
Skelengel; Tales Of The Boundless One [Not Updating]

When the universe creates a person, they are bestowed with certain traits that we, as mere humans, are aware of. Sportiness, the ability to work with computers, and creativity are all things we may obtain at creation. However, some of those talents extend far past the mortal realm of flesh and blood. They go all the way to your very soul, and these are the ones that we cannot see. These few are destined to become Boundless. And it just so happens that one was designated to die on the fateful day a new god took sight over the earth. This is the tale of Aaron Stone, the once businessman turned planetary traverser. Aided by himself and his potential, he plans to live out his life with peace of mind. However, the universe has it out for him, and it won't let him ever have true peace. However, someone from behind the shadows controls everything, and they have quite a distaste for Aaron Stone. They will try to make his life a living hell. Everything you read here is an account of something going on in the vast universe. Hell, who knows... It may even be YOU who takes his place in the future. [Chapter Length: Above 1k words] [Upload Time: Once a day, if I can. My life has gotten increasingly busy over the past year, so I may have to put novelwriting to the side for a bit. L] If you want a book with a main character who goes around helping every little person, this book isn't for you. It involves death and some gory details, among other things. People and friends will die. These are all part of the universe. [Volume 1: The Awakening Of Boundlessness: Completed] [Volume 2: The Quest For Higher Boundlessness: Completed] [Volume 3: The Fires Of Boundless Supremacy: On-Going] WARNING! Different novel mechanics will be placed into this book, so there will probably be some confusion in ability specifics and other details. Simply leave a comment, or message me on the discord server below, and I can clear up some of the details :) Also, because of the idea of adding multiple different mechanics, there will hopefully be something that suits everyone in this book :) AUTHORS NOTE! Thank you for taking the time to read through this synopsis. It means a lot to me that you even bothered to read this. If you plan to read this book, I will say that, as of me writing this at chapter 320, it gets much better the further you go! Thank you for thinking about reading it, and I hope you will enjoy it! The book is also completely free to read, and I want it to stay that way! I just want people to be able to read and enjoy my stuff! I'm just gonna put the discord link here if you want to access it. You should join if you wanna just talk about the book to the creator and others! We got a general chat, memes, and other things. I hope we will see you there! https://discord.gg/gcrbtk8M63 Also, I have a YouTube Channel! I'm not going to tell you to sub, but it would really be appreciated! https://youtube.com/channel/UCrURywBu-fDA5KQaDPc3GOg [Also, just letting you know, I do actually own the cover :)] [It was made by @chook-in-a-jar on Instagram! Go follow them there!] This book is copyrighted material of ShadowAmeratsu, and cannot be used/altered for any projects without the author's permission.

ShadowAmeratsu · Fantasy
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323 Chs

Fateful Future

"You!" Aaron yelled, trying to grab at the voice with his ethereal hands. The deep voice chuckled, moving out of Aaron's range. Aaron snapped his fingers, trying to use Boundless Telekinesis to grab the voice. However, he quickly noticed that his abilities had been locked away. The deep-voiced person broke out into a laugh. This reminded Aaron of the one that Soul has. "Oh, you poor fool. You just tried to use those Boundless Abilities of yours, didn't you?" The voice taunted Aaron.

"So what if I did, huh? I want to get back out to my real body, and Soul probably isn't having a good time right now." Aaron responded, his hands curled into balls. "I'm not letting you leave just yet, Aaron. You're quite an interesting fellow. Almost...too intriguing. You've become increasingly powerful over the past few days and the only god to attract my attention." The voice explained. "I am AuthRecSys, the one who gave Crystet that TimeStop skill." You revealed yourself, your unnaturally deep voice striking a small amount of fear into Aaron. "What...what do you want with me?!" Aaron yelled, still trying to use Boundless Telekinesis and Boundless Corruption to try and get out of his head, but no matter what he did, he couldn't escape his mind.

"There's no point in trying to escape here, Aaron. I'm not letting you out of this prison inside your mind until I get the answers that I am looking for. Every god in the universe and beyond wants to know more about you. I'm planning on giving them the information, said explicitly by you. After all, I see all and know all that you and everyone else in the universe does. This is the power that I possess, and it's my best Boundless Skill by far. After all, no Supreme Skill can compare to what The Unlocked Boundless System can give. However, from what I have heard about you, little Aaron, is that you're way too strong for your own good, right? You can create and summon anything you want by using that Boundless Interdimensional Summon, right? You even limit your power by using Boundless Power Limiter. However, I believe that it's under the name 'Seal Creator', isn't it? After all, you 'Seal' your power using that, and then break it using 'Seal Breaker', right? You can even limit the power of other people if you really want to torture them. You have some wacky abilities, Aaron. I'll grant you that." You ranted, somehow scrolling through Aaron's list of abilities.

