
Six Eyes of the Uchiha Family

Pinyin: 火影:宇智波家的六眼 Synopsis: One day, a boy with white hair and blue eyes was brought to the Uchiha Clan. His appearance was so different from the other clan members that he was ridiculed as an illegitimate child. His mesmerizing eyes, known as the “Six Eyes,” and his innate Limitless abilities, combined with the Uchiha bloodline, allowed him to quickly rise to become the strongest. A few years later, he led the Uchiha Clan to the pinnacle of Konoha and even the ninja world, revitalizing the Uchiha Clan!

TranslatorFanfict · Anime & Comics
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210 Chs

Night Attack

The excavation proceeded smoothly, and after some time, the prototype of the underground tunnel was revealed.

The entrance was situated behind a gentle slope, large enough to accommodate ten people passing side by side.

It was less than ten meters deep, making it difficult for ordinary ninja to detect it unless they were directly above it or specifically using sensory ninjutsu.

More than 20 earth element ninja worked continuously, achieving high efficiency.

A lot of rock and earth were broken and cleared constantly.

Even so, the several-kilometer-long tunnel was still a massive project.

They worked from dawn until late at night, gradually approaching the Kumogakure camp on the underground highlands.

Outside the camp, several ninja in white vests were patrolling.

They were on the night shift, and it had been more than four hours since they had woken up in the middle of the night, with about half an hour left until their shift ended.

So now was the time they were most drowsy.

A ninja stood and began to nap, while several others yawned.

At this moment, one of the young ninja suddenly stopped patrolling and asked the older ninja next to him, "Rami, do you feel something?"

"Feel something? I feel sleepy." Rami replied with a yawn.

"I don't mean that, I mean really." The young ninja insisted.

Rami still replied casually, "I'm serious too, I'm really sleepy."

"It feels like there's movement under my feet." The young ninja ignored Rami's words and continued expressing his feeling.

"How could that be? Do you think we're facing Iwagakure ninja?" Rami waved his hand dismissively.

He understood the young ninja's concern. He feared the enemy might approach from underground and surprise them.

But digging a tunnel out of the sight of Kumogakure ninja would surely be a massive project.

If Konoha had moved during the day, it would have been discovered long ago. There was no way Konoha could dig a tunnel overnight.

Because no matter how many people came, they would use up their energy and chakra by digging the tunnel, which would be like decapitating themselves to Kumogakure.

However, the young ninja remained stubborn and ran to the camp to find a sensor ninja.

Rami shook his head and did not stop him.

The young ninja quickly brought back a sensor ninja.

It was clear the sensor ninja had just woken up and was very sleepy. He asked reluctantly, "Where's the movement?"

The young ninja pointed to the ground and said, "He said there's movement underground, please show him so he won't be suspicious anymore."

The sensor ninja reluctantly sat cross-legged on the ground, formed a seal with his hands, closed his eyes, and began to exert chakra for sensing.

The ninja, who initially felt impatient, wanted to hurry up and finish the sensing.

But the more he sensed, the more he realized something was wrong, and he mumbled, "It's impossible... It can't be..."

The sensor ninja suddenly opened his eyes, panicked, stood up from the ground, extended his palm, and made a sign of five.

"What's the matter?" Rami sensed something was wrong and asked urgently.

The sensor ninja stuttered, "There are people down there... There are people down there! Five... Five..."

"What's there to be afraid of about five people?" Rami then sighed in relief.

"Fifty people!" The sensor ninja finally finished speaking.

At this moment, with a loud bang, the ground began to shake violently, and then the rocky earth under their feet cracked.

"[Katon: Ryūka no Jutsu]"

A dragon of fire burst through the already fragile ground, and a large hole suddenly appeared in the earth.

Then a yellow-haired ninja appeared first in front of the Kumogakure patrolling ninja.

"Y- Yellow Flash..." Rami was also frightened and stuttered.

Minato threw kunai and cleanly eliminated all the patrolling ninja in front of him.

Shintaro followed and launched another fire attack at the gate wall of the Kumogakure camp, instantly blasting the gate into charred residue.

Then the Konoha ninja, who had been waiting for a long time, rushed out of the ground and charged toward the camp, showcasing their special abilities.

The earth element ninja, who had just been responsible for digging the path, stayed in place, resting and guarding the underground tunnel.

Gaku and Kiromaru used their combined skills again, and two tornado whirlwinds swept through, lifting several Kumogakure camps into the air, and floating in the air with the help of high-speed rotating winds to attack.

Soon, this man and dog duo had wiped out nearly ten Kumogakure ninja. Others also had excellent records. Isamu, skilled with ninja tools, accurately threw several explosive kunai into several Kumogakure ninja camps.

Takuto used his mastered fire element and burned several tents. The Kumogakure ninja, whose clothes were on fire, ran out naked but were killed by him with a few moves.

Including Shintaro, the casualties caused by the Inuzuka Gaku Team alone had already exceeded the casualties caused by Kumogakure's previous night attack on Konoha.

After all, the purposes of both sides were different. Konoha this time was purely for revenge, while Kumogakure was just for capturing a traitor.

Shintaro's Fire Element bombarded everywhere as if at no cost. A large area of the Kumogakure camp instantly turned into scorched earth, rocks collapsed, and the hot stones shot out could cause significant damage.

But in terms of the most magnificent moves, it was definitely Minato.

He once again used [Rasen Senkō Chō Rinbukō Sanshiki], constantly moving between kunai, and combined with the flash bombs dropped, all enemies in front of him were killed.

Minato's yellow hair blurred into a shadow in the air, and the light emitted by the flash bombs was blinding.

After all, there's only a wrong name, never a wrong nickname.

As everyone was killing people in the camp, the commander of Kumogakure, Ai, the son of the Third Raikage, stood up and quickly organized a counterattack.

After all, there were only a dozen Konoha ninja who entered the camp, and there were thousands of Kumogakure ninja in the camp.

The reason it went so smoothly now was mainly because Kumogakure was caught off guard.

Now Kumogakure gradually organized a counterattack, and soon several Konoha ninja couldn't resist and were hit by Lightning Element Ninjutsu. Their whole bodies were scorched black and severely injured.

Seeing this, Minato decisively ordered a retreat. Minato and Shintaro stood in front of everyone to block Kumogakure's counterattack.

However, the Kumogakure ninja surrounded from all directions, and it was difficult for these two to withstand all the Kumogakure ninja.

Soon a Kumogakure ninja passed through and attacked the retreating Konoha force.

Just as everyone in Konoha was in crisis again, a strong figure stood in front of everyone.

It was another Jonin, Akimichi Doto, who was also Minato's teammate.

Doto took out a green pill and swallowed it in one gulp. The aura on his body increased more than three times. Then he turned into a giant five or six meters tall.

Seeing this, Gaku merged with Kiromaru, transforming into a two-headed dog. Then he used a secret technique to turn into a sharp spinning slash that attacked the enemies surrounding Doto.

This gave the Konoha ninja a chance to escape back into the tunnel.

Minato shouted to the rear at this moment, "You two also return and block the way. I'll come from behind."

Doto and Gaku trusted Minato and retreated decisively without hesitation.

Minato turned around and said to Shintaro, "Please hold them off a bit longer."

Shintaro felt no fear or trepidation about staying behind.

"Ah, that's what I want."

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