

Ivy stands at the nurses desk in the E.R. as April comes up to her, "So, Edward's just told me the sex of my baby."

She turns to her, "Oh, what is it? Am I getting a niece/goddaughter or a nephew/godson?"

"I didn't want to know!" April freaks out.

"Hey. Stress isn't good for the baby. Now, tell aunt Ivy what you're having," Ivy bounces in place.

"A boy."

She smiles, "Oh, you're gonna have a little mommas boy. Chris and Bailey will have another boy to play with. Come on, are you really that mad?"

April nods, "Yes. I wanted to be surprised! And she told me seconds later."

Ivy laughs, "Shes a rookie at ultrasounds where the person is conscious. Just relax and enjoy your pregnancy. Please."

She sighs, "Fine. I'm having a boy and Luke doesn't know because I lied and didn't tell him."

"You're a joy. Like a big ball of sunshine sometimes. Right now, not feeling it."


"So, no, they don't see the danger in stepping up a stair. You should have stopped him," Ivy hears Owen tell Callie.

As Callie walks out of the room, Ivy walks in, "You know, you don't need to be so hard on her."

He sighs, "Ivy, with all due res-"

Ivy shakes her head, "No. Owen, she couldn't have stopped him. Amelia told me what happened. Callie couldn't have stopped him. Your right, they wouldn't see the risk in taking a step so they won't listen when someone warns them. Lay off her a little."

"She still could have said something."

"And that may have pushed him to try it anyways. Owen, she's doing everything she can but you kicking her down isn't helping. Focus on him and helping him before you go yelling at Callie anymore," Ivy tells him, walking out.


Ivy walks into Pierces O.R.'s observation deck, "Why was I paged?"

Derek looks up at her, "That girls brain could be herniating right now and I could have stopped it if Pierce didn't pull rank. Meredith thinks I'm working against her and to be truthful, I've given her, and you, plenty of reason to believe that. But that is not the case right here. I swear it."

"I talked to her mother. She says that none of you reassured her that her baby will be okay. Just told her the multiple ways things could go wrong," Ivy crosses her arms.

"Wait. You talked to her? Did she ask to meet with a board member or-" Webber asks.

"No. When the E.R. isn't busy and I don't have a lot of patients lined up, I go to the waiting room and try and help the families as much as I can. I check in on surgeries, get them food or coffee, or just be someone to listen to. What I don't understand is why you all as surgeons forgot to reassure the family. You know," Ivy walks over to the speaker and turns it on, "Dr. Grey, Dr. Pierce, Dr. Shepherd, and Dr. Webber, I would like to see you all in conference room 2 after surgery and after you've updated the mother. Am I clear?"

They all nod, "Yes, ma'am."

She sighs, "Good."


Ivy stands at the head of the table as the group of surgeons join her, "Sit. Get comfortable because I'm about about lecture."

They all sit and look at her, "I am not going to be your sister or your friend in this situation. I am Dr. Avery. I don't care for personal feelings right now."

"Dr. Avery-"

"No. You all were so busy arguing amongst yourselves that you forgot to reassure the mother that you are a team of surgeons that can work together. That you are a team of surgeons that will save her daughter. That woman was just told that her daughter had to have surgery on her heart and her brain. She needed you all to reassure her instead of arguing. I don't care about your marriage problems or your awkward family problems right now. I care about that patient and that she is getting your full attention. I'm thinking that some of you can't work together at all anymore. Tell me I'm wrong," she questions.

Derek shakes his head, "We can. Meredith and I can work together."

Maggie nods, "So can Dr. Webber and I. We're sorry that we didn't do that today and promise that it won't happen again."

Ivy looks over each of them, "Good. Now go check on Holly."

Webber and Maggie leave as Derek and Meredith stay at the table, "If you expect me to be some sort of mediator, know that I won't be completely unbiased."

"No. It's not that. How are you feeling? You seem very stressed," Meredith tells her sister in law.

"Really? I couldn't tell. I mean, I have such an easy laid back life. With the hospital that I'm majority shareholder of, the two specialties that I have that are both labor and mentally intense, the twins I'm trying to raise, the husband that's just as stressed as I am, the mother in law that calls me multiple times a day to talk about my kids future, the sister who's living with me and just starting to trust herself again, and finally, the brother that I'm struggling to believe doesn't actually think of me as a burden."

Derek sighs, "Ivy, I told you-"

She argues, "You can tell me until your blue in the face, but actions speak louder than words. Plus, Derek, you were a teenager raising your baby sister. I'm sure there have been plenty of times that you resented me or thought of me as a burden," her pager goes off, "I've got to go."

Jackson meets his wife in the halls, "Edwards just told me something about April's baby. It's bad."


Ivy and Jackson walk into a room where April and Luke are sitting, "Hey, what's going on?"

"We have some news. Not good, nor about us," Ivy says.

"Whats going on?" April grips Luke's hand.

"Edwards saw on your ultrasound something and double checked with Herman and Robbins before Jackson overheard her. He asked that we be the ones to tell you," she tells them, sitting in front of April, Jackson joining her.

Luke nods, "Just say it. Please."

Jackson takes a breath, "Your baby has Osteogenesis Imperfecta. Meaning that your babies bones are very fragile."

Ivy takes over, "Prognosis is-"

"No, no, no!" April yells before running out.

"Prognosis is that it's very likely that your baby will die days or months after birth if carried to full term. Dr. Robbins or Dr. Herman-" Ivy is cut off by Luke standing up.