"How the hell?!" Aaron yelled out, failing to understand how and what was going on. "You said you were there for years! How the hell are you here now?!"
Crystet just chuckled in response as he watched Aaron try to figure out what was going on. "Apparently, we get sent to different time periods when we go to these planets, but I'm unsure if it's just luck that we were placed together or if we're supposed to find at least one god, should they be there. It's a confusing thing." Crystet explained as Alec tried to find out how they knew each other." Although, you weren't wrong when you told Ray and me that you were a god. I honestly didn't expect it to be a fact, as it just looked like you were insane."
"I probably was, but now I've improved. I'm no longer the power-hungry maniac you knew from that incident." Aaron reassured Crystet as Memica spoke up once again.
[Hey, Aaron. Not to undermine your point or anything, but you can now get a new Boundless and non-Boundless skill. Let me know when you want to see them.]
"Remember how we told each other that we'd meet in a different life? It's already here. We've met each other once again." Alec pointed out, as Aaron smiled at him. "There's so much that you'll need to tell me, but I can get a new ability now, so I'm going to quickly get those and continue talking to you, as some of these abilities are really cool!" Aaron responded as Crystet looked at him in confusion.
'Alright, Memica, would you mind pulling up the list of abilities I can get?' Aaron asked Memica, who was more than happy to oblige.
[Sure thing! Just let me go grab the list!]
{Loading Ability List...}
{Boundless Corruption (True Potential)}
{Boundless Infinity}
{Absolute Potential}
{Overwhelming Destructive Power}
{The World of Aaron}
{New Skills}
{Boundless Infinity (Status)}
{State of Boundlessness 10-20%}
{Boundless Structuring Enhancement}
{Boundless Celestial Communication}
{Boundless Element}
{Blue, Red, Purple and Curtain}
{Systematic Realisation}
{New Titles}
{Boundless Blessing}
'Holy...how the hell did you get all of these, Memica?' Aaron asked out of confusion as he scrolled through the new abilities. He had the choice between his other skills and these new ones, so he had to make his decision carefully.
Alex and Crystet just looked at Aaron in confusion, wondering what was going on. They just saw Aaron staring forward in deep thought, so they decided to talk to each other. They really only talked about how they interacted on the planet and how they could remedy it.
'System, would you mind pulling up a description of all these new abilities for me? I want to weigh up my options.' Aaron asked Memica, who once again happily obliged. She was curious as to what Aaron would choose.
{Boundless Infinity (Status)}
{A status version of the Boundless Infinity skill. It allows you to inflict this status onto another physical object. Yes, even an apple. An infinite apple. Wonder what that'd do.}
{State of Boundlessness 10-20%}
{An ability that allows you to slowly unlock more of your boundless potential, but it will also make your journeys more difficult, as you'll be locked out of visiting planets with easy enemies. Like a progressive ability, you can unlock higher forms as you go along.
{Boundless Structuring Enhancement}
{This allows you to physically alter any living beings physical structure, properties, resistances, weaknesses, and soul as long as you touch them on their skin, nails, or hair. Any other contact does not count.}
{Boundless Celestial Communication}
{Boundless Celestial Communication}
{This ability allows you to communicate with Celestial Beings, Gods, or even fellow Boundless users. They do not need this skill to receive the communication.}
{Boundless Element}
{Grants access to all of the imaginable elements, and their many ways of utility, such as Adamantine, Plasma, Neutronium, and many others.}
{Blue, Red, Purple and Curtain}
{Blue, Red, Purple and Curtain}
{Blue will throw a ball that pulls items and people together, while Red will fling them away. Purple creates a large shock wave that causes immense damage all around you, and Curtain will create a knockbackless area of violet light which causes spiritual and physical damage.
{Systematic Realisation}
{Grants the ability for the system to create a physical body for itself, although it won't do anything special unless specifically instructed to. It has A.I reflex meaning that it will be precise in its aim and strong with its blow, should violence take your fancy.}
{Allows for the ability to assimilate items into your own body, taking some of its strength for your own while also granting you access to SOME of its skills. Not all of them. Who knows how many abilities some people have? Nobody, because they are ever-growing in number.}
{Granted to User Aaron Stone for returning from the abyss of his insanity and attempting to stop someone else going down that route. Grants a higher persuasive ability.}
{Boundless Blessing}
{Granted to User Aaron Stone by N#### #### for achieving 10% of Boundless Potential. Grants higher success with raising your boundless level.}
'Wow. Just wow. Do I get to choose from all this? This is insane!' Aaron yelled out in his head as Memica chuckled smugly.
[Well? Which one are you going to pick?] Memica asked Aaron, who was trying to decide between these new ones and the ones he was offered previously. He had lots of options in front of him, and he needed to choose the ones that would benefit him the most. Some were definitely stronger than others, and some were already accessible, using his current abilities, so he needed to choose wisely.
After many minutes of deliberation, Aaron had finally come up with his choices. He was curious about one of them, and he knew he had to get the other.
"Alrighty! I choose {Boundless Infinity (Status)} and {State of Boundlessness 10-20%!" Aaron yelled out, the system falling away from his vision. He couldn't see where he was going, nor where his body was, but he immediately became fearful when this message appeared in his eyes.
[Welcome to the Quest for Boundlessness]