"Holy hell, I forgot the names for those abilities," Aaron admitted, trying to seal Auth, or you, away from his mind.

{Attempting to seal À̵̡̧̢͉̜͍̺̼̝̮͈̼̬͎̩͉̝͉̞̗͙̪̦̣͇̳̤̫̣͚͕̞̭̪̜͕̙̺̤͕̹̬̫̹̮̗̓͆̿̾͑̇͒̈́̏͛͋͗͌́̃̋̓̈́̈́̄͆̑͐͛̊̅̔͂̚̕̚͜͝͝͝ͅͅu̷̡͉̞̘͚̦̘̼̹͇̻̭̺̼͆̅͛͒̎̕Ţ̷̨̡̛̛̛̗̩͕̹̭͙̩̜̞̰̥͚̦̮̣͚̮͚̘̺̫̮̲̭̭̣̭̪̯̮͉̞͇̘̇̀̆͂̑̅̀̔́̔͒̀͌͌͗̈́̆̒̀̑̅̄́̓͂̑͆̈̈́̓̏͌͛̐͛̈́̄͛̏̀͘̕͜͜͜͝͝͝͝ͅͅĥ̵̨̡̖̻͎̥̝̫͍̦͎͔̼̤͙̰̞̯͚̭̲͇̰͖̙̬̦̟̝̩̞̖͔̹̈́̓͌͒̽͌͊̔̈͐̋̓̾̈́̀̓̃͜ͅỡ̴̧̢̺̲̼͎͉̝̠̬͙̯̯̗̺͓̥̭͕̭̣͈̝̥̯͕̲͐̃̌̎̓̓͆͑̎́̋̋̂́̈́̎͜͜͜r̶͕̈́̓̇͒̇̐̆͒͗͒̅͆͊̈͑̒̑͊̍̅͑͊̏̾̀̅̅̾͝͝͠Ȁ̷̡̢̡̧͉̭̱͉̱̘̤̙̣̰̯͇̳͕̹̃̍̏̃̍͊͋͜͜T̵̡̨̢̨̢̨̰͎̺̜͔̘̫̦̗̬̪̯͙̳̫̑̃͆̾͌͛̂͑̇͐́̾̾͗̄͋́͐͛̋͑̊̂̅̓͛̐̑̀̋̚̕͜͜͠͠͝ĭ̷̡̢̧̨͔͕̣̞͉͖͚̤̣̱̠̲̺̬͙̯͕͓̮̳̟̭̙͔̙̹̝̼̗̖̺̞̞͊́̆̅͒̀̌̒͂͆̓̈́̇̾͊̒̌̑̈́̆̿͗̔͐̉͘̚̕͝v̴̧̨͕̪͖͉͎̺̮̦͙̜̜̟̩̜̩̩͚̩̰͈͓̝̗̱͊̀̅̇͒͋͒͌̓̃̀̍̇̃̄̏̕͠͝͠͝ȩ̶̨̻̬̼̹̼̤͖̰̍́̏͆̄̑̊͊̽̿̅̓͒́̀̿̌͊̈́̓̃̆̾͋̈́̓̓͂̀̊͊̿̎͑́͂̇̿̕͝͝ ̶̧̛̙̙̫͉̼͔̥͎͙͕̤͍̲͚̼͕͎̰̭̦̱̘̯̱̤̘̤̟̗̭̹̳̠̥͚͙͋́́̇̉̈́͋͑͆̏̎̉͊̉̃̑̈́͗̾̔́͛̋͂͗̓͆̾́̔͂̊̄̑͐̈́́̈̓͛̋͊̏̿̚͝͝͝ͅṞ̸̡̧̡̧̧̡̛̞̲̤̬̞̖̞̟̖̼̥̞̞̫̮̮͉̜͔̞̪͈̖̦͖̱͕̾̔́̓̐̀́̈̂͂͒̍̄͛̽̒͗̾̏̏̓͑̐̓̾͛̓̓͘͝͝ȩ̶̡̢̛̖̥̜͍̟̦͇͍͈̲̳͎͈̫̮̭͍͚̭͈͓͈̯̮̰͈̮͍̘͇̝̬̭̘̻͓͙̠̪͖̈́͒̾̀͒̽͜͜c̸̨͔͙̭͖͚͖͈͙̮̫͕̥̪̽̐͗̽̀͐͊͂̔̎̐͆̏̀̃̓̌̐̚͜͝͝O̴̧̨̧̨̢̧͉͕͖̪̗̩