
Ocean Eyes

May 1, 2013       11:47 AM

The sun seemed to smile brightly that day, unlucky for Andrew who hates nothing but hot weather. He sighed grumpily while leaning on his office chair. Their office's air conditioner must be too old at times like this. His eyebrows scrunched up and his face made a scowl as he looked upon the papers piling up on his desk. Being an investigator with a case to solve for his lunch doesn't ease the heat. Andrew groaned dramatically, that 'Phantom' irked his guts away.

"Hey, Andrew, lighten up a little y'know. Don't let the heat get into your head.'" His friend/colleague, Harold told him. Ah, this guy's cool, he looks like a cat in some angles. "Yeah, yeah. I'm trying hard not to blaze up and explode. It's too hot!" Andrew complained. Just then, their Chief, or so he calls, 'Coach' came in. "Got any problems with our ventilation? You can buy a new one if you want." She, Chief Rika Miller said sweetly. Those sweet words were laced with venom that sent chills to Andrew and Harold's spine. This fine brunette is a gorilla inside a cute girl's body.

 "I've got no complaints Coach." Andrew said sheepishly. One wrong move and he'll be dead.

Knowing not to argue with the lady gorilla, Andrew went back to his work and concentrated on it. 'Walton Smith found dead in front of the Sunrise Grand Hotel.' He read. 'On the exact time and date, April 29, 2013, 10:02 AM, the new mall in front of the hotel opened, that means, there's a crowd. 'Andrew thought. 'If the crowd was used for a cover, there's still someone that should have seen the murder. Why did no one saw who attacked Mr. Smith? So, let's say it's a long ranged shot, but how did the Phantom's sign, the crossbones, be tattooed on his neck?' Andrew's thoughts are overflowing and it seems to burst out of him any second. 'Could it be that Phantom has alleys that work for Mr. Smith?' Andrew looked at the paper again. 'His things are all fine except his company ID is missing.' He read again. 'Of all his things, why his ID? What will Phantom do with his ID?'

Sometimes, analyzing data hurts his head. Andrew grunted and mumbled incoherent words.


This Phantom's good, excitement's rushing through his body.


The said guy jolted hearing his name. He's jumpy when disturbed in his concentration.

"What?" Andrew glared at the person who scared the sh*t out of him. "I was calling you a few times now, but you did not comply." Rika said and smiled. Andrew gulped, wrong move.

"Go to the conference room!" the brunette said and marched out of the office. The two guys followed. Upon entering the room, they saw their coworkers very giddy. "What's up?" Harold asked Shawn, another close friend and colleague of his. "I don't know, but they said, we'll be meeting a babe today. Or so what Chief said." It seemed to excite Harold too. Andrew just snickered when he heard the word babe; he thought of a pig and came to realize, it was supposed to be a girl. It was rare to see girls in their office, except citizens that complains and specially, exception of Rika. They don't really consider her as a part of the female population.

The room became noisy as if elementary students were there. "Quiet! Attention all of you!" Jun, the Sergeant and also the rumored boyfriend of Rika stopped all the fuss his colleagues are doing. Now, he has their full attention, good that Rika left first to fetch 'her'. "Don't get too excited you morons! We're not going to meet a chick for our own convenience! As if that lady would do something like that! We're going to meet one of the 'Six Mercenaries', you dumb heads!"

Six Mercenaries, six people who has etched their names in Police history. Though they're not driven by money, they're paid in high amount than the regular that they should receive. Initially because they're one of the bests. They were the police who they say that has no mercy and even criminals and policemen would kneel down on them. Unfortunately, they were suspended in duty because they always 'accidentally' kill the criminal they're assigned to. And so, the six were separated to each district department including theirs.

"Y-you mean those w-who….." Harold can't even complete his sentence; rumors said those people have attitudes. Andrew gulped, why of all departments in their town, one has to go to them!

The conference room opened. "Ju~n! Why did 'ya kill the excitement?" Rika slapped Jun's arm. "It's not exciting at all!" Jun hissed at her. She only gave him a why-is-it-not-exciting look. Jun gaped at her. Like seriously?

"Ok! I'll call her! Wait here."

All of the men inside the room were in horror. They were expecting to see murderous aura, wicked smile or anything that would make her look weird, a scary woman. But then, the door revealed a normal looking lady, perhaps. Porcelain white skin, thin plump lips, long silky blue stripped black hair and innocent blue orbs. All in all, she's a beauty. Everyone except Rika was shocked to see her, her looks were far from what they imagined.

