
Sister, Will You Be Pregnant With My Husband's Child

"Will you sleep with my husband until you are pregnant and give birth to his child?" Elena Wasley was reunited with her twin, Elise. She asked Elena to help conceive a child from her husband, Brian Fernandez. Of course, Elena refused because soon she would marry her lover, Diego Orlando. But all changed because of one unexpected incident. Elena wants to conceive the baby by asking for expensive fees. Make Brian and Elise make a written agreement for an agreement with Elena. On the other hand, Tiara Jackson, Brian's ex-fiance, still expects the man to be her. She was determined to get rid of Elise and the baby in various ways to get Brian. What was the reason Elise asked Elena to have Brian's child? Why did Elena agree to the crazy agreement? How would Diego react if he knew everything? What would Tiara do to get rid of Elise and her baby? Can the baby be born into the world safely? How does this end when love shakes things up? ....sorry, if my English is bad. because I'm not very good at translating into English. but I hope you can still enjoy reading this story. thank you....

MaylisaAzhura · Urban
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221 Chs

8. I beg you

"The joke is unique, Elise. I didn't know if you now have a sense of humor like this." Elena was still laughing while looking at Elise closely. But slowly her laughter died down when there was no reply from Elise and Brian. Her sister continued to put on a serious face.

"I'm not kidding, Elena. I did ask you to help conceive of Brian's child."

"What?!" The first word that came out of Elena's mouth when she realized that all of this was no joke.

"Are you crazy, Elise ?!" Elena shouted. She ignored the shocked and curious gazes of the other visitors at the Bar. Her chest heaved up and down, holding back the sudden anger.

"Elena, you don't know how frustrated I am to get this crazy idea. I don't know what else to do, Elena. I can't get pregnant." Elise's last sentence shook Elena's body. She couldn't believe what Elise said.

"I can't get pregnant. But my husband needs a child. My mother-in-law demands that I get pregnant right away. If I don't get pregnant before six months, I have to choose to divorce Brian or let him marry another girl. And I don't want that to happen." Elise's eyes were already teary. There was only sadness and despair in her eyes. As if to say that she had given up on all this situation.

"I beg you to help me this time. Get in touch with my husband and get pregnant with his child. I beg Elena," asked Elise.

There was a corner of Elena's heart that was sad to hear Elise's request. She even really wanted to calm her anxiety and get rid of the frustration that Elise was showing in her eyes. But she couldn't. Elise's request was too difficult.

"Sorry, Elise. I can't help you."

"I told you, it's a bad idea and impossible Elise." Brian also expressed his opinion and protests to Elise. Until now he still didn't agree with Elise's crazy idea.

"But we have no other choice, Brian." Elise denies and argues with Brian.

"I'm sure there are other ways. We can do artificial insemination."

"And let Mommy know that I couldn't get pregnant. She was sure to kick me out."

"We just need to cover everything from Mommy."

"No, Brian. Artificial insemination is too risky and the chances of success are slim compared to the natural way."

"And you don't think Mommy will find out about this crazy idea."

"Sorry, I never agreed. You can fight at home, I don't want to get involved in your domestic flights." Elena interrupts the husband and wife conversation. She didn't want to get involved.

"Elena, please help me. Only you can help me. You're the only family I have." Elise took Elena's hand again. Firmly gripping the girl's right hand with both hands.

"Sorry Elise. I can help you to do other things. But not to bear the child of your husband." Elena fixed her twin sister's eyes. Elise's eyes filled with tears.

Implied a look of despair that beautiful girl. The look on Elena's heartbreaking face. She couldn't bear to see her twin sister so frustrated like that. However, pregnant with Elise's husband's child, Elena could not.

"Elena?" Elise's eyes were filled with hope.

"I'll give you anything if you want to help me. Just this once. I beg you, Sis." Elise even calls Elena 'big sister' to shake Elena's heart. Things that Elise never said in the past.

Elise and Elena's eyes drifted apart for a long time. It was clear from Elise's eyes how much she hoped Elena would help her. As if Elena is the rope that will save her if the rope is broken she will fall and die.

Slowly Elena's left hand caught Elise's hand that was holding her right hand. And with a look of regret, Elena let go of Elise's hand.

"Sorry Elise." Elena stood up then turned around. When she wanted to take a step, her arms caught. She turned and found Elise's hand holding back.

"Sis, please," asked Elise, still trying to persuade Elena. With a heavy heart, Elena let go of Elise's hand again.

Others must have thought Elena was a cruel girl for leaving a crying Elise. Tears describing how frustrated and helpless a beautiful almost perfect girl like Elise is.

Elena's heart is not rock hard. She is also sad and eager to help Elise out of her troubles. But ahe can't do it. Elise's request was too terrible for her.

Elise wants Elena to bear her husband's child. It's the craziest thing Elena hears after twenty years they haven't seen each other.

Elena can't, she doesn't want to hurt her lover- Diego. The man who fought together with her. The man who proposed and will soon marry her. Plus, Elena didn't want a man named Brian, who was none other than Elise's husband, to touch her.


'I can't get pregnant'

Thinking back to the words that Elise said. Elena didn't expect Elise to say that. Couldn't her sister be pregnant? Really will not be pregnant forever. Elise's sad and frustrated expression flashed back into her memory. It made Elena's forehead frown in pain she felt. She couldn't bear to see Elise put on a face like that. She was eager to help Elise. Even if Elise asked for one kidney, Elena would agree to it.

But this? Having sex with Elise's husband and getting pregnant with the boy's child, Elena certainly couldn't. It's too much to do. She admits that the man named Brian is very handsome but allows a stranger to touch her, Elena can't. She was determined to give up her virginity only for her husband someday. And that is Diego, her lover.

"Sis Elena, the black forest is gone. And there is an order for a birthday cake." Evelyn invited Elena to talk. Says the cake order Elena has to make.

But the girl was silent and did not respond. Evelyn patted Elena's shoulder to revive her.

"Eh? Ah Evelyn, what's wrong?" Elena's body throbbed and turned to face Evelyn beside her.

"Sist Elena daydreaming?" Evelyn frowned. She never saw Elena daydream. This is the first time. And she was sure Elena must have had a problem.