͍̫̱̩͚͕̤̠͕͚͎̙̞͚̺̩͙̝̠̥͉̺̤̙̱̽͐̇̏͜r̷̨̧̧̢̛̟̻̙̠͖͉̜̟̩͎̪͈͚̊̒̀̀͛͑̈́͒́͌̒͆͗͆̋͒̀͘͜͠͠͠͝d̷̨̡̡̡̻̥̼͍̲̯͙̣͈̜̪̠͎͎͓̱̗̞̭̘̼̙̃̐̑̀̀͆͂ͅĮ̷̢̡̧̛̬͔̣͎̠͍̮̲̫̱̟͈̲̞̞̜̰̰̜͖̞̳͑̀̇́̌̈́̃̈́͆̌̉̈́̈͆́̈̔̽͌̋̈̐̉͊̓̃̎̈̈́́͆̉̀̕̚̚͝ṇ̴̡̨̧̛̛̛̞͖̮̦̱͚̠̻͙̞͇̱͇̮̥̣̋̆̾̂̈̀͋̒͋̐̄̈́̈́̍͋̎̀̏͆̋͋͗́̕͘̕͜͝͝͠͠͠͝ģ̸̛͔̣̹͍̱̝͚̻̲͇̹̥̲̝̩̖́̓͐̀̑̍̄͂̐̇̊͌͊́̄̑̅̀̋̓̍͒͗̉̈́̒͒̐͒͆͑͛͆̂̔̾̀̂̈́͆̿͐̚̚̚͠͝͝͝ͅͅ ̸̢̨̨̨̢̨͕̞̝̫͈̹͖͈͈̳̘͎̯͉̘͔̯̺̭̣͈̦͓͖̯̠̙͙͔͎̺̘̭͖̱̬͙̒̎̓̒̋͐̀̎̓̀͒̋́̚̚̚͝͝ͅŞ̷̨̢̛̼̰̻͎̜̠̩̹̫̳̤̜͓͉̦̲̫̹̙͋̌̾͆̃̂͒̅͋̋̎̈́̈̌̏̂̈́̃͊̿́̓̎̐̒́̈͒͋̊̈́̔̃͗̍͐͊̃̃͘̕̚ÿ̶̡̨̛̤̘͈̩̘̣̠͉̟̤̯̫̼̪̦̤̲̰̼̼̜̼͍͔͎̘͚̱̗̻̑̈́̒̄̐̌̑́́́͜s̸̫̲͓̤̠̜̒̒̈́̄̍͗́̒͐́̓̋͐̾͋̾̾̑̚͠͝T̸̢̢̧̢͍͔͍̟̤̟͔̯̬̜̥̠͚̭͈̲͖̣͇̹̬̳̩̪̯̖̘̗̥̭̖͕̳̫̮̯̙̪̘͕̲̜̳͚̦̯͌̀̈̈̀͆̅͒͑͋̋͋̊͑͑̔͂̈́̐̿̎̓͆̿͋̈́̄̆͆͊̅́̓͌͆̈́̚̚͝͝é̶̡̨̹̮̘̬̲̲̯͖͍̯̭̳̻̻͉͚̳̭̭̣̳͓͕̙͖̗̺͙̮̬̣͇͕͓̥͉̻̥͖̼̓̀̏̽̃̀͌̑̈́̍̈́̿́̀̏̿̄̄̈͑͛̀͑͊̌̉͆̍̑͑̏̄̏͗͑̈́͋̕͜ͅm̸̡̧̧̢̧̛̲͚̱̬͎̳̘̭̭̙̖͉̱̖̻̳͓͖̗͍͓͇̙̦̳̗̻͓̰͖̥͕̦̝͈̪͙̞̖̈́͛̒̂͌̆͌͒̈́̀̌͐́̑́̆͑̈́͋͒̔̑̈̊̾̍̉̽̆̿̊̍͛̔̀͘͘̚̕͜͝͝͝͠ͅͅͅ}


{Attempting: 10 Times}






{Open To Check Error}





Aaron was curious about what that 'Check Error' message meant, so, with a hesitant hand, he tapped into the error, and the Error Message displayed this.