"Hello, good noon. I'm Candace Morgenstern. Nice meeting all of you." She said very politely. Unknowingly, her gaze landed on Andrew. They locked gazes. Andrew was absorbed by her eyes, like he was drowning inside her ocean eyes.

 Candace looked away after some seconds and looked at the other people inside the room. It seems like just by looking into her eyes, she could see the whole you. You really can't tell with that stoic face of hers. "That's all. Go back to your work people." Rika broke the silence inside the room. Everyone groaned but went back to work anyway.

Andrew sat down on his chair and went back to work. He needs to get this done immediately. He reread his data again and remembered about the ID. "Why his ID?" he mumbled.

"Because they use their ID as a key to every door inside their building."

Andrew froze. He did not expect to hear that girl's voice. He looked at her, and again he was mesmerized by those blue jewels of hers.  They held their gazes as if they were the only ones in that room.


"I said they use their ID as keys." Candace repeated herself.

Andrew snapped out of the trance and blinked a few times. He looked at her emotionless face confused. "How did you know about that?" he asked. She pondered about it and said, "I happen to have a case involving them before."

Although he did not quite expect her to tell him that, he muttered "Thanks" to her. She smiled a tiny smile that's almost not visible. "You are always welcome Andrew."

Andrew was baffled. How did she know his name? He did not introduce himself yet! He was about to ask how but she was nowhere to be seen anymore. Andrew shrugged it off and concentrated on his work.

He called Mr. Smith's secretary.

"Yes, yes. I would like to conduct an investigation there. Yes, thank you. Thank you."

"I'll be there. 1:30. Ok. Bye."

He sighed and looked at his watch. It's already 12:15 PM. He needs to eat his lunch before going to the Smith's Corporation. "Jun! I'm going out!" Andrew yelled and went out not even bothering to hear his reply.

May 1, 2013        1:30 PM

"Are you Andrew Deply?" a girl, known as the secretary of Mr. Smith greeted him on the entrance of the building.

"Ah, yes I am." Andrew said. "Please come in Sir." She motioned him to go inside the building. He noticed that Candace was right; they really use their IDs as key.

They went to Mr. Smith's office; the girl swiped her ID and pressed the password. Andrew memorized the code, 2440. It might be put to good use. Upon entering, he immediately searched anything that the Phantom would want. It might be a money vault, files, or illegal things.

He felt the secretary's watching his every move intently. He continued searching as if he did not notice it. He opened Mr. Smith's drawer and found deep within the files there, the ID that the victim 'lost'. He secretly hid it inside his pocket and engaged the secretary in a conversation.

"So, why was Mr. Smith there in the hotel?" he asked, though he already knew the reason. "For a business meeting." She confidently answered. Andrew continued searching. "Does he have anything that you think the reason Phantom killed him?" Andrew asked. The girl seemed to think. "I don't think there is Sir." She said. "Are you sure?" He did not believe what she just told him. "Mr. Smith is a very secluded person, if this case includes his personal life, I believe Sir I can't be of any help. If it's business, I don't think this company has done any wrong. Maybe Phantom wanted money from the company?" she said. The answer was too specific, like it was really prepared to be answered, but she has a point. "Well, thank you for your time. I'll be going now, sorry for the disturbance."

Andrew went back to the office and went straight to see Chief Rika. "Coach! I found something!" he happily waved the ID in front of Rika's face. Seeing the ID, it looked like a vein popped on her head. "It seems that it wasn't stolen! Mr. Smith left his ID in his office." Andrew grinned happily. "IDIOT! DON'T HOLD IT LIKE THAT! YOU DIDN'T EVEN USE GLOVES! THAT'S EVIDENCE MORON!" She shouted at him. Andrew stared at her like she grew another head. "Why?"

Rika face palmed, this guy's purely an idiot! "Harold! Get this done now!" Harold immediately did what he was told with proper things. He doesn't want to anger someone like Rika.

"Why do you even have to test it?" Andrew asked, very annoyed being insulted. "Are you nuts?! What if the Phantom returned it there so it would look like he just killed another random person?! Having that ID, the Phantom can get access anywhere in that building! Besides, Mr. Smith doesn't leave his ID! I told you that! You didn't take that down did you?!" Rika was totally furious. How could this idiot be a detective? "Well, no. I thought it wasn't important." He said scratching the back of his head.


That word echoed in the whole office.