
Six Feet Under (Beomgyu Fanfic)

“It was a simple burglary she said. No one’s even living in there she said.” Meet Amira Lawlett, an eighteen-year-old girl full of mysterious aura to others, yet just an ordinary introvert on Lara Cross’s eyes, her childhood best friend. That’s why she always tries to make her reserved friend experience the extremes, to help her find that elusive happiness despite all that has happened to both of them. Who would’ve thought a silly stunt would turn their lives upside down and there’s no turning back? *Pls. note that Beomgyu’s real life isn’t in any way connected to this story, nor any familiar names or places and events mentioned. Everything written are just pure fan fiction.

Beargyu313 · Others
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17 Chs

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Lara's Pov

"Welcome to my humble abode." I greeted the most handsome man I've ever seen in my life. I don't even care about the fact that he's a criminal, since he's been nothing else but nice to me ever since I met him.

"It looks cozy." He complimented the interior and even though I know he's just being polite, I can't help but feel uplifted because the whole store in the first floor is actually full of antiques that give off a spooky vibe.

"Thank you." I held his hand, covered with a black leather glove and guided him to the wooden staircase beside the upper dirty-white painted wall and lower half real wood wall.

I caught a glimpse of my best friend Ami's shadow peeking atop the balcony so I stopped midway to introduce my special visitor.

"Sis meet Beomgyu. He's the one I was referring to." I expected her to welcome him with an awkward smile at least, not a horrified expression like she had seen a ghost.

I widened my eyes at her and hoped the message came through.

"N-nice to meet you."

"Good morning." He responded right away and offered his hand for a handshake which she straight up refused.

"Sorry, my hands are dirty. I hope you don't mind."

"Not at all."

I mentally sighed and quickly led him to the table before the atmosphere becomes heavy.

"I made these for you." I said and gave him a plate with bacon and eggs on it on Amira's opposite end. I beside and poured him a cup of freshly brewed coffee before slicing the loaf of bread I prepared beforehand.

"Thank you. It looks good." He replied and raised his head after putting a spoonful in his mouth.

He then looked at Amira's spot and we both saw her unwavering stare. More of a glare to me so I tapped her lower leg with my right foot to attract her attention away from him because he looks very uncomfortable with it.

"S-sorry. My brain isn't functioning properly yet."

I had to change the topic the whole time we were eating and excused myself afterwards to prepare while Beomgyu had chosen to wait downstairs by the shop.

I brought Amira in my bedroom to talk about her weird behavior because she has never acted like that in the past and this is by far my most important date.

"I get that you're probably worried for my well-being since I mentioned he's a gang leader but he's totally a nice guy and different from the ones we have seen in the movies." I said after brushing my teeth.

"Men are always nice at first when they wanna trick a girl but haven't they all turned out to be assholes for cheating on you?" She argued and walked back and forth in front of the transparent bathroom door. "This time you're playing with fire."

"I know what I'm doing okay?" I sighed in frustration. "I swear he's such a gentleman. He was the one who put my clothes back on when I stripped in front of him last night. He even got his driver to send me home with a bundle of money for free because he thought I needed it badly."

Amira looked so shocked she was speechless the whole time I was changing into a thigh-length free-flowing white cotton dress. It's slightly transparent so my red strapless lace bra and boy shorts panties is giving the angelic fabric it's naughty side.

"Bring this with you at least." She finally spoke when I was browsing underneath the tall cabinet for the perfect sandals to wear.

"What's that?" I asked without looking. I was still returning one of the four drawers back into place and I don't want to make my date wait even longer.

"It's a pepper spray."

"What?" I chuckled while scanning the personalized weapon on her hand. "He's not the type to harass me even if I asked him to so that's unnecessary."

"Lara, please be careful." She held my hands all of a sudden when I was about to leave the room.

"Don't worry." I tapped her shoulder to assure her everything's fine. "Anyways you don't have to open the shop today. I already paid our debt last night so take a rest while I'm away."

To be continued…