{Error 202: Sealing Unavailable}

{Error message: "I can see you. Your tricks won't work on me, Aaron."}

Aaron leapt back in shock, as he hadn't just read the message. He had heard it as well. You began laughing maniacally, having sent Aaron that message. "Oh, you unholy fool. You really thought you'd be able to seal me away? I know and see all, which means I can tell the future and your past. I can see the day you were born, and I can see the multiple days that you die, have died and will die. You don't realise that I am an ultimate force, do you? Let me put this into words that you can understand, Aaron. If you were as strong as a human baby, then I'd be a planet-destroying force of nature. Since you are a planet-destroying force of nature, I am a multiversal being of limitless power. I may have said bad stuff about the Supreme System earlier, but when combined with Boundlessness, you're almost unstoppable!" You yell out, getting through to Aaron that you're not a force to be reckoned with.

"You know what, fine. If you're so powerful, tell me this. Am I going to kill you and become the next Supreme being?" Aaron asked, trying to test your knowledge. As you stared into the future, you saw the outcome of the final fight, but just as you began to tell him, the sight ended, replaced with a black screen with red, glitchy text.

{̸̨̨̨̺̥̻̜̦̗̘̖͚̭̞̣͕̠͕̝̗̙͎̰̘͐͑̽͊̑͛̉̾͌̊̇̋̚̕̚̚̚͜͝Á̵̡̧̡̡̨̡͎̫͓͙͇͓͔͔̭͖͚͕̠̻̹̭̖͚͕͔͖͍̫͖͕̟̜̥͓͌̍͗̌̅̾̑̄̂̌̋̓̎̽̀̀̾̈́̎̾̈́̚͜͠ͅư̶̢̧̙̹̖͎͇̼̲̲͖̾̈̎̌͆̂̌̑̆̅͂͊͆̋̇̊̀̐́̎̓̐͋̀̇̂̇̑͗̍̌́͝ţ̵̛͖̯̼̣̫͍͍̒͒̉͛̀̑͂̋̑̅͒̉̆̂͌͛̃͒́̂͗̉̍̇̿͛̐̐̊̈́͐͂̕͝͝͠h̴̨̻̭̭̖̟̪̥͇͍̦̩͚̣͌͛̀̂͐̾̏̈̐̒̔̆͆̌̀̉.̶̧̨͈̟̖̳̺̭͕̩̗̭͎͚͖͍̱̤͖͚͓̘͓͇̦̬̻̝̭̰͍̲̹̠̻̫͙̖̮̰͚̣̱̭̬̥̤̲͇̞̆̂̂́̓̾̀̈́̿͂͆͒̈́̽̅̆̄̔͒́̃̉̑̊̈̚ ̶̡̢̨̧̡̧̛̛̲̣͇̯̙̙͚̘̖̪̥̜͉̱͖̙̣̗̤̮̼̲̙̲͖̦̺͕̯͇̣̺͂͌́̌̀̃̽͑̅͗̿̉̀͛͗͒̽͂͘͜͠ͅḐ̵̧̛̘̦̱̖͉͕͕͍̳͙̦̙̳͓̲̣̗̫̠͎̘͈̩͉͚͙̰̫͕̠͕̰̥͚͉̮͈̻͖͕̑̾̐͗̃̒͑͋͌̓͆̐̆̔̉̈́̊̓͑̏̈̃̓̔̉̿̑̒̒̓̐́̂͛̅͂̎̚̚̕͘̚͜͠͝͝͝͝ơ̵̢̢̡̰̱͉̫̤̩͎͚̥̗̗͖̺͕̖̜͔̦̭̘̼͖̝̞͔̠̠͉̲͔̫̳͎͙̄́̌̌͋̔́̎́̽̿̔̔̽͌̄̑͐̐̈͒͊̈́́͆͑͑̎̆̆͌̔̃̎̕̚̕͘͜͜͝͠͠͠ ̸̧̛̛͔̗̠̪̩̮̜͕̜̟̻̳̖̙̭͕̺̍̑́̒̃̊̄̊̽̓̿́̆́̉̾̀̾̐̿̅́̒̿̌͆̿͂̏̈́̀̓̚͝͝n̸̛̞̤̬̩̥͔̻̲̥͔͓̖͛͗͆͒̅̏̌̽͗̀͐̾̋̓̑͑̂̑͑͛̔̇̈̔͘̚̕̚͝o̴̢̨̡̢̨̠͉̻̤͕̬͖̬̱̳̼̤̳̣̹̩̼̫̻̲͔̗͖̖̒͑͊͗̾̃̏̄̏̌̐̅̂͊̊̓̀̒͘͘͜͜͝ͅt̸̡̨̛̥̦͕̺̗͔̥͇̳̜̞͉̪̲̼͖̩̩̙̣̜̣̺̲̫̗̲̳̺̥̘̩̬̗͖̦̘̖̬͚̔̉̌̆̂̎̊̊͋̌̋̈͐̋̈̿̒͛͊̈́̈́͐̈̔͗̅͊̾̉̀̈́̂͘͜͜͝͝ͅ ̴̢̧̡̢̡͍̟̗̦̜̬̟̩̳̺̯̠͉͇̯̄̓͛̑̈́̾̐͒̎̈́̇̈́̍̋́̿̍̐͂̔͐̄̈́̎̚̕͘͜͝t̵̡̡̨̧̧̨̛̛̝̱̙̞̜̦͕̮̬͖̱̲̺͇̥̤̦̣̫̲̠̗͇̯̙͓̜̯̯̰̻͇̂̓̓̈́̉͗̎̀̅̒̌͑̕̕͜͜ę̸̨̢̨̨̨̛̛͎̤̤͕͈͎̬̙̙͇̫̥̬͇̫͍̰͈̣̟̪̩̬̙̳͖̙̹̮̈͒͌̅̆̈̍́̔̽̐̈́̈͛̕͜l̴̞̠̱̾͜l̷̨̢̢̥̼̯͇͉̱͓̬̺̫̝̙̗̺̬͖̳͉̫̳͕̻͚̮̤͔̱͕̼̝̜̠̹͉̥̜̤̑͂́͊̈͑̀̅̾̌̈́̈́͗̓͑́͛͋̓̍̆̍͜͜͜͠͝ͅ ̴̡̧̡̛̦͓̘̬͙͍͓͔̘͍͓̙̝̦̯͈͇̪̘̪̝̺̺̩̗͈̟̽̅͂̀̆̓̄̃͋̽̈́͗͌̏͋̍̽̀̓̓͗̐̾̽͂͐̀̈́͛̀͘̚͝͝͝͝͠ḩ̵̢̛̛͉̼̣̻̜̫̦̻̍̃̆̂̿̉͊̈͊́̒̃̋̽̒̓̈́̈́̊͌̄͐̎̓̓͊̅̅̓̀͂́͒̔̓͘͠͝͠į̶̡̧̢̻̜͚̖̘̺̖̥͎̦͔͖̬͍̱͙͓͖͇̗̣̪̤͈̖͖̫̪̱̠̺͍̗̥͊̿͊̂̀̃͐͝͝m̵̧̧͈̺̮̭̦̲̟̞͎̺̳̙̺̞̹̪̻͔͔͉̣͍͕̓́̌̆̎̈́͝ͅ.̴̨̨̱͉̱̫̭̤̠̖̯̜͖̯̤͓̼͍͍̘̖̗̳̳̪̦̹̱̠͓̙̯͕̗͙̰̻̮͓̍͊͑͂̃͜ͅ ̴̡͉̺̩̫̥͍̣͉̯̰̜̜̱̩͔̼̍̄̀͐̀͒̂́̓̅̃̅̊̃̓̉͗͋̔̈̑̄͗͝͠͝͝Į̶̛̛̮̯͍̗̯͍͖͕̳̯̜̩͍̳̻̬̦͖̱͙̻͚̘̝̖̲͉͈̟̻̙̗̗̳͍̲̳̤͎̦͉̾͋̐͗̅̔̓̔̇̌̈́͒́̇͛̔̀̊̐̀̂̌̏̌̅͑̊̈̃͆̀̽̏̃̄͋̑̆͜f̸̨̢̧̨̡̨̡̛̝̠̳͙̦̖̣̗͓͍͔̖̺̺͎̯̘͈̼̠̜͈͇̯̺̦͍͉͍̝͖̙̟͎̼̦̳̲̑̆͌́̔̐̒͌̒͌̅̂̅̎̐̃̎̾̐̕͘͘ͅ ̵̨̢̨̠̫̲̗͍̰̞̦͙͍̻͓̗͎̲̣̰̙̟̙̥̗̭̲̬̙͖͎̻̭̗̹̑̓̿̎̃̊͊̾̏͑̃̌̾͊̚̚͜͜͝ͅy̸̨̛̤̙̰̮̜̩̼̲̎͋̈́̆́͆̓̍̅͆̿̽̏̊̅̀̎͊̒͒̈́͆̈́̂͐̃̔̑͒̆̊̇͒͆͌͠ǫ̷̧͙͈͕̯͉͚̩̺̺͔̙͚̪̬̥̭̜̮͇̞̼̜̟̙̙̺̤̫̻̱̺̲̪̪͔̙̻̻̻̯̘̎͒̀̋͑̒̌̄́͒̀̽̏̆̈́̑̕͜͝͝ủ̴̢̢̢̻̖͈̺̝̯̺̟̣̪̺̮̰̣̩̱̲̞̖̫͓̥̜̩̖̭͇̮͎̲̤͓͓̙̲̹͉̖͓̯̺͓͓̌̅̇͒̕͜ͅ ̶̡̟̦̲̳͖̬̦̭́͊̑̐̽̎͐̅͑̍̓̇ͅḑ̴̧̧̡̬̠̦̭͕̥̥͖̥͓͕̹͙͕̿̓̒̿̃̓̍̓̄̈́̀̽͐͋̒̓͜ͅo̴̢̖̯̯̥͚͎̙̺̭̗̤̥̫̗̝̣̻͕͎͆̉̉͂̎͒̌̀̀̿͆̈͆̈́̂̅̄̎͛̒̒̆͛̋̇̊͆̚̚͝ͅͅͅ,̵̢̧̡̨̛̟͇̘̙̖̩̬͔̟͙̬̭̤͔͎̯̦̮͍̤̙̫̥̣̮̫̳̒͊͑̓̊̑͑̓̅͊̆̂̈́͐̎̔̓͛̌̌̄͒̊̇̈́̎̕̚̚͘͜͜͝ ̷̢̛̪͇̼̬̤̗͕̯̗̜̭̝̝̼̻̲̩͉͎͉͖̤̮͈̹̆̓̇̊̎͛̃̄̈́̿̂͌͛̏̀̊̽͗͛́̈́͒̓̓̇̓͐̋͑̌̏̎̌̎̍̕͘͘͝͠Į̴̨̧̛͖̼̤̞̮̻̺̦͍̭̠͓̞͔̲̥͚͔̞͇̪̝̪͙̲̘͚̣̪͕̳̹̺̻̜̥̝̬̗̳͑̃͑́̄́̈́̀̃̊̍̈́͌͐́̔̉͆̿̂͜͝͠ͅ'̷̧̡̢̡̨̛̛̯̞̗̤̭͔̟̟͓̭̬̼͖̖̻̻̬̙̥̪̟͙̜̥̹̩̼̟̒̈́͐̇͂̍́̄̃̇̂̀̏͌̓̔̈́͒̽̀͌̽̐̃̂̏̆̒̏̍̃̍̀̚͜͝͝͝͝ͅͅm̵̧̧̨̜̠͔͙̹̳̮͕̳̬̻̮͗̈́̈́̀̈́́͛̈́̏̃͒̒͊͐́̐͗̋̋̈͗̑̕͠͠͠͠ͅͅ ̶̧̧̢̬͖̳̹̱͈͇͓̬̮̰͍̞̲͎̝̱̣͙̟͈̭͓͓̫̬͉͈͍̼͖̖̼͕͓̞͈̫̻̖̎͆͐͌̈͌̍̋̽͌̒̕͜͝͠ͅͅr̵̨̨͔̺͓͇̮̯͈͚̟͕̩͉̺̳͚̐̆́̀̿̈́̉̏̌̒̔̇͝e̴̢̢̧̧̟̭̹̳̹̟̼̯̤̯͍̱̞̮̹̟̜̜̬̞̰̘̼̬̠̠̱̻͔̿̅̌́̌̀͗̉̀̌̅̏̔̔̀̾̑͛̃̋̈́̒̂́̓̋̏̔̅͒̒̀̕̕͘͝m̸̢̡̢̰̠̗̯̹̺͈̦̝̲͖̙̻̹̹̜͇̖͉̮̟͛̊̓͜͜͜ͅơ̷̡̨̛̜̖̺͔̗̝̣̼̹͖͇̇̽̇̇́͊̏̂̆̈̈́̏̂̉̔̾̋̀͋̈́̽̆͆͌͐̇̄̉̃͒̈̚͝v̴̢̭̗͍̣̯͍͚̳̖̜͔̲̗̳͕̩̠͙̹̍͑̑͆̃̔̈̒̂̎̏̀̀̂̈́͛̈͗͆̕̚̕ͅi̶̢̢̢̧̧̡̨̛̯͚̭͎̻̙͖̝̻̻̤̺͎̥͖͖̹̣͍͕͇͕̦͚̜̼̞̻̲̪̍̌́͋̽̏͗̓̑̎̆̄̎̈̄͂͑̎̿́̐̎͂͐̄̑͛̓̃͂̈́̔͒̋̋̎̈̆͋̈̚̚͜͜͝͠͝͠ņ̴̢̨̢͉̝͕͖̬̘̠̬͓̯͕̜̳͕̦̟̭̣̘̟͖͍̬͖͇̠͇̈̽̈́͒̍́̿̽̀͒̌̓̓͋̈́̃̔̽͛̅̽̏͊̇̍̊͗͒̓͊͌̐͌͒́̒̃̈͘̚̚̚͝͝͝ģ̷̡̧̡̢̢̙̟̤͇̰͖̞̹̖̱͈̟̗͔͖̫̻͖̻͉̻̫̝̩͈̬͚̺͈̪̞̮̱̟͉̫̖̻̈͑̍͐́͑͒̔̆̏̿̕͜͠ ̸̱̞͖̌̉̄̐̿̈́̽̄̀̈́̔͐͑̅̈̕̕͘͝͝͠m̸̨̝̰͙͉̙̹̭̰̖̪̼̦̹̩̠̼̞͍̞̲͉͔̹̝̲̓͆̑̏̑͛̒̄̊͗̐͜͜y̵̨̢̧̡̡̙̘̮͇͎͉̭̪̬͖̮̳̜̫͉͓̤̺̹̞̳̥̝͖̥̥̅͐͂̿̊̉̄̓̅̽̃̄̑̐͋̀̓̃̒̅̉̽̄͌̕ͅs̸̨̨̨̨̢̛̪̠͉̲͕̘̝̦̣̻̬̻͇̖̥̗̞̖̜͔̟͇͎̫͇͚̠͉̻̰͎̞̋͊̒̑̈́̏̇̉̐̈́̆̑͂͐̇̄̓̕͜͝ę̴͉̪̹̳̟͈̯̗̹̬̣͖̳͍̬̣̫͚͆͂̽̂̓͂̈́̃͛͋͐̐̌̃̉͊͌͗͂͒̅̆̏͝ļ̵̡̡̢̧̛̺͉̭̤̭̹̙̳͚̪̼̘̙̰̭̥̱̦̻̟̝̝̱̩̊̎͋̈͗͆̽͂͒͌̉̄͊̔̓́̅̈́̐͂͐͗̑̐́̌̃̍͒̐͐͊̓̕̚̕͜͝͝͠͠f̷̨̧̧̠̘͉̦̙̘̬̭̤̰̘̭͔̘̥̥͇̤̲̣̩̬̻̩̽̍̒̓̓̈́̄̚͜ͅͅͅ ̶̡̛̣̮͓̻̘̳͚̗̈͂͑͊̾̏͗͗̈́̾̄̓̃̆̅́̏̉̐͆̒̑̀͑̇̚̕͜͜͝a̷̢̨̧̨͈̥̥̯͎͙̳̯̪̫̤̖͇̞͕̪̹̞̺̰͉̞̳̬͉̫̞̱̼̟̜̙͙̘͇͋̈̓͒̈́̂͑͐̂͗̽́̃̒̂̂̿͐̓͂̋̄͑̔͌̊̑̏̄̎̏̊̿͒̚̚͝͝͝͠͝͝ͅͅs̸̡̡̛̤̜̗͍͚̒̀̎̏͌̈́̈̚ ̷̡̛͕̟̙͎̬͙̼̠̺̪͎̱͇͉͕͊̈̓̾̈́̋̿͆͊̏͊̽̍̾́̽̎̌͋̏̈̅͊͘͝͝͝ẏ̴̧̛̱̩̦͕̖̩̰̠̖͂̋̈́͆̋̿͐͛̈́̄͌͆̀̑̊́̊̾̉͒̈͗̍͆̅͒̎̏͗́̆͗̚͘͜͝ǫ̴̛̞͕͍͚͚͕̠͙͓̺͓͎̎̓̒̍͛̓̾̐́͆̽͑̂̒̿̏̓̉̆̂̑͛͛͊̊͒̀̉̆̐̾̃̎̽̽͂͗̏̈́͌̋̕͠͝ͅͅų̷̡̲͈̳̬̬̜̙̳̮̲̭̓͒͂̒̍̄̓̎̆̋̌̈́͌̓̿̽̀̆̏̒̿̆̽͘̚͘͘͘͝ͅr̵̢̡̛͇̞̝̼̺͙̰̮̥̭̫̻̗͔̝͚̪̹̙̦̬̳͙̦̩͇̥͍̬̫̻͓͈̦̞͖̓̎̑̀̊͐̉̈͒̿͋̿̍̋̎̎͆̊̒̓͗̔́͐̀͋̓̕̚͠ ̶̡̢̻͖͉̝̼͈͙̩̺̞͔͓̘̤͖͉̰̘̤͕̭͇̭͍̠͔͕͐̊̾̂͒͂͛̆̅̽̀́̽͐̚̚͜ͅş̷̧̧̨̛͍͕̯̗͕̲̲̯̼̠̙̲̝͙͈̲̘̺͍̺̣̗̪̦̓̒͒͌͒̔̈́̏́̐̓͘̚̚ͅy̶̡̡̛͇͕͎̺͉̮͙̟̭̹͓̺̦̙̘͖̖̤̅́̅̇̓̀̀̏̍̍̏̈́́͜͠s̴̪̰͇̾̏̒͌̽͆͛̾͑̀̒͒̂̈́͆́͗̓̐̌̀͊͌̑̅͊́̈́͆͐͑̍̒̓͂̉̀̆̋̕̚͘̚͘̕͝͝͝͝ţ̶̡̢̢̡̢̬̻̤͇̳̫͖͍͕̼̯̠͕͓͓͕̼̩̥̜̙̝͉͔͎̤͉͈̈́̈̔̀̽̀͊͌͋͐̉̔́͌̓̀̑̃̒̒̋̍̏̒͛͘̕͠͠͠͝ͅͅȩ̴̢̢̙̬̼̗͕͖̫̺̝͈̯̦̝̰̟̫̗̀͒͗̑̋͑͆̌͒̐̾͑̀̓͌m̷͎͉̳̰̹͚̪̘͉̬̄͆̈́͋͐̑͌͝.̴̗̊}̶̘̦̳̼̪̳̦͍̩̝̦̘͓̳̙̞̤̣̭̱̣̦͔̰̙̜̭͖͓̬̟͊̂̂̋̈́̽̏̀͐̊͜͝ͅͅ

Your head started to hurt as if it was being injured by your own theoretical heartbeat, pulsing as your heart did. However, your heart stopped long ago, although you couldn't be sure. After all, are you the person talking to Aaron or the one who's staring in from the outside. Are you looking at them as if they were pawns in a chess game, or are you staring at them like they're a personal collection? They could have easily been words on a page or voices in a call, yet you couldn't distinguish yourself from reality any further, your mind separated from the person that claimed itself to be you.

"I won't reveal the answer to you, although I will tell you that one of us and your closest friend will die. I will not divulge any more information, but I will let you know that everything you do from here on out is pre-destined by the universe. You can never escape a pre-determined fate, so I just want to let you know that right now. No matter what you or I do, at least two people will die. I do not know where the fight will take place, and I do not know when, but all I know is that the two of us are destined to brawl." You told Aaron, your voice menacingly accentuating the part about his fate as if he was going to lose.

"I came here for information, but I ended up giving some out instead. Well, it's no matter. The gods can deal without their information, but I just want to warn you of one thing, Aaron. I'm not going to lose." You taunted him. Aaron just laughed at you, causing you to feel confused.

"Oh, you poor, poor fool. You don't even know what you're in for. I'm going to tell you one thing. I'm very good at avoiding the claws of fate, and I will change the future if needs be, so you should be the one preparing, as I'm not going to go easy on you." Aaron said, pointing at you as his eyes turned pitch black with a hint of pink.

"And when I get my hands on you, you're going to wish you had trained just that..."

"Little. Bit. More."





ShadowAmeratsucreators' thoughts