
Twenty Five

I lounged around on the couch for a while, scrolling through Instagram reels. Seriously? James Charles got cancelled, again? Why am I not surprised. That makeup is straight fire though. Too bad I'm so naturally beautiful that I don't need any makeup.

I scrolled some more until I saw Yuzuru Hanyu landing an effortless triple axel. My god, this man so delicious. I would love to delve my tongue right in between those plump buttcheeks. He was also a figure skater that I was a huge fan of, not purely because of his looks but also his skill.

The looks were a plus though. The body a huge plus.

After thirsting for a while and losing a good amount of braincells from the constant scrolling, I put my phone down and stared up at the ceiling.

Huh. Cancel culture. Did it ever actually work in real life? Having your name dragged through the mud by everyone on the internet must be pretty intense but what are the actual, real life repercussions?