this is the best dialogue I need to perform the ritual killing come back like this I really my all sockets in my girls faces so you will like my villain instincting in come on come on bell ring I want to kill this some muscle kill some muscle maths only have big dicks nothing more don't worry girl I have bigger than this little one and think yes or looks like this hat girl want to talk to me hello girl you talk to me yes I want to some join some clubs which club are I think I create my own club the school club is name is over kill I am in club is name is all is female member will be installed this club only don't worry is ringing now let's go and some villain because skeleton is here all well and clear I got up my seat I have no bags and I look around looks like this muscle mass have only one thing practice their practice there I can see this muffle mask hello sir take care what you want kid of why you wearing CE uniform kid because sir I want to something I want to search match with you what what are match with me yes sir I want you hand to hand and to and compact of no wrestling with me RM wrestling with me haha you want to be die now sir and one more thing who is win will be three days will 3 only one foot will be ground only only one foot will be ground he is only days will be passed whose will be don't permission School Ground coach has why not get better be ready for losing your bed and one more things are will be batting 5000 cash courses why not get you leave your own money I put my pocket in allowed all my money coach his eyes his wide an open yes kid come on boys see your big coach how can defeat this kid all the students are coaches club wearing a very tight I think this I gave only last look this boy and turn away come on big muscle had only one percent can world she is big muscle is nothing more than big muscles put my hand in coach flexes big muscles I am very muscles I have not big fat is this I think is a 90% is brain is his brain i muscle I think I broke his little arm his never shaking someone I'm come on coach start 1 2 3 4 start only one sound in Bihar crack and coaches I broke this big muscle guys arm his very crying coach I think you need some medical help I think you lost some kids ready attack is only not broken on punch me in the face I am only laughing I Talkies hand other cracking sound I broke his other arm coach I think you will be stopped you only bored have 9% bone left only one person down there I am very laughing and I say your club needs to pay me money club is all members look at me very angry why you broke our coach is both hand f****** you idiot I said that is bad boys just like you you be want to be broken that's like your little is coach is both hands how can his he can shift his right hand to his down pant is never going to he is all life only one month only took his coach to I am thinking give me your money in I slowly walk away in coach look at me just like I cut his dick don't worry cause is villain is here last time I will misrable your little human life cut your dick in eat your own your mouth don't worry had girl I will don't worry is because overload is here a slowly walk away look like this hat girl old watching me hello girl kisses his or don't worry this coach have only big muscles no brain down their only big muscles nothing more ending the chapter)) hello I am sorry for something mis calculate because I don't remember l everyone is character enemy names because I am very poor and Japanese and I am very English sorry I can see some now also next chapter will be every remember some girls name I think thank you reading this2