
041 New Quality Enhancement Program

Translator: Dragon Boat Translation Editor: Dragon Boat Translation

The scene that was happening right in front of Li Chun was unbelievable.

He had no idea what was going on!

What is this?! He thought.

Wasn't his uncle Lu Wu's boss instead? Wasn't his uncle the nice person who helped enhance Lu Wu's Skeleton?

Lu Wu should have been the one who would be looking at his uncle with respect, right? Then, why was this scene totally opposite? Why was his uncle kissing up to Lu Wu's ass?

Was this because of Lu Wu's looks?

With the scene that was unfolding in front of him, Li Chun couldn't help but develop a bad thought in his mind.

There were already sweats trickling down his forehead as he thought about it.

He immediately shook his head as he tried to get rid of those ridiculous thoughts in his head.

"Well, what are you guys doing? Do you need any help?"

As soon as Li Chun asked, Li Kai turned around and stared at him with fury in his eyes.

The look in his eyes was as if Li Chun was taking away his favourite toy, it was filled with vigilance and deterrence that it made Li Chun shiver.

The disgusting thought that he just threw at the back of his mind came back and he was confused.

At the same time, it made him even more determined as he looked back at Li Kai.

Yes, this was his responsibility. Even if this person was his uncle, he had to protect and save his student!

Lu Wu, on the other hand, had no idea what was going on in Li Chun's mind. Regarding Li Chun who asked if he could help, he nodded his head after thinking about it for a brief moment.

He wasn't really going to get Li Chun to do anything for him.

Lu Wu just thought that he should at least pretend…. Oh wait, no. He should take this opportunity to show Li Chun's talent.

This teacher had been really nice to him this entire time, he couldn't just let Li Chun assume that he was a scumbag, right?

Lu Wu wants Li Chun to know that those with the last name 'Lu' would never be scumbags!

Since Lu Wu already agreed, Li Kai had nothing to say. He could already guess what Lu Wu was planning to do and so, before Lu Wu could say anything, Li Kai interjected. He directly warned Li Chun and even helped highlight a very important message, "You just stand aside and watch. I'll be doing the rest of it for Teacher Lu. You better not disturb him during the experiment."

"Teacher Lu?"

Li Chun was confused, what's up with this?

Why was his uncle calling Lu Wu his teacher? Did his uncle have any…...

Li Kai had a long list of questions forming in his mind, but soon, all the questions were answered.

After 'allowing' them to help, Lu Wu focused on his own agenda. After getting all the ingredients that he needed, he went back into the studio.

As soon as they entered the studio, Li Chun felt that Lu Wu's entire aura had changed. He was extra focus and serious as if this was where he was meant to be.

"Tutu, bring Skeleton along with you for now. Bring him in when I call out for you later."

"Uncle Li, could you help me prepare the Bull Bone, Bone Grass, Phantom Flower, Pure Elixir and the Electric Soil?"

"Sir, you… um, it's fine. Just stay where you are!"

With Lu Wu's command, everyone in the studio started moving.

Li Chun, with his eyes wide open, stared at Li Kai happily being Lu Wu's assistant and was diligently working with the ingredients that Lu Wu needed.

This wasn't the main reason why Li Chun was shocked. The most shocking thing that Li Chun saw was that his uncle was asking Lu Wu all sorts of questions as he was assisting Lu Wu.

"Teacher Lu, I understand why you're using the Bull Bones, Bone Grass and the Phantom Flower since you already used them in your previous experiment. You have been upgrading these ingredients since. But why have you decided to add in Electric Soil and Pure Elixir this time? What's the reason behind it?"

"The reasons why I've added the Electric Soil and Pure Elixir were simple. Since Skeleton's quality has already been enhanced, it means that it will be able to withstand a bigger dose of medication. Plus, some of the elements in the Thunder Soil would trigger the Bull Bone which will help maximise their effectiveness."

"Plus, I wanted to add on some lightning resistance for Skeleton since this would be one of his weaknesses, I just wanted to strengthen it. As for the Pure Elixir, it is used to soften the entire medication and it can also help with strengthening Skeleton's weakness against the fire element."

"Both of these ingredients would be able to directly help with all of Skeleton's weaknesses. Also, I was hoping that these ingredients would awaken one of Skeleton's skills."

"But, this formula is the initial formula. Although it sounds perfect, it hasn't been tried on anyone else before this, so I'm using the smallest dose possible first. We'll just give it a try and change the formula along the way…"

"You're a genius, Teacher Lu. By the way, how did you solve the problem with the intergration all these ingredients together?"

"Oh… This was actually really simple…"


Li Chun was watching the whole scene in awe. He saw his uncle acting like a student in front of his teacher. Li Kai was talking to Lu Wu with a respectable and formal tone as he was assisting Lu Wu with the ingredients. At the same time, he would also ask questions throughout the entire process and everytime Lu Wu answered him, Li Kai would be astonished and would even clap for his ideas.

Li Chun pinched his own cheeks and even when his face became swollen from all the pinching, he still couldn't believe everything that was happening in front of him. He still thought that this was all a dream.

At this exact moment, Li Chun finally got to understand the feeling that sometimes, the reality can be much crazier than dreams!

If it wasn't because he saw it with his own eyes, he would never believe that the slacker Lu Wu that he used to have now turned into someone that even his own uncle, who was about to become a professional summoned beast trainer, was trying to learn from!

Just a while ago, he was still trying to get his uncle to help Lu Wu.

Well, look at what's happening now. It looked like his uncle was the one who needed help.

This discovery, this reality was unbelievable. Li Chun had a complicated feeling in his heart and he was speechless.

He just stood there dumbfounded and was staring at the duo until Lu Wu stopped and called for Skeleton. He only came back to his senses when Lu Wu told them to wait outside as he finished the remaining parts of the experiment.

Till the moment that he stepped out of the studio, Li Chun was still in trance as he couldn't believe what he just saw.

As for Li Kai who walked out of the studio behind him, he patted his nephew who was still confused and said, "Now, you should be able to understand what I felt when I heard you talking to me about Lu Wu."

"But Uncle Lu Wu…"

"Teacher Lu may have summoned a skeleton as his initial summoned beast, but he is a gifted summoned beast trainer. Don't look down on him just because he had only started a few months ago. His level now is about the same as the professional trainers out there. As soon as he passes the assessment next year, he would be choosing which universities that he would want to attend according to how he was feeling that day."

"As for Pang Tutu, I'm sure that Teacher Lu has his own reason for not allowing her to join the special classes. I don't think that Teacher Lu is anything less than those graduates from the Universities of Summoners. So, you really don't have to worry. With a childhood friend like Teacher Lu, Pang Tutu would be the luckiest girl on earth!"

Pang Tutu, who heard what Li Kai said, was nodding her head like crazy.

On the other side of the door, Lu Wu who was inside the studio was about to start the experiment!