

"Do I have to? I'm so tired," Ivy whines.

"Yes, Torres might have a surgery for you," April tries bribing the girl.

Ivy is currently laying face down on her bed when Jackson walks in.

He shoots April a look, "Whats going on here?"

"Ivy doesn't want to get out of bed because she's to tired," April catches him up.

"I got this, I'm driving today," Jackson shoves April out of the room.

He sees a discarded pillow on the ground and picks it up. He quietly moves towards Ivy and then starts hitting her with it, "Get up! We have work and I'm not gonna be late because you are tired. Let's go, get dressed or I'm getting Derek."

Ivy sits up and glares at him, "I hate you."

"No you don't. Get dressed, we'll be in the car and we can stop for coffee."


Ivy walks with Jackson, April, and Alex to catch up with Cristina and Meredith.

"What is this, everybody got paged?" Jackson asks.

"Its that time of year again. The chick have hatched," Alex vaguely says.

Ivy sighs, "Is that some sort of code?"

Webber enters with med students behind him, "Those chicks."

Ivy perks up. She loves teaching. She had the best group of interns when she was at Mercy West and was told she was the best teacher there.

"Oh, first year med students. Too dumb to find the toilet," Cristina sighs, Ivy elbowing her.

"Good morning. Behind me stands the interns and residents of tomorrow. Today you will show them what it's like to be a surgeon. When you go into surgery, they go into surgery. When they have a question, you will answer," Webber instructed.

"Its like court-ordered community service."

"I'd rather be picking up trash off the side of the highway."

Lexie starts reading off names, "Fred Wilson, you're with Dr. Yang. Kira Donnelley, with Dr. Grey. Hudson Powell, with Dr. Kepner. Laurel Pinson..."

Jackson and Alex immediately start fighting over her, "Mine." "Mine." "Mine."

"Laurel, you're... with Dr. Karev. Edward Taylor, Dr. Avery. Andrew Morgan with Dr. Shepherd," Ivy smiles in greeting at the man.

She goes forward to greet him, "Hi, Andrew. I'm Dr. Ivy Shepherd. I'm on Dr. Hunt, our head of trauma, service today. So let's head down and you can tell me a little about yourself."

They start towards the pit and go get ready, hearing Webber say, "Be picking my chief resident in a few months and you're still a prime candidate."

"Oh God. This is gonna be an intense day. Lets go, Morgan."

He laughs and speed walks after her.


Andrew, Ivy, Jackson and his med student meet Owen and Callie out in the ambulance bay, "Morning, Dr. Hunt, Dr. Torres."

Ivy smiles at them, "Morning. This is my med student Andrew Morgan."

As the ambulance pulls up, both med students tried staying a good distance away but still in sight of what's happening, "Brady Sullivan, 32. Stable vital signs, complaints of neck and back pains. Possible crush injuries. He was trampled by a horse."

"A horse?" Ivy questions.

"A-a team of horses, like-like three horses, if that helps you at all. Please, please don't let him die on our wedding day," His fiance pleads with them.

They quickly get him into a trauma room with the med students lined up by the walls, "Push 5 of morphine."

"We were going downtown this morning to sign our domestic partnership papers..." the fiance explains.

Ivy checks over the chest, "Theres a lot of bruising here."

"And I had a horse-drawn carriage to pick us up from city hall and-and bagpipers, because Brady is Scottish. And he really likes being Scottish," The fiance continues.

"Okay, I feel tenderness at C-6. Get x-ray in here, stat," Callie calls out.

"Brady, I am so sorry. The bagpipers started up, and they spooked the horses and-and they ran."

Brady gets out, "Over me. They all ran over me, Kyle. Bagpipes?"

Jackson interrupts, "All right, exam shows weakness in lower extremities. I've got diminished reflexes."

"Move, I can't work," Callie moves Jacksons med student right into him, "Dude."

As he apologizes, Ivy warns, "Calm down. Deal with it later."

"I agreed to the tuxes, but horses?" Brady asks.

"It was suppose to be a suprise," Kyle defends, moving forward.

"It was."

Callie informs, "Okay. Yeah. Looks like L-4 and L-5 are affected. Page Shepherd. All right, lets get him ready for C.T. Sir, I need you outta here now."

Kyle denies it, "I want to stay with him. I have a right to stay with him."

"Avery, get him outta here now," Callie says, coldly.

Ivy stops Jackson and turns to Kyle, "Sir, please. The best way to help, is to go to the waiting room. It's best."

Kyle nods and leaves. Ivy turns back to Callie and gives her a questioning look, wondering what's wrong with her today.


Ivy leans against the wall outside of the scan room with Jackson, Meredith and their med students, "Can we, uh, go in and see the scans?"

"Pretty small room. Let's just wait," Jackson pats him on the back.

"Don't worry, Dr. Shepherd will make sure you get a look at the scans," Ivy reassures.

Andrew looks at her, "Dr. Shepherd? Are you two related?

Ivy nods, "Yeah, he's my older brother. Which is why I know he will make sure you all get to see the scans."

Meredith explains what they have seen, "Hes got tandem lesions, a fracture transformation at L-4 and 5, and a unilateral jumped facet at C-5 and 6."