
Field Rotation

While Ivy would love to be at the hospital to see the new interns, she is instead with Catherine, Jackson and their kids as Catherine gets ready for her wedding.

"Jackson. Jackson! This is-uh-you are just making a mess. What are you doing?" Catherine asks her son, who is sitting on the couch with the kids, eating lunch and making a mess.

"Oh, do you want some?" He asks, holding the burger out to his mom.

"Sweetheart, you and the kids don't have to be here. Really, I'm fine. Ivy, dear, you don't even have to be here," Catherine tells them.

Jackson wipes off the twins hands and faces before letting them run straight to Ivy, "I am supporting you. I'm your maid of honor. Ivy said the job of the maid of honor-support the bride. Keep her company. So, I'm supportin. I'm keeping you company with your grandkids and my wife," he takes a bite of his food before adding, "You know, Meredith also said that the maid of honor drives the getaway car if you want to make a run for it. So, you know, you want to make a run for it, I'm standing by. Ready to go. Just give me a holler. Until then, we're up on L.A. by 4."

Catherine smile at her son before looking at Ivy, who is kissing all over her kids faces, "How are you, my dear? With Meredith being back and Derek gone? I know you've been having a little bit of a rough time."

"I'm okay. It hurts, seeing her. Especially since she's starting wearing one of his ferry boat scrub caps and I can't find his other one. I don't know. Let's not talk about this. It's your wedding day!" Ivy steers the conversation away from her and her emotions.

Jackson and Ivys phones buzz as Catherine asks, "Is that Richard? Tell me that he's here tell me he's here, finally. I told him not to go to that hospital today."

"Its not Richard," Jackson says, having been able to read the message first due to not having kids in his hands.

"Whats happened?"


Ivy rushes up to the first ambulance, passing the group already waiting. She's all business. She's Dr. Shepherd-Avery, head of trauma, "What do we got?"

"Mid 60s female with crush injuries. Massive blood loss at the scene. We've done chest compressions for 28 minutes," the paramedic tells her.

April checks the patient quickly before shaking her head at Ivy. She nods and makes her way to the second ambulance, "49 year old male went into v-fib en route. Shocked times three. He had two rounds of epi and vaso," she steps into the rig and looks at the monitors, "There are four more ambulances behind us. Every last one of them got nothing but D.O.A.s."

Meredith and Bailey run out, "Whats going on?"

"Why aren't the ambulances unloading?"

Alex answers, "Because they aren't ambulances. They're freakin hearses. All the patients are dead. What the hell happened out there?"

Everyone goes back into the E.R. This is turning out to be one depressive day.

Happy wedding day, Richard and Catherine.


Ivy walks up to the group, "A tunnel on 99 collapsed during rush hour. The north entrance completely caved in. Trapping nearly 20 vehicles under the rubble."

Amelia asks her sister, "Do we know how many victims?"

She sighs, shaking her head, "They're trying to get people out as fast as they can. But for now, we're just waiting for them to find someone with a pulse."

"How many dead?" April asks.

"13 fatalities so far," Ivy sighs.

"Coming through!" They hear.

Ivy turns, "We got a live one! Clear a path."

Warren is already on top of the patient, doing compressions, "Scott Henry. 17 years old. Penetrating trauma to the abdomen. He arrested as soon as we took him off the rig."

She yells, "Lets get him to trauma one, and page Karev!"

Amelia helps her control everyone, "I know everyone wants to help, but back up. Give them room to work."

Maggie, Ivy, Amelia, Owen, and April form a line, "We got one alive. There could be more."

"I wouldn't get your hopes up," April tells them, walking away.

"There could be more," Ivy says, walking in the other direction.

Wilson tells her, "Three rigs pulling in now with more right behind them. They don't know how many, but they'll bring as much as we can handle."

She nods, turning around, "We've got live ones coming in, people, and we want them to stay that way. We need surgical trays by each trauma bed, and reserve O neg on standby!"

Before running out to meet the rigs, "Theres always a chance. There's always more."


Ivy stands next to Webber as he turns to her, "That was Urban Search and Rescue. They have a victim they can't extract. They need us to send a team."

She immediately moves around the counter, "Whos on the field rotation list?"

"Uh, we've got Pierce, Shepherd, you, and Grey," Webber lists.

"No, Grey hasn't been cleared yet, sir," Bailey stops him.

"Okay, I'll sub in for Grey," Owen tells them, popping in.

Webber argues, "And leave everything going on here? It's a mass casualty. Grey!"

Meredith runs over, "You need me?"

He nods, "We're sending a team on site. You've been cleared. Go get ready."

Ivy runs off behind her to go get ready.


They arrive on site and see a catastrophe. This is going to be bad. A firefighter comes up to them, "You the surgeons from Grey-Sloan?"

"We are. Where's the patient?" Ivy asks.

"This way," he leads them.

"Whats his name?" Meredith looks around.

"Keith. Gardner."

All around them, there's people calling out for help or loved ones.

The fireman tells them, "Cars been crushed by debris. We got his wife out, but..."

They all start, "Oh, my God." "He's in there?" "He's alive?"

"Barely," the move forward to start assessing.