
Six swords

This novel will be about a character who gains power with his friends, Crates a Kingdom survival adventure and overpowered characters

Kaden_Rambo · Realistic
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12 Chs

Worldview has been changed

When I woke up, I saw that Fiona Karama, Jeff were all unconscious with weapons next to them First, I saw the spear next to Karama. Then I saw a katana next to Jeff And a katana next to Fiona With armor sets, and They started to wake up. Fiona was the first wake up and then the other two.

I was like did you guys both have a dream about a God telling you something All three of them quickly snapped their heads towards me, and then the Jeff started dumb His head He said some thing about me being a descendent a meeting stupid Also, my brain itches.

Fiona is next to speak. She said oh God called amateur also.Told her that she's a descendent of her and how the world used to be ruled by God, but they got so powerful and destructive that they decided to seal away their power

Karama said just about the same thing He said, while shaking his head Said Yep, same thing for me too I stood up and I was like all right. Well, it seems like the world's going to be in chaos for a very long time seems that we have a mission.

Jeff said to eat all the Reesie's in the world I looked at him and shook my head like he was a poor creature in a zoo That had problems. I walked over to the couch to go check the news. And what I saw shocked me There was a news reporter, saying the world has gone to Crazy, she said as she was showing a man who was thousands of feet tall stomping on buildings and asking for someone to set up a TV

Carrying around a giant Club Well tanks were firing at him It didn't even seem to bother him though he picked up on the tanks and threw it like an angry child and screamed In a whiny voice I want my TV and I thought moment I know I noticed is just a five year old child

And I was even more shocked And then they charge showing things like nine tailed fox is wreaking havoc in Japan A giant black cat with a third eye in Rome, crushing things. Well, I guy with lightning powers was attacking it. The news reporter turn to a Another shocking scene of a giant storm. I was like Yep the world has gone crazy.

While I was watching it, the others were watching it too, and they were also shocked to see all this craziness happening. I was also hearing crashes, and then I also saw A guy with a hammer whacking around a A big wolf creature in Switzerland And there's also another guy on a throne, proclaiming himself god of the world

I decided to go see what my powers were since I knew this. this crazy world is going to get a little bit more crazy. With even more powerful people equivalent to God, this is going to be one hell of a day I said while leaving the room.

Fiona and Karama followed me out of the room while Jeff was still watching TV First I put on my armor Again the ability of great wind

The ability is to be able to knock away, large amounts of people, buildings trees, and anything on my way.

When I grabbed the bow and arrow, I had instant perfect archery, and I can Shoot an arrow all across the world and hit a target

There is also another ability, divine protection allows me and anyone I want to be protected for as long as I want with And I'm breakable charms, allowing them to take damage at all

And also, I can fire Indra arrow Inability to ask me to fire a giant arrow with a accuracy and penetration damage

Creation is hard, cheer me up!

Kaden_Rambocreators' thoughts