
Six Feet Under (Beomgyu Fanfic)

“It was a simple burglary she said. No one’s even living in there she said.” Meet Amira Lawlett, an eighteen-year-old girl full of mysterious aura to others, yet just an ordinary introvert on Lara Cross’s eyes, her childhood best friend. That’s why she always tries to make her reserved friend experience the extremes, to help her find that elusive happiness despite all that has happened to both of them. Who would’ve thought a silly stunt would turn their lives upside down and there’s no turning back? *Pls. note that Beomgyu’s real life isn’t in any way connected to this story, nor any familiar names or places and events mentioned. Everything written are just pure fan fiction.

Beargyu313 · Others
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17 Chs

Chics before Dics 3


I'm sorry I just edited some parts and scrambled words because it might confuse some readers. I apologize for the inconvenience. The app only accepts edits if the chapter is updated.

Amira's pov


I couldn't take my eyes off of the tall and lean, half naked man in front of me because first, I'm shocked that he's inside the house at the middle of the night when I literally watched him leave earlier.

Next, my anxiety level shoots through the roof whenever he's too close.

And the highlight was some unexplainable force inside him that's attracting my whole being. It could be comparable to some blackhole in the outer space.

The droplets of water coming from his dark, wet hair captivated my eyes to the point I followed them from his prominent Adam's Apple, down to his chest and flat but quite firm belly, till it finally got absorbed by the white, cotton towel covering his v-line and the rest of the veins I see above it.

I don't know how long it took but I managed to pull myself back in track after realizing I've gone as far as staring on the curve in the middle of the thick fabric.

Fortunately, I'm standing in front of an open refrigerator so I can hide the extreme embarrassment painted all over my face due to the heat emanating on it but since he's facing that direction, the smirk playing on his lips is way more noticeable and it's driving me crazy.

"W-what are you doing here?" I asked the same question to hide the fact that my brain is still lagging and refusing to think at the moment.

"I wanted to talk to you but you keep avoiding me so I had to lie to be able to stay for the night." He spoke so clearly but I couldn't comprehend anything he just said.

It was due to him stepping even closer than the meter gap between us, ultimately cornering me between the open fridge and his intoxicating scent.

It doesn't even smell like the soap we frequently use, nor the shampoo and conditioner we share. It's more like some light but very addictive smelling perfume that tickles my senses and making me even thirstier than even before I took a sip of the bottled water.

I swallowed a lump down my throat and looked up straight into his eyes. Masking everything with anger is the only option I have for now, or else I might end up throwing myself on him.

"Yeah, let's talk about last night. How the heck did I end up in my room without any memory of what happened?"

"About that…" his brown eyes moved down to my lips and it's more than enough to cause butterflies to roam ferociously within the boundaries of my stomach, "I had to make you fall asleep."

I frowned at him.

"What did you do to me?"

"Nothing." He casually said but I'm not buying it.

"I don't remember anything after the attack." I sighed in frustration. "That kind of horrible experience is not something I can forget that easily."

"Do you want to forget?" He whispered in deep, sultry voice and leaned forward till our faces are inches apart. His brown pupils appeared darker and wider in diameter in the shadows and his honey skin reflected the yellow light coming from the refrigerator.

Thanks to the chilly air coming from behind, my muscles started aching and my brain began functioning again.

"N-no." I cleared my throat and slide sideways to avoid his lips from brushing against mine. "Since you're too adamant to tell me what really happened, I'm just gonna find out by myself."

"What you don't know can't hurt you."

"Really?" I looked back and focused on the light shining all over his body to block his overflowing sex appeal from messing my own judgement. "Just like how you're hitting on me while my best friend is fast asleep?"

"That's not what I meant."

"Whatever." I took a deep sigh and proceeded towards the staircase. "She thinks highly of you. Please don't disrespect her like this."

I sent him that last one disappointed glance and firmly held the wooden top of thin balusters before climbing up, to support my wobbly legs even though I still haven't fully quenched my thirst yet.

I just needed to go as far away as I can to prevent myself from committing the biggest betrayal of all time.

To be continued…