
057 Loss of Fans

Translator: Dragon Boat Translation Editor: Dragon Boat Translation

Ye Qingxue almost threw up blood after seeing the information on the official website of Quancheng Cup.

Immediately, she contacted the principal of the No. 3 High School and asked him to contact the official website of Quancheng Cup, asking the official website to remove those articles.

The principal of the No. 3 High School obediently complied.

But the crux of the problem was that though the principal of the No. 3 High School obediently complied, the organizer of the Quancheng Cup was not so obedient.

In fact, the reason why the affairs between Lu Wu's team and Ye Qingxue became so well-known in such a short period of time was because the organizers were helping to intensify the situation.

After all, the Quancheng Cup was not only a warm-up match for the High School League, but also a huge commercial event.

Whatever matters that involved business and profits, even the most simple things could become complicated.

Of course, the matter regarding Lu Wu and the others was actually not that complicated.

Simply, the organizer felt that this matter had the potential to become a hot topic, if it was done well, it could attract a wave of attention towards the game.

That was real profit.

In the face of profits, how could you remove the hot topic just because someone told you to?

The organizer did a very cruel job here. Not only did they not take down the post, they sold both the No. 3 High School and Ye Qingxue.

Soon, related reports like [Thinking about it, the principal of the No. 3 High School called the organizer at first notice to ask the organizer to remove relevant information] were produced, which further ignited this topic.

This move by the organizer distressed the No. 3 High School and Ye Qingxue a lot.


Late at night, in the principal office at the No. 3 High School, the principal lowered his head and called Ye Qingxue. "Ms. Ye, what should we do now?"

Ye Qingxue on the other side of the phone didn't respond, and only heavy breathing could be heard.

Well, the principal knew very well that it was Ye Qingxue trying to suppress her anger.

Obviously, Ye Qingxue was in an extremely bad mood at this time, and this made the principal sweat profusely.

"Well, how about contacting Lu Wu and ask them to come forward to clarify, or simply let them withdraw from the competition! As long as they were no longer participating, the popularity of this matter will definitely drop. "

The principal's idea was not bad, but Ye Qingxue didn't want to use it, as she had a difficult time forgiving them.

"No need. Don't they want to watch the so-called fateful battle? Don't they want to see how this dark horse beats my student and slaps me in the face? Then let them see! I also want to see how these three rubbish can beat the students trained by me, Ye Qingxue. "

Ye Qingxue's response caused the principal of the No. 3 High School a headache.

In fact, he was particularly disagreeing and particularly unwilling towards Ye Qingxue's method of handling the situation. It was always better to play safe.

Ye Qingxue had so many students. How could she ensure that every single one of the teams could defeat the trio in Lu Wu's team?

What if one team was to be defeated? The one who would lose face was not only Ye Qingxue, but also the No. 3 High School.

But it was useless for him to object, and Ye Qingxue did not give him a chance to object.

See? She already hung up the phone.

With no other choice, the principal of the No. 3 High School could only sit there and sink into deep thought while grabbing at his own already sparse hair.

To be honest, the principal was worthy of his position. Although he was a bit of a coward towards Ye Qingxue, his head was a bit bald, his belly was a bit big, and his personality was a bit fulsome, but he was indeed an intellectual.

Soon, the No. 3 High School's official social media account posted a particularly formal and slick declaration.

Firstly, it hinted that the No. 3 High School did not completely side with Ye Qingxue on this matter.

It just said that Ye Qingxue kicked Hao Zhijian out of the special class because of her teaching philosophy, and also said that the No. 3 High School did not give up on Lu Wu's team.

This was followed by all kinds of proof that the No. 3 High School actually loved Lu Wu's trio. Although they did not enter the special class, they were also the children of the No. 3 High School.

During Lu Wu's trio's growth, the No. 3 High School had given a lot of help.

At the same time, he brought up Li Chun, saying that Li Chun was assigned especially by the school to be their teacher.

And then hinted at the differences in teaching philosophy between Li Chun and Ye Qingxue.

Ninety percent of the entire article was whitewashing Ye Qingxue or the No. 3 High School.

It downplayed Ye Qingxue kicking out Hao Zhijian and described Lu Wu's trio as the fruits of the special education philosophy of the No. 3 High School.

Only at the very end of the article, he said that Ye Qingxue was very happy to see Lu Wu's team's excellent performance in the game, and hoped that Lu Wu's team could have a fair and open contest with Ye Qingxue's ace team.

After reading this post, Lu Wu couldn't help but express his admiration.

It was the first time that he discovered that he had been underestimating the principal who seemed such a coward in front of Ye Qingxue.

He thought the principal was a useless weakling, but now he found that he was actually an old fox.

With just a single article, he easily downplayed the conflict between Lu Wu and Ye Qingxue, and characterized the matter as a divergence in the teaching philosophy between two excellent teachers.

With the existence of this article, even if Lu Wu's and Ye Qingxue's teams were to fight in the future, no matter who won or lost, it would have no effect on the No. 3 High School. Some more, the No. 3 High School could attract some positive attention due to this hot topic, and lay a solid foundation for future enrolment.

However, the public were not concerned about this.

What they were concerned about was whether there was any more interesting news, and whether this fateful battle would still be ongoing or not.

After they had affirmed that this fight was still ongoing, and they still had interesting news to follow, they were happy enough.

The public were happy, and so were the organizers of the Quancheng Cup.

Everything was fine as long as the battle was still ongoing.

They were really afraid that the No. 3 High School would screw up this hot topic.

Now that this fight was still going on and their hot topic still existed, the organizing team was happy enough.

At the same time, they also began to return the favour and helped the No. 3 High School to guide public opinion about this battle in the positive direction.

Of course, at the same time, they would still fan the flames, keeping this matter hot.

This also made the No. 3 High School very happy. Just a piece of article made three parties satisfied.

If there were anyone who was unhappy in this matter, it could only be Lu Wu.

On one hand, he really didn't expect this matter to develop in this direction, and this was all done in just a single day.

Now almost all of the people who were paying attention to the Quancheng Cup were paying attention to their upcoming battle.

It would be too embarrassing if they were defeated under this kind of attention.

He was a person with a fan base. Although there were only a dozen fans, he still somewhat had an idol baggage.

He was worried that if he got defeated, he would lose his fans.

Well, Lu Wu's worry was a bit redundant. He didn't need to be defeated, because he had already begun to lose his fans.

After Lu Wu finished the game in the morning, the fans built him a chat group. In the morning, it had 12 members at the peak. After learning that Lu Wu already had a girlfriend, 10 of them directly left, leaving only Cheng Qingqing and her teammate still persisting.