


Shirley and I arrived at school together again. I hardly slept last night. Shirley's revelation about the whole thing kept me awake. My mind kept reeling back to our conversation. Everything she had told me about him. The truth he hid from me, how he lied to me. It was all too much. Too much for me to comprehend everything at the same time. It was the reason why I was feeling a little sleepy and tired.

/"Did you decide yet? You know that can't delay the decision anymore./" Shirley brought me back from my hazy thoughts. I glanced ahead as we walked.

Currently, we were walking to our first class of the day. It felt surreal that Shirley was walking beside me.

Sighing, I whispered. /"I know./"

Anyway, pondering over Shirley's question, I thought about what I wanted to do. Getting an abortion or just keeping it. It. I don't even know if it is a boy or a